<<@eileenvernor832 says : IQ of 67? Send them to Chicago, Detroit, NY... somewhere they can be comfortable.>> <<@libertylady1952 says : Interesting he mentioned the IQs of the Haitians. Sadly poor nutrition can do that to people. We take so much for granted in this country.>> <<@pudintain9656 says : My housekeeper told me her sisters cousin's hairdressers has a car mechanics who wife's sister said a Haitian had moved into the neighborhood only 3 miles from my house. Should I lock up my pets tonight?>> <<@PaulHryciw says : Really..... Really... This is news... This is what is wrong, with your country.>> <<@gwenwhitesell says : “Trump 24” is not a slogan, it’s an EXPIRATION DATE.>> <<@coffeefish says : What work will they do?>> <<@adrianotero7963 says : Trump is always right !>> <<@TruthSeekerHuman-je5pd says : Investigate the horrible diseases in this m*grant country (I was c*nsored yesterday for writing the diseases in this country). Are these diseases coming to USA?>> <<@NoRmAsJeAnS82 says : Is this the groovy dude who heavy metaled the Nuremberg code?>> <<@davidshuck8830 says : Trending in Springfield are Voodoo store start ups.>> <<@westonmakesdrinks5362 says : Cats lives matter! Trump2024!>> <<@hrbeta says : Fifty years ago I attended a boarding school in Canada, near Toronto. There was a sizeable group of Hong Kongnize students there. My roomate was one of them, the nicest guy you could meet. We got along so well that they invited me to a home in Toronto where they would secretly meet a few times a year, for a dog barbecue, something comonly enjoyed in Hong Kong. I gracefully declined the invite. But I do believe eating “pets” is a real thing and it most likely happening.>> <<@straightnochase7162 says : Caravan of Mexicans are coming>> <<@straightnochase7162 says : The southern border is under attack>> <<@col.cottonhill6655 says : MATT! I haven't seen you for a while man>> <<@dawnbrady684 says : Not everyone with their hand out NEEDs help. Haiti didnt really need the help they got but killary sure did a number on that island (just sayin')>> <<@thespicypimp423 says : What's going on with dude's hair?>> <<@Dontquoteme933 says : Since 2020 I have been saying "they want us pulling carts and eating pets like their Venezuelan comrades" Here we are.>> <<@gsr4535 says : The "good" Christians invite them!>>