<<@ZeeVee-t8g says : As the Emmys were last night but Trump's another assassination attempt, ( the view) of course joy- less behar didn't dare show up, her big hateful spiteful mouth, of course " sick spiteful hateful ana Navarro" had to put in her toxic 2 cents.shocked sunni- less restrained herself.we know loves condemnation too ,they all had a talking to,to tone down rheroric>> <<@grumpygnome9316 says : I believe the great george carlin said "the earth isn't going anywhere we are">> <<@sandyago-12 says : Why is Fox news still providing a platform for the Harris communications Director to spew anti Trump narratives? WHY? Don’t the radical left have an array of networks they can use to push their TDS without needing the help of Fox’s Media Buzz hosted by Howard Kurtz?>> <<@suzanneheritage says : Do you like higher car and home insurance? No? Think about it. If you live in the Fox Entertainment Bubble, you blame it on Biden and Harris. Of course, everything is their fault, even your hangnails. Clear out your Fox mind pollution and think again. Wildfires and extreme weather, could they be caused by climate change and raising my insurance cost?>> <<@user-pm4sk8rh2g says : Trust me they need that. Maybe start TDS lifeline>> <<@arlenemillerjohnson4879 says : The only reason these climate activist are so concerned is because they know deep down that GOD is the one in control of the climate. He is totally disgusted with their nonstop rebellion against Him.>> <<@dons5885 says : The climate will change no matter how much of your money they throw at it, even though they do put a lot of that money in their own pockets. Climate Change is a scheme to make money, not save the planet from changes in climate.>> <<@yuntakukai1002 says : Only Jesus the Messiah changed water into wine>> <<@MrMontbeliard92 says : Ditch Tarlov. Please. Seriously. Enough.>> <<@paulspodsandmarineornament7183 says : Mystery Babylon>> <<@jacobrafaat1516 says : Tough pills for people to swallow. Climate change has more to do with conventional agriculture than oil. We need a regenerative agriculture revolution way before we need 100% green energy. And don’t get me wrong I support green energy I install solar I have a solar system and EVs. But the priority’s are skewed and regenerating our soils will solve a lot more of our pressing issues while also being a huge source of carbon sequestration, water cleaning, and giving people an abundance of nutrient dense food helped to end some of our biggest problems like food insecurity and our current health epidemics that are related to poison/pesticides in the food supply and nutrient deficiencies.>> <<@sandramorning8901 says : Climate change is a religion.>> <<@michaelmoran6405 says : Nobody wants to hear from jessica!>> <<@WilliamFSteiner says : In Canada, we already have a high cleric of Climate Change, Elizabeth May.>> <<@NJPS2023 says : Trump + Laura Loomer + Project 2025!! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!>> <<@scottekoontz says : Gutfeld has an English degree, and works at Fox entertainment. So he's super religious, has no science background, and works for the entertainment industry. What's that about climate change, Gregg?>> <<@greghardy9476 says : Don’t beat down inflation! Lift it up!>> <<@rydenbrook says : Many of the rich complain about climate change as they fly around on their private jets many times a years.>> <<@bosse641 says : It's a hysterical Cult. ....driven by fear. ....led by lies. Pathetic.>> <<@garyulyssesking says : Thunberg is too hateful to have friends, dumb too since she never goes to school.>> <<@cestmoi1262 says : "There's a sucker born every minute" is a phrase associated with PT Barnum. He may have been right then but nowadays its more like every second.>> <<@robertmarmaduke186 says : #75&2 Sad that Canada is about to commit ecönomic süicide with National Carbon Tax, then pour into US as 'climate refugees' _but KamaIa only pays out reparations to ₩omen Minorities!_ Gore has _monetized_ his Carbon Cap & Trade Scheme (legal name). *He's got Doomers marching for moar Wall Street greenwashing profits!* Hey, Greta is a _paid child actress!_ She bought a condo with her media royalties for This Is All Wrong! 💙🙋 😂☔🌀💦>> <<@elninodecobre2294 says : If you are a grown man or woman and believe anything this clown Gutfeld tells you, you are a very pathetic human bean. He is just sad and pathetic>> <<@waterfalls4540 says : Only people that are upset about climate are idiots. There is no climate crisis. It’s all made up by people who want to get money to do what they want to do. They don’t care about you or the climate there’s only one climate is called spring summer fall, and winter that’s it and you can do nothing about it.>> <<@CoToJestYo says : Yes, climate change is important. C.I.A. FBI and AI must monitor situation. November 5th, 2024 will be a very critical climate change event.>> <<@mrleverage2006 says : Here in CA with our multitude of regulations you have to always FOLLOW the money.>> <<@PR-BEACHBOY says : How does someone as creepy as Tarlov keep a job on TV?>> <<@MrMirth1 says : There aren't "concentric circles" if climate collapses, Gutfeld, you dope. I guess it's to hell with your grandchildren, and mine, huh?>> <<@derjoh1986 says : Climate change have been changing since before climate was even recorded! People were blowing this way out of proportion .>> <<@derjoh1986 says : When Dana Perino mention inflation, Jessica replied at the end of her sentence is going down. I'm sorry, but Jessica is so out of touch, it's irritating. 0:49>> <<@rosanneshinkle4133 says : Please remove jessica>> <<@georgecenteno4711 says : CHUMP🤡 24!>> <<@jeffrp8388 says : YT's notice: "Long Term Shift". What is "long term" for a planet that is estimated to be around 4 billion years old? If the planet had an "Ice Age", what caused all that ice to melt? Was it fossil fuels (before they were even discovered - approx. 200 years ago!)? Climate change advocates point to the many scientists who support the claims of man made warming, yet ignore, or even sneer at, scientists who claim that it is a cycle which the planet has experienced before. Sound familiar? During the 1970's, the talk/warnings were about deforestation. When is the last time this has been raised? How many climate activist protests have you seen protesting deforestation?>> <<@blair9890 says : There is no such thing as climate change. The only one that does anything with the climate is got himself.>> <<@vladimirputindreadlockrast812 says : They've invented the new eco-grief industry to prey on the gullible.>> <<@chrisfenner8876 says : They are called the CCC aka Climate Change Clowns !!>> <<@lesspressx says : Jessica, go home!>> <<@milesduggan7345 says : Look , count the brain cells?>> <<@glennmandigo6069 says : So who are the real cultists?>> <<@stevenwendellnelson8861 says : Please worship the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, THE LORD GOD and try not to worry too much about the differences between the different religions and denominations, try to think about the similarities and the things they may have in common more than the differences. Daily prayer is a fundamental part that many people do not practice although it is encouraged 🙏 "CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE, LORD GOD, I beg you to never force me to worship any false god or object and I ask you for forgiveness for my sins and immorality. Thank you for everything. Amen." Please pray this now, pray the words as you read them if you cannot look and remember them 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@chrisrollins6841 says : Jessica is an idiot>> <<@chrisflesser2171 says : The climate has been constantly changing for 4.4 BILLION years. This whole green energy crap is a scam. Also, the 2 biggest polluters on the planet, China and India, have no emission reduction targets placed on them, as they are deemed "developing countries" What a joke.>> <<@smalls120778 says : For pity sake, dump Jessica! Pay attention, The Five rating plummet every time she is on the panel.>> <<@alanferdinandus7820 says : climate chapel crazies Please can you go to China and India and make you convert>> <<@Kyle11011 says : Modern day hippies… 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@Mesaman0825 says : Karl Rove nailed it in his WSJ impressions of the debate: "Mr Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as 'dumb as a rock.' Which raises the question: What does that make him?">> <<@PatriciaMcCuen says : Bye bye no Jessica for me>> <<@frankrizzo5262 says : Maybe Nancy Pelosi can tell us why she “went all in “ with her stock investments into green energy>> <<@HerveMendell says : Hey Gutfield, California is on fire, again. Global warming, really global heating is real, very, very real. It's so serious you can't wrap your head around it. You all are just paid shills, talking heads who just spout an agenda but try to make it hip and funny for your target audience. Sea levels are rising all around the world, ice sheets are melting faster than ever, hurricanes are stronger and more numerous than ever. We are in a phase transition, it's just getting started. You can't wrap your mind around how bad it will get. In less than 100 yrs (a blink of the eye in geological time) 95 o/o of the planet will look like the Sahara desert. How do you feel that you are cheerleaders for the destruction of our beautiful Mother Earth? How do you feel that you are useful idiots for the fossil fuel corporations? And the sad part is that nothing will penetrate your false consciousness, you and your ilk are the ones who are brainwashed.>> <<@USA1962Win says : "THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE" Donald Trump posted on Truth Social yesterday. The reason? "She was beaten badly last night. Every Poll has us WINNING,” Trump wrote Wednesday on Truth Social. Trump is PATHETIC and UNFIT for Office!!>>