<<@infidel202 says : Good bye z>> <<@jmcham1000 says : Zali Steggall is the Australian answer to America's Kamala Harris without the giggle>> <<@chrisdeason4904 says : The tealteam are in the pocket of the WEFer mob..this has always been a country if extremes and lttle has changed in my experience of 50 years ofvobservation..decarbonsising, deindustrialising, deproteinising they want us weak and gone..>> <<@TheGrouch2000 says : I see the hypocritical Steggall is till banging on about the impossibility of Australia's ability to change worldwide weather/climate. It's to the detriment of our economy, the rest of the worlds inflation is falling, ours is stagnating on the back of Labor's ridiculous energy policies. We should be the richest country in the world with a massive competitive advantage. Labor, Greens & Teals have turned us into the dumbest.>> <<@RosaCulhane says : Zalli the reality is we don’t believe all this BS about climate change and the reality is you and your party are a pathetic joke hope no one wasted a vote on you lot>> <<@lesliewatt9344 says : Zali needs to get out in the real world. How much has it cost us so far and what are the results>> <<@pkd6369 says : governed by FOOLS & TRUTHBENDERS>> <<@pkd6369 says : australia is incredibly exposed to teal propoganda!>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Most Australians do not live in regional towns, so the risks associated with climate change are more remote to the majoratory.>> <<@dancinguy99 says : So obvious that even lawyers do not inquire, read up on actual climate science. OR the only other possibility is...many covert undemocratic globalists are under the traitors to democracy and run with U.N. lies from the IPCC lying, fake non science they made up on their fantasy temperature graph. Stupidity many fell for. But here's our reality for and simple mind. IF we do get to net zero, explanations must come to tell us overtaxed suckers on what differences can be proven, as we're but 1.3% of their dreamstime fakery...>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : How incredibly Stupid this woman is as if Mankind can control Planetary Forces Earths natural weather Systems The BOM can’t even forecast the Weather from one day to the Next .. yes Climate Targets are responsible Large scale destruction of Natural Growth Forests Australia’s and the Planets Landmass and Oceans to Build Useless Weather Dependent Systems which are not 24/7 Systems for the Energy Crisis Inflation excessive Government Spending of Renewables Subsides ..At State and Federal Levels all going into the Grubby little hands of Renewables Billionaires Economic Collapse no one wants to Talk about and Labor Greens Teals are all pushing Australians into Oblivion Sri Lanka or Pol Pots Cambodia subsistence existence The Abyss of a 1930's style Depression>> <<@iconsaustraliaproductions4991 says : Labor/Greens-Teals set of collective dreaming out of control inept bungling misfits, wake up Australia, when you get a chance VOTE THEM OUT...>> <<@MrBoranup says : There is no point in enslaving the Australian public to this climate garbage if China, India and the US have no intention beggars belief.>> <<@kevinmoor6408 says : The Senate is full of halfwits, elected due to a corrupted preferential voting system.>> <<@michaelmorgan3421 says : Another independent was of tax payers money, just got no idea>> <<@dagwould says : ROTFL! And we are not even matching the Medieval (Roman, Minoan) warm periods yet. OTOH, if we are, where is the abundant cheap reliable energy we'll need to deal with it? Oh, no, we've trashed that. Instead we've got expensive, unreliable, environmentally destructive energy that lines the pockets of rent-seekers.>> <<@lesnorton837 says : Vote one nation to get rid of this crap.>> <<@tonybloomfield5635 says : *_The Teals -_* The political party you have when you say you don't have a party.>> <<@carlbrowarczyk6378 says : Let’s hope she goes she’s hopeless>> <<@allanhall3749 says : Can't fact check if there are no facts. We'll called out Bridget. Zali is a goose.>> <<@Mass-jab-death-2025 says : Yes I agree Australia is incredibly exposed to the lies of criminal elites.>> <<@geoffgardiner3853 says : My god why give Zali air time.>> <<@scottekoontz says : The modeling is there for the deniers to see, but they deny that models work. So what good would it do to show someone whose paycheck relies on denial of basic science? This Bridget person most likely never passed a science class. Bridget's snarky laugh is a good indicator of a low-IQ individual.>> <<@MrMSBranham says : Incredibly exposed to climate change? What hogwash. Do any of you realize that man's actions account for about 3% of the natural carbon cycle?>> <<@anglosaxonmike8325 says : In the UK, we have just had the lowest night time temperature ever recorded in East Sussex in September, 3C. The next night was 4C.>> <<@rob6543 says : A incredible job 😂 what is this creature on 💊climate change been happening for millions of years>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : Message to Zali ... even if the climate change forecasts of the globe being a couple degrees on average warmer by the end of this century are accurate (yes that is the IPCC 'consensus' so called science) NOTHING Australia does will change that outcome by even 0.0000001 degree.>> <<@glenbutcher3510 says : Unfortunately Zali, climate is world wide not just over Australia. Whatever Australia does re climate change, will have little effect if the big poluters like China don't reduce their emissions.>> <<@russallchin5552 says : Zali is a idiot. How embarrassing is she 😂>> <<@rigger314 says : I personally believe that keeping these scumbag teals in parliment will increase everyones cost of living due to them having no idea on what they are talking about.>> <<@rigger314 says : I am praying that the bloody teals are all shown the door in the next election. I still have no idea what made reasonable people vote for then in the first place. Bring on the election, is all I can say.>> <<@arlenesymes3452 says : Zali GONE!!!>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : Steggall is a disaster. Now she admits she believes in climate change .... hahahaha what a LOSER.>> <<@marytimbrell4197 says : Lies lies lies>> <<@guffawersyd5582 says : Australia's contribution to world carbon emissions is 1%. This lunatic has no idea about what her selfish climate change activism is costing us>> <<@Chrisplumbgas says : Imagine basing and pushing your career on a complete climate change hoax.>> <<@frednerk3477 says : Zali Stegall promoting the climate change scam.>> <<@henrybarker1159 says : Zali what a load of BS>> <<@richardcarey169 says : It's incredibly exposed, alright, but whether or not it climate change is the existential risk she sees is debatable. Unfortunately, debate will be a thing of the past as they ram through new laws........pusillanimity persists>> <<@steveblake6877 says : Vote this clown Steggall out. To say that cost of living is rising because of climate change is idiotic. Complete lies. Complete deceit. Complete cr&p.>> <<@grahamholt4170 says : Kick the Teals and the Greens out of office and keep them them federal and state government>> <<@paulgraham5790 says : They don't call them Gucci Greens for nothing.>> <<@rodgilmour9759 says : Steggall is what you would call a chicken fried dumbass>> <<@ginobiondi2 says : Tell that to China and India and get off our backs.>> <<@margaretbugeja3872 says : Climate change is another excuse for a tax>> <<@margaretbugeja3872 says : She’s a twit>> <<@leewright7623 says : 😂😂😂😂 Zali is now a non bias geologist is she? Even if the climate is warming, bigger yields mean cheaper food.>> <<@IHG-ou8kd says : The day God created the earth, we have had climate change, for us Christians anyway, we will continue to have climate change, it is normal It is a pathetic grab of money, signing accords, pledging billions, will make no difference, when other nations are still blowing so much smoke and crap into the air, and apparently the emissions needed to produce batteries for EV is high as well Relax ppl, the sky isn't falling, yet anyway>> <<@GraemeCrawley-u8h says : We are governed by crazies..people continue electing them...>> <<@ironmaidens6663 says : The climate has always changed and only realistic option for reducing emissions is nuclear.>>