<<@Stanley-y6p says : What do you all expect From BILL & HILLERY, WINFREY & O BUMMER& NOW KACK- A LA.>> <<@hfinn5706 says : Tulsi knows Trump isn’t a leader. She just wants a cabinet post. Trump is the only person I know that has never said he made a mistake or could have done something better. Or taking responsibility for anything. I bet he blames others for his many bankruptcies. Never, Never has he taken responsibility. He creates hatred then blames others. Terrible example for our children. Either way he’s not a leader. Leaders don’t whine and blame. Anyone in the military or in leadership knows that good leaders LEAD. They don’t do it negatively, with fear and push the blame to others. But Psychopaths do. 😮😮❤❤. Jesus was and is a great LEADER. 💕>> <<@colleenarmbruster7873 says : Tulsi is a rock star. When I first saw her I said to myself she is too smart and too beautiful to be a Democrat. I was right. Thank God that we have her on our side!❤❤❤>> <<@Newcenturion100 says : The cackled Harris is a danger to our country. Now I'm on a list. Lol.>> <<@JosephHenry-q9b says : I ask all those on this chat to watch the movie "?ill the Messenger" because it is a true story that shows what powers that be can do to silence anyone. It will make you think again about all the trials. Do not succumb to group think. Ask questions and listen carefully. Tulsi Gabbard on a travel terr----- watch list? Secret Service protection denied for RFK Jr.? Really?>> <<@tomtrue1562 says : Power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely!>> <<@Kathleen1212 says : Thank you Tulsi!!!>> <<@dikjones-tb2xy says : Many democrats are supporting Trump we know he is best for America ...>> <<@KennethLDocReeferKirk says : Trump promised to engage in "lawfare" so I see this entire piece as mere projection. Don't engage in insurrection and you won't be investigated by the DOJ. That much should be obvious. Plus the US economy is the strongest in the world under Biden whereas Trump blew it with covid and killed the economy. Tulsi Gabbard is a true disappointment. She's a deluded sell out. Stupid, lying, evil, traitorous loser crap, yet again. I'm enjoying the Harris win so much.>> <<@Grandmaster_1776 says : Republicans don’t care about so called “law fare” when the government uses it to silent the average American in the name of national security. Also, Tulsi wasn’t put on any list>> <<@jccarriere3719 says : Yes, Trump said he will be a dictator on day 1.>> <<@dmitritestacough8551 says : Tulsi and Larry- Laura are ineffective and a waste of money.>> <<@dmitritestacough8551 says : Great job prepping Trump for the debate Tulsi 😂>> <<@mai98938 says : She's definitely right about the..the cover ups about the laptop from hell during 2020 lies the Russian disinformation lies.fake news networks protected Biden and now Harris lies..fakeness galore and can't believe people actually still can't see it all>> <<@DiamondShade-h4p says : Listen to our heroes and brave women when comes to great America. Tulsi 🇺🇸☝️✊>> <<@lynnrivell6600 says : Exactly>> <<@zackrick1643 says : Tulsi gonna be our first 👩 president.>> <<@bobbalcom2658 says : DOJ isn't political Holy balls what a lie.>> <<@kathyhembree152 says : Such truth in this interview>> <<@razz-8031 says : Will the Democrats not be satisfied unless they can legalize slavery again ? Absolutely no disrespect intended.>> <<@easyyog1185 says : nice if Standards. Accountability. Professionalism and Basic Civic Decency were the norm. For years lawfare. censorship. raid. Churches, Parents labelled. Using Independence Hall to insult Fellow Americans. -don’t know who is talking to.>> <<@sunnycriti9809 says : Major Embarrassment: NATO Nation Yells At Biden’s Top Aide, ‘Don’t Want War With Putin’. the polish people show Democrat warmonger Blinken the door>> <<@clydejones7041 says : Well if Trump wasn't a scumbag you'd have something to say....where you going to be during the rigged election riots ....sorry b*tch>> <<@georgecenteno4711 says : 🐔 TRUMP 24! 🐔>> <<@the_crusty_ledge says : FakeNews Fox spreading more propaganda. . what a joke of a "news" organization. Having people like her on , just spreading BS is ridiculous. Ingraham is horrible enough, but to have Gabbard on speaking is showing your hand, propaganda all day long. Sad, Fox used to be a decent news channel. . . not anymore.>> <<@gua01chapin says : I’m a republican, but I never seen so much stupidity in politics. I’m so done with this MAGA crap. WE MOST TAKE OUR REPUBLICAN PARTY BACK. Dumb Trump has destroyed our party.>> <<@cindyjohnson1975 says : Thank you for your VOICE ❤️🤍💙🤟🇺🇲>> <<@Beauxtrux says : Tulsi who? Still irrelevant in 2024!>> <<@sennmoe5 says : Trump lost 🤣>> <<@vongquanhthegioi2496 says : Liar garland will be Unemployed 2025, and he will has to go Courts every days.>> <<@mikemilana5329 says : Tulsi helped president Trump with Kam the truth about the debate has sunken in and everyone sees that Kamala Harris is a lier>> <<@adamplona9438 says : Bush Sr. was head of CIA... did he use his power and connections to influence things?? We will never know. But, if it worked before... just do it again.... is this just one of the democrats plays in their playbook?>> <<@MitchellWilson-y1m says : The Democrats are following Hitlers power play book right down to the court system and censorship and propaganda 😮>> <<@adamplona9438 says : good stuff :)>> <<@bigmike1974 says : the orange coated in her mouth is showing......😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@tinabattle718 says : Biden Harris regime must be prosecuted for treason for illegal alien invasion, unconstitutional student loan forgiveness, and weaponized government AND BIDEN FAMILY CRIMES!>> <<@Penkila says : A centre Democrat, A centre Republican. Maybe Tulsi for first female president, 28’ 32’ ?>> <<@TheEvilistic says : Remember when Tulsi supported Bernie Sanders? I do>> <<@martymiller9802 says : And people don’t see it.>> <<@elninodecobre2294 says : Maga= the party of Russia>> <<@Mrs.Deanna_Ember says : She is spot on 🙏 Moms for Trump/Vance 🇺🇸 MAGA ❤>> <<@sandywilliams7340 says : LOVE TULSI XXXX>> <<@leedex says : It’s crazy. That 50% of Americans are as brainwashed as Chinese and Russians. Thinking their elected politicians are promoting Democracy 😂 There is a reason why Trump, Elon, RFK and Tulsi left The Democrats.>> <<@AndreaDoesYoga says : "An eye-opening view, thank you Tulsi.">> <<@arthurjensen5786 says : Kamila you and your party are fired>> <<@ProfessorSkottey says : I don't think these two could be more pathetic if they tried.>> <<@ProfessorSkottey says : It's adorable how insecure these Orwellian opportunists are.>> <<@ProfessorSkottey says : It's hard not to laugh at either of these clowns.>> <<@michael4250 says : Thank you Fox...for making our racist, sexist, hate speech, that was all but forbidden in public life just a decade ago, now available to all racist, sexist haters. Could not have done it without you!>> <<@focaseal3676 says : Tulsi talked garbage, she helped Trump in the debate, and as a result, he lost.>>