<<@happyman9113 says : Kamala kept changing her accent !!! Come on 😂>> <<@Gregpriestley-q4e says : ABC 🇺🇸 If you can’t play straight you shouldn’t be in the game>> <<@rose-rs5ul says : This guy needs to open his eye. Everyone noticed that David and his sidekick were for Harris and were against Trump>> <<@BicMann says : Harris had a hidden illegal ear phone>> <<@alrad5149 says : I wish trump would talk more about what his plans are when he becomes president.>> <<@alrad5149 says : I wish trump would talk more about what his plans are when he becomes president.>> <<@alrad5149 says : ABC cheated and gave Kamala the questions before the debate. Plus the fact checked Trump and were wrong. They didn't fact check Kamala and she lied about everything.>> <<@Fugubro754 says : Abc is 🗑️>> <<@conradpfalzgraf says : ABC/DISNEY SHOULD HAVE THEIR FCC LICENSES PULLED. And D. Muir should be banned!>> <<@nickanderson8938 says : Why interview a proven liar?>> <<@jamesfontes9292 says : It's too late for mainstream media. The people are wise. They have zero credibility>> <<@peggychamberlain9515 says : Harris lies non stop, she lies as much as Biden!!!>> <<@robinbatman7405 says : Harris a Fake performative liar, rehearsed, scripted, Not capable of Answering a Question: being potty trained live on air by ABC Activists Hacks, truly a pathetic, infantile stitch up!!!>> <<@jeads21 says : The only way President Trump should accept another Debate is if the rules stay the same and he gets to pick the News agency that will host the debate. The republicans need to stop caving to every whim of the democrats for fear of being labeled as mean.>> <<@serviustullus7204 says : 16 noble laureates from Wharton. Name 4 of them, please. That was a bold lie, no fact check there !>> <<@serviustullus7204 says : Harris had duper’s delight on her face. 16 Noble Laureates from Wharton. Lock Harris up for her criminal conduct as an illegal immigrant. Deport her.>> <<@gezrod says : ABC NEWS committed election interference.>> <<@michaelvalos8376 says : Chicken chicken>> <<@michaelvalos8376 says : Trump chicken .... squark squark... coward supported by billionaires who want tax cuts from middle class....>> <<@barrypour9318 says : I believe she was wearing an ear piece! Also when she says " let's turn the page* she's actually saying let's turn into " Marxism" like she has been flip flopping on ALL the issues!>> <<@garryetchells5501 says : Who cares what Trump says. He is going to jail>> <<@keithwolfe1942 says : Muir should not be s journalist as he has no integrity. Muir also lied with false fact checks.>> <<@smacksmack5976 says : Let’s see if pen will testify>> <<@WutangBajiMan says : DONALD TRUMP exposed stupid ragdoll Kamala Harris, PUT UP OR SHUT UP!! GO TO THE WHITE HOUSE AND CLOSE THE BORDER RIGHT NOW!! SHOW AMERICANS THE MONEY, LEAVE THIS DEBATE AND SHOW US HOW PRESIDENTIAL YOUREALLY ARE, TRUMP CHALLENGED TO END THE DEBATE AND GO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!! KAMALA IS " LIP SERVICE ONLY!! TRUMP SPEAKS OF VERY OFTEN, ABOUT CORPORATE LOBBIES, THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, Trump in spite of this evil snake pit that spied on him as a sitting President, President Obama for instance, was one of the worst abuser of this system, HE SET UP DONALD TRUMP TO FAIL, INSTEAD OF GUIDANCE ON THE RIGHT PATH DURING THE " TRANSFER OF POWER" AND HAD THAT DEEP STATE SPYING ON TRUMPS CAMPAIGN!! I loved all Donald Trump's accomplishments he was able to make, IN SPITE OF ALL THE OPTICLES THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY PUT HIM THROUGH, accusations he was a " "Russian Asset" They Spied on him while in office, they investigated Cash Patel, his closest staff instead of the scheming Democrats interfering in his daily Presidential Business, his Honesty & Integrity under those conditions, his cool manner & temperament as the " Deep State" tormented the President & his entire family, Twice, attempted to impeach him. THEY NEVER LIFTED A HAND TO HELP HIS PRESIDENCY, FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND THEIR OWN CONSTITUTES. IT goes on and on WHAT THE FBI, CIA, DOJ AND ALLOWED TO BE FACILITATED " AGAINST A SITTING PRESIDENT THEY ALL WERE "SERVING" - AMERICA'S COMMANDER AND CHEIF, THAT BETRAYAL SHOULD HAVE GOTTON THESE PEOPLE, JAILED, AND TRIED FOR TREASONOUS ACTS AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLES GOVERNMENT!! These were by no means small, personal betrayals. We are a Republic of LAWS, THAT WERE IN PLAIN VIEW, THE MEDIA SYNDICATIONS CLOSED THEIR EYES & EARS ABOUT IT, AND JOINED THE "TAKE DOWN" OF THE BEST PRESIDENT THIS COUNTRY HAS SEEN OR EXPERIENCED IN HISTORY, LIKE HIM OR NOT, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE FROM THE RADICAL MARXIST METHODOLOGY THE " DEEP STATE OF WASHINGTON IS TRYING TO RULE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WITH, IT'S NO THEORY.>> <<@markdelacruz1322 says : Kamala passed on the Fox news debate, and accepted on the ABC debate. Coincidence? I don't think so.>> <<@Павел-ь2ш2с says : The shadow government of the United States, the director, removed the white clown Biden - Pierrot, replacing him with Columbine-Harris. The red-haired clown Trump is a harlequin. Circus tent, elections in America!😊😊😊😊>> <<@LaurenceDauplay says : I destested that theatrical behavior from Harris she seems very sure of herself though>> <<@lennarthallberg9918 says : That ABC's whole "debate" was more than clearly manipulated and controlled by deceptive and dishonest means to favor Kamala Harris and to harm Trump. There are no doubts in my mind about the obvious fact that the whole phony "debate" was a set up and that it was built solely around Kamala Harris and according to her needs and requests in corrupt collusion between ABC`s team and Kamala Harris`s campaign team. All ABC`s questions were designed to help Kamala Harris and to harm Trump. ABC`s biased "moderators" acted as Team Harris`s members instead of acting as real moderators. Kamala Harris`s answers were designed in a way that they must have been pre-prepared together with ABC`s team and their phony "moderators". All Kamala Harris`s answers were just a collection of pre-prepared political slogans. Not something that would get accepted as answers in a real debate by any real moderators. Kamala Harris`s main argument was that she has a "plan". But she did not say what her "plan" is. She only talked about dreams and aspirations and other abstract ideas in connection to her mysterious "plan". Her answers were totally detached from reality. That did not bother ABC`s "moderators" one bit. Just the opposite. They continued to pressure Trump as if Kamala Harris had just given them detailed answers about her "plan". That whole phony debate was more than clearly ABC`s staged and biased hoax to make Kamala Harris look better than she actually is and to harm Trump. It was not even close to a real debate. Trump wiped the floor with Kamala Harris anyway in my opinion, especially with his strong and decisive closing statement. The fact that Kamala Harris and her team cheated in corrupt collusion with ABC and their team and used their biased moderators during the "debate" proves that Kamala Harris was too scared to face Trump without having the possibility of cheating. Kamala Harris is nothing but an incompetent and dishonest cheat in my opinion. People like that should not even get inside the White House as visitors, let alone lead the country from the White House.>> <<@saintbees2088 says : "As you know, the fbi says crime is going down." Are you calling trump a liar?>> <<@trevjones864 says : Who in their right mind would debate a consistent liar. It's ridiculous that anyone thinks Harris won anything in the debate. Or do they think she won the lying and posturing contest? There should be a follow-up show to the debate, where each candidate's answers are fact-checked and the candidates asked to reply to each lying statement. Now that's journalism for you, as opposed to the quiz show they handed the public.>> <<@parisnelson2053 says : Trump lost. He lies and is a disgrace to the US and the military. He is racist, sexist and a narcist.>> <<@eddybukayo7784 says : NewsMaxx should host the next Debate,,,>> <<@MariaHopwood says : America is becoming a bear with no teeth That is what happens when you vote for people according to their colour>> <<@valeriecarland5483 says : Lies, lies, lies by the moderators, as the car making business will be in a blood bath .>> <<@tomduckett9161 says : I'd like to say this & wonder what the world would be if we could somehow make the thought perpetuate... If people would act with constant awareness of Intent & accountability. Even more having Integrity; If we could wrap our heads around that & give it maybe a generation of patients, hopefully we as a whole could be better people, nation & civilization... May I suggest the movie "Kymatica & Thrive- What on earth will it take" on YouTube. Please be patient as they explain a lot of what's going on. If you've taken the time to read this, I care enough for you to be informed. I find it strange that my post on some sites were removed... Please don't short change yourselves.>> <<@leeyoung4283 says : so sick of the abusive harris she's slimy she's an actress she either spewing hate and lies or being dramatic if she gets in the world will go into world war 3 we will have mutilated children lives ruined the country will be over run as will all countries the world needs Trump>> <<@g.s.8588 says : Kamala was wearing an earpiece as a prompter…according to the manufacturer. They also admitted that Hillary and Obama wore them for their debates. An ABC employee whistle blower also leaked that the questions were given to Kamala. ABC executive COO is her best friend.>> <<@4312caviar says : Boycott DISNEY & ABC 👺>> <<@insideouttarot9960 says : It's true the eat they flesh of cats, dogs and use the blood and bones for voodoo which is part of there culture, do your job instead of just commenting do your research, might just get people to respect the media once again!>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : The last debate was highly biased and compromised.>> <<@Codydoggy says : Not a debate, just a rehash of the same old lies from Democrats>> <<@johnmurray8267 says : Trump must listen to Bill O’Riley on how to progress his campaign or he will lose.>> <<@openheaven1264 says : Her facial expressions false and fake....just plain weird 😂>> <<@ericgergen3868 says : Yeah nothing new about media bias America’s been saying it for well over a a year or 2 now>> <<@nadie2795 says : The truth is insignificant to a diehard 'identity politics' Dementia-Crat. If Kamala was caught eating a dog (like obama did) they'd still vote for her *A passage from Obama’s book Dreams From My Father, reveals that as a child growing up in Indonesia, young Barack Obama ate dog meat. “Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth,” writes the DC.>> <<@kukuipupule4415 says : No cackle salad. Fake😅>> <<@MarleneKerr-p6x says : TRUMP HAS SAID HE WOULD LIKE ANOTHER SIT DOWN INTERVIEW ON AIR WITH ELON MUSK AND MILLIONS WATCHED THE LAST ONE AND HE CAN COMFORTABLY EXPLAIN HIS NEW POLICIES NO TAX ON OVERTIME AND FREE IVF NON REPUBLICANS NEED TO HEAR THESE THINGS AND CORRECT THE BIG LIE SHE SAID TRUMP IS ONLY FOR THE RICH THATS A BIG LIE ALSO SHE TRIED TO SAY TRUMP IS RACIST AND THATS ANOTHER BIG LIE HE NEEDS ALL HIS POLICIES ON A LIST AND ADVERTISED FOR NON REPUBLICANS TO SEE BECAUSE THEY ALL WONT FOLLOW HIS RALLYS VOTE TRUMP ❤❤❤>> <<@dianamoody7251 says : If her mouth was open, she’s lying. All she had to do was answer the question. At least she didn’t cackle.>> <<@patrickdoolan4553 says : Disturbing because getting the right person as president in the United States is important for the world as a hole. Their is too many dictators and the world needs a leader that really believes in freedom for all. Get out of our lives.>> <<@richardfox6595 says : If debates are part of the campaign, they shouldn't be run by blatantly partisan hacks.>>