<<@stevem6393 says : Ukraine's spirit shines brightly, illuminating the path to justice and freedom.>> <<@erictiu2613 says : UN human rights watch and Amnesty International, whats your reaction?.? Why silence>> <<@srinivas4153 says : the prophet is defended by undesirable force and by the edge of the sword. definitely can not be done with real love and respect.>> <<@eteng64 says : WHAT A DISGUSTING UNEDUCATED AND UNCIVILIZED SOCIETY ‼️ NO WONDER THAT COUNTRY IS ONE OF THE WORST IN THE WORLD AND THEIR CITIZENS WORKING ABROAD ESPECIALLY IN UAE AND SAUDI ARABIA ARE CONSIDER TO BE ONE OF THE UNDESIRABLE MIGRANT WORKERS BECAUSE OF THEIR MENTALITY FROM THEIR COUNTRY ‼️>> <<@tariqsheikh5945 says : That's why it's a backward country in the dark ages>> <<@cvum000 says : There is a mental state and then there is paxitan state.>> <<@realnapster1522 says : Failed terror state of Pakistan.>> <<@muruganr4517 says : these muslims have no work>> <<@chandrankarppaya4940 says : May, be simply charged for victim.>> <<@ShotgunMessiah says : If they were to do that here he would be dead police or not>> <<@manic_ikigai says : People really be so unemployed>> <<@ATOLION-b8e says : Blaspheme is punishable by death In islamic countries don't live there if you have a kink for disrespecting others>> <<@Ibrahim-1707 says : blasphemy shouldnt have place anywhere in the world>>