<<@Lukefoley22112 says : Got a clear test spot in the Caribbean island>> <<@markdemasseur says : Us has nuclear. It is a greater danger. Children in the withe house with dangerous weapons. Logic you want to protect yourself against this.>> <<@anthonypiewtaofuu8411 says : No US No War'!!>> <<@-1Patroit. says : It’s not a secret anymore🤯>> <<@tanpengjoo7205 says : Why care about what NK doing their uranium, definitely he will not use it. Just to self defense. If a hornet nest are not stir definitely those bees will not flying around stinging eveyone.>> <<@patla7097 says : Little rocket man>> <<@Rax-x6p says : Why would Kim do this before the election and for no real apparent reason… oh, because Putin told him to. Who can deal with such a man like Kim? Trump! Wake up people. Russia wants Trump in power. Don’t let it happen.>> <<@sirajhassan1746 says : Why can't chinese and russian have deplometic relations to whome they wish.>> <<@KmgdsHfafjp says : Garcia Michael Miller Eric Taylor Eric>> <<@tlotlisomofokeng1891 says : How rich that an American analyst is trying to delegitimise North Korea by saying most of the world is against what North Korea is doing at the same time his government is aiding a genocide of which most of the world is against. So the USA and Israel are in the same boat as North Korea?>> <<@patgervasio7044 says : The only result of the little boy rattling his sword is that nato will park another nuclear submarine 10 miles off shore from his house. So he accomplished nothing.>> <<@gladysmackenzie9889 says : Perez Sarah Martinez Charles Wilson Barbara>> <<@a.zulfiqar9295 says : american and west are hypocrates ,,, stop lying>> <<@KatteDave-e6g says : Davis Michelle Young Brian Rodriguez Patricia>> <<@notruthinthisworld.8414 says : Most countries . Please name 50 countries tbat object to NK's regime or Nucs. I bet this guy is still remenesing about that covid call>> <<@Marcelocostache says : This American expert has no idea what his talking about Trump did not dropped the ball he managed to open a dialog no American president did that in 65 years, aren’t you people ashamed of distorting history and reality?!.>> <<@lugapastrymusic says : 😂😂😂 south korea is a joke and a puppet state>> <<@Ms-nh9ei says : Hahaha what is legal or legally mean these days.>> <<@greatsol2444 says : Where’s the crowd that constantly complains of Iran’s/Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction” programs???>> <<@rahimamin4967 says : So many professionals, so many smart People, so many big mouths!!! But the world order is a mass, why!!?? Any answers??>> <<@Amen6magi says : Look like iran give some of them to north korea>> <<@ayandahlangadala3376 says : If you not in good terms with your neighbor, you be very worried about your neighbor's actives>> <<@SugaraySugaray says : What is provocation? Cause minding your own business is not provocation.>> <<@englishtito7710 says : North Korea is doing all this because of Goliath going around and abuse power 😂😂😂😂>> <<@sadikabubakar7204 says : Very good 💯💯💯>> <<@Yk-if3ev says : Hello? This is not new. President Putin already told the world years ago that North Korea has a nuclear weapon. Duh.>> <<@bno5357 says : No one will win in the war , but I hope that we all should die in peace.>> <<@mrinteldaplug7512 says : Provocation is thrown all over>> <<@UltimateTruthChannel says : North Korea does not give shit whether anyone else recognises them as a nuclear State or not. When shit hits the fan, they are just going to press that button and that is all that matters.>> <<@marcobenard9292 says : Dictators only understand one language, that is "STRENGTH " U.S.A should allow South Korea to have nuclear weapons of her own for deterrence! Otherwise they are just wasting their time to try diplomacy on dictators like Kim.>> <<@terrencelewis9044 says : They can have whatever weapons they want.>> <<@sharavivbanyamyanyasharala3361 says : Most of the word,that's a lie>> <<@azisdimacuta1446 says : sure the help of Russia and china north Korea how made nuclear..because of sanctions..>> <<@defoemagana2305 says : Mind your own business!!!>> <<@adrianmuresan7757 says : Are you so stupid. The smart collective west keep taunting the fools that have the nuclear button. What they don`t realize is that is mutual assured distruction. Does not matter who is shooting first. I am amazed how these fools keep provoking . Like i dare use use it use it. All their stocks and shit money paper money their banks will mean nothing if some nuclear conflict starts. It does not matter who will start it. But hey they try to look smart.>> <<@Flyinglotus-sss says : No running kids in the background now.....same guy or not 😮>> <<@princenana4390 says : No one can dictate to others>> <<@barrynzeyimana6270 says : Verifying someone who is not allowed to verify you>> <<@ashlycone7155 says : USA is the biggest syndicate of wars in the world and liars>> <<@danielyemane4355 says : CNN>> <<@user-jf7is4fk2v says : sasa amerika alitaka kim jong u asimiliki nuklia huyo si wakumchezea>> <<@patrickdayton2080 says : North Korea does not care and they are surviving on their own and they careless about what you think and say about it>> <<@ibraplanetlife07 says : American is also doing illegal attitude in Gaza and support Ukraine against Russia and support regime change in Africa continent and Latin America .>> <<@johnone6159 says : Why shouldn’t Korea have them when other countries have them? Self determination.>> <<@Danielsonkickedurface says : Pay attention to meeeeesse! - Kim Jung little boy.>> <<@maitreyajambhulkar says : Now sell it to Iran. India will help in all mediation.>> <<@sanjaysanj6688 says : He is literally saying , don't ignore me 😆👍🤣>> <<@JoshyMOG says : It's sad North Korea could be handled with Russia on the side of the West, but the West forced Russia into a military alliance with NK, which complicates matters. If US attacks NK, Russia comes in. The odds aren't good.>> <<@alreid3068 says : Why do we have neighbours who always into your business when sometimes it doesn't concern us it's seems even if person live in the darkest of hole it becomes a issue .when is this world will become calm and stop putting people problems on their forehead and live in peace?>> <<@robertrantz5591 says : Poor little Kim starving people and killing his people for silly reasons. Little Kim needs to grow up😂😂😂😂😂>>