<<@superstar64 says : So what's stronger, a tank or a train? Haven't figured that one out yet>> <<@rickyroan3419 says : I hope this tank carries valid CAR INSURANCE ?>> <<@Kenneth-s6q says : Why didn't the train stop>> <<@christonefeltzs5149 says : NOPE! TRAIN ONLY HIT THE FRONT TIP OF THE TANK, TANK STILL LOOKS SOLID.. JUST NEED A CAN OF FLEXSEAL>> <<@skeltek7487 says : No information about what actually caused this...>> <<@Festusonwudiwe-xl4ur says : This is hard to believe>> <<@andrewbrenner7120 says : How does this happen? Driver should know this should be anticipation to get off the track..>> <<@AE-ol2et says : Hahaha 🤣😂 😁>> <<@hehe121-j2x says : there should be a gate and gate keeper on your country>> <<@captainmavis7142 says : Militaries budget is big>>