<<@MelissaTurberville-p3o says : Moore Eric Anderson Kimberly White Patricia>> <<@ClintonHubbard-y8v says : Walker Larry Jackson Laura Moore Edward>> <<@PavolFilek says : Stupid ZZGoogleZZ bots.>> <<@michelwong1 says : 👍👍👍👍👍👍>> <<@user-pm9wq6qf6v says : The probability of using a nectar charge from the Russian Federation side is almost zero. Of course, the Kremlin, as always, has to play and will play with terror and fear, because it cannot do otherwise. The Kremlin with its television from Moscow is one of the most hypocritical institutions in the world. even if we assume that by some miracle the Russian Federation would use nuclear weapons, then in their opinion Russians are not important, millions of Russians can die, and no one from the Kremlin would care about it because it is not about their people, it is only about ideology. this is why Mary at Fatima spoke about Russia's mistakes. A064>> <<@henryksosna4182 says : Putin nie może pozwolić żeby bezkarnie atakowano Rosję najnowszą bronią Amerykańska, musi odpowiedzieć bronią atomową tym Krajom które pozwalają swoją bronią atakować Rosję.>> <<@fredrikh9299 says : Putin has to say he's fighting NATO cos it's too embarrassing he's at day 900 of the 3 day invasion. 😂😂😂>> <<@sanjaydahal5163 says : Hats off to russia to fight the war with so many nato countries alone, shame on these cowardly wolves, but lion is lion and that is Putin.>> <<@melinefarrell4310 says : Why are we in the west so blind to see that our actions have directly pushed Russia into this. We have no business arming The Ukraine or extending a NATO membership. We need to stop being such greedy people. The only reason we are helping The Ukraine is because we want our paws on the 13trillion dollars of lithium under Ukrainian soil. We could care less about the Ukrainian people or democracy. We are a sad sad people.>> <<@AmosPetersonBingu says : Russia is Fighting with NATO, not Ukraine.>> <<@anandmohanrajamohan1479 says : 50 nations against Russia 😮>>