<<@HuttVita-w2o says : Allen Eric Walker Daniel Young Angela>> <<@SusanFreeborn says : Walker Donald Brown Elizabeth Anderson Gary>> <<@KeystoneInvestigations says : Muir and Davis of ABC should be fired for how they helped Harris!>> <<@jimmyjones5796 says : Trump won 100%>> <<@MLeveilleeMinistries says : It's interesting that O'Reilly thinks all 45 US Presidents made mistakes.>> <<@maryesestevenson7335 says : Thomas Frank Walker Scott Thompson Amy>> <<@ВасилийБалашов-о8б says : Garcia Patricia White Sharon Lopez Jason>> <<@osteenehancock294 says : Allen John Williams Elizabeth Rodriguez Betty>> <<@robertdavis7312 says : you people commenting on this site are obviously living in another country and all hate DT and love harris/biden so let me ask you these simple questions 1) are you happy with the economy 2) are you happy about your car insurance 3) are you happy in how much you pay for groceries 4) are you happy about how much you pay for gas 5) what about 18 miilion migrant illegals coming in the US 6) are you happy with defunding the police 7) are you concerned about the rising crime and finally ask yourself ARE YOU BETTER TODAY THAN YOU WERE IN 2020? By the way I am niether republic or democrat, I am a retired veteran and I feel that the biden/harris admin failed the people. So what makes me think Harris will do anything different, she had 4 years to do something, she gets an F.>> <<@TitusAfra-h5f says : Hall Brian Hall Laura Johnson Christopher>> <<@sigmamanintuitive says : Wtf world is this? bill ORielly gave a descent non incendiary interview on CNN and didnt bash Obama??? What is happening in the universe>> <<@September2004 says : What the? How long has O’Reilly been a guest on CNN? This is the first I’ve seen.>> <<@PhoenixDad14 says : This guy has the face of every grandpa who yells at black kids for swimming in the community pool>> <<@ajthomas2937 says : The Truth is that this country has been going down into the pit for many years, and the pit is the pit of depravity, Started with taking out of the schools Biblical prayer and principles. Then it continued with voting in abortion rights, the right to kill babies in the wombs...then from there with Obama and Biden, raising up the sexual perversion of the worse kinds. These democrat policies have destroyed this country. The democrats have not embraced people, but sin and immorality, and now it continues with the Venezuelan gang members bringing more havoc. When is this all going to stop. Americans who really love the USA are sick and tired of sin being glorified. We were not created to become a godless sinless atheistic perverted nation, which we are today. WHO WILL END THIS.>> <<@paulproulx7410 says : Really, how low do you have to sink to have a sexual predator for a guest, disgusting.>> <<@kennethnakamura3936 says : Irrelevant>> <<@jeanjones1846 says : Bill O'Reilly ... It's a new media world. Many news consumers now understand that corporations have agendas and propaganda masquerading as news can be profitable. So, they are looking elsewhere for honest appraisals. I am beyond thankful they Bill O'Reilly is still on and his own boss and does not have to play the corporate game with BS... I have found The No Spin News ... and love it. See you this evening for the No Spin News.>> <<@jeanjones1846 says : O'Reilly strikes a chord with average Americans. He is a self made, conservative man, not born into wealth or the elite society. A true product of hard work and a working class upbringing. He calls it how he sees it, not afraid to express his opinions and not beholden to a particular political line. He is a self described Christian and believes in helping those less fortunate. Many people can associate with those perspectives.>> <<@jeanjones1846 says : In July 2024 was a banner month, with Bill OReilly total combined views reaching an astounding 26 million. Here's the breakdown: YouTube Views for O'Reilly is A staggering 20 million views showcasing the show's strong digital presence and global reach. Podcast Feed: An impressive 5 million downloads, further cementing its popularity in the audio world. Cumulative Reach (June 1 - August 18, 2024): A whopping 43 million YouTube views, demonstrating consistent and growing audience engagement. No Spin News" is now more accessible than ever, broadcast on multiple platforms, including Direct TV, The First TV, Pluto, U-Verse, Roku, and Apple and Amazon TV apps. In addition, the show enjoys global visibility through YouTube, catering to viewers worldwide who crave straightforward, no-nonsense news.>> <<@jeanjones1846 says : 💯❤❤❤Bill OReilly Fox was one of the most watched nightly 7 million watching. ... but as of today 2024 No Spin News Soars to 26 Million Views every night ... in July ... Bill O'Reilly doesn't care what you or fox has to say. He's his own boss and 'No Spin' is the Way to Win... Bill is brilliant , smart and honest. The man is a Genius. and knows everyone. I Love Bill. and his show. Period!>> <<@riverebec1 says : While Coates is an obvious Harris-Walz supporter (she only criticized Trump's performance, and I believe she'd completely allow Harris to dodge a direct question) I thought this was a pretty fair interview. Good job, y'all.>> <<@lionelcox9119 says : Look how wicked these people are,,,Cause he knows who Trump is and let's him get away with talking nonsense for years They ridicule Obama care for years,,and what is Trump health care plan after 8 years ,,!! Ah concept of a plan,, and to think that people out there who lost their healthcare now hearing this would still go out there and support Trump,,,one would really have to be insane..No wonder his running mate has ta make story ta get the media's attention,,...>> <<@rebeccasmith8567 says : Most commentors on this site obviously can't handle the truth. Bravo for O'Riley for refusing to drink the kool-aid.❤>> <<@tiongcomonico says : ++ O’Reilly, is at the heart of the problem for this Trump’s craziness; they created a lunatic monster out of him. I’ve never watched a single complete show of O’Reilly since he is a spinner (a notorious disinformation, misinformation and fake news propagate), and I keep wondering why others haven’t started thinking the same way years ago!>> <<@The50skid says : God he got old.>> <<@Sbannmarie says : Why do you have him on?!?! To sell a book?!>> <<@cutestgirl4u says : Omg! That man former president dodged questions for past 9 years, and nobody’s cared!!!! Now ppl care the vice dodged few, all it’s bad!!!>> <<@charlesbudetti-sv3lk says : oh oreilly stop trying to tell people your independent admit your a staunch republican !!>> <<@georgestroudukian6227 says : MAGA: Make America gross again>> <<@johnniefauvergue6723 says : Bill is not worthless. Bill predicted Biden would drop out of the Presidential race and Biden did.>> <<@genevievehawkins9856 says : 7:55 Thank you for that #Bill #OReillys #Autocare>> <<@genevievehawkins9856 says : 3:16 We have known about her since she ran against Joe Biden!!>> <<@genevievehawkins9856 says : 1:21 Yes! The American People should be the winners>> <<@danmiller2715 says : Trump i a 24/7 PUBLICITY STUNT !!!!!!! Trump is dying before your eyes. Trump couldn't care less about you or America. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. That's Trump Trump has been, Impeached Indicted, Convicted. He also had two sets of books about his properties, Assaulted E. Jean Carol, Used a charity for fraudulent purposes, Set up a bogus school, that was proved to be a fraud, Had his CFO Jailed, Had his lawyers disbarred, Had Advisors were the dirtiest in history. Had Four kids with three wives, but who's counting? Thats Trump>> <<@gdon9899 says : Hypocrite in full force.>> <<@joeswartz6181 says : Mr O' Reilly say it as it is,"it was a foolish and stupid mistake to keep on telling lies ..you can't win with lies ...>> <<@joeswartz6181 says : Fox is a racist and pro Trump...o Reilly is a full fledged hater of black people and they're worried that a black woman is going to be president of the Great USA..... America it doesn't matter who she is SHES GOING TO WIN WITH A LANDSLIDE you can condem her say what you like nothing will stop her to crush Trump to gabbage>> <<@alisehagoodman1084 says : Jackson Steven Hall Joseph Lee Patricia>> <<@imtryingtogetthere3534 says : You’re supposed to make the hand motion when you say “ turn the page”. Get on script as directed.>> <<@congondubz6257 says : NPC House in here‼️>> <<@timmccafferty8949 says : The Original Donald, Bill O'Reilly lost out on an anchor shot phoning in a report of his experiences of the Falklands from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where the deadly rioting was happening. The problem with his report of the dangers on the streets of Argentina would have been very compelling, only Bill was in Florida, at his home, and never was anywhere near Argentina. Could have been the CBS Anchor, ended up fired and on Fox.>> <<@gueswhosthis says : Sneaky CNN, bringing Oriley to further f up cause no one likes him. You sneaky lil dems>> <<@lastone8896 says : Why are newspapers quoted as the end all be all as if they are some higher intelligence that know best>> <<@kasmairezuu2716 says : Many of the women that are blindly and carelessly voting for Kamala, don't really love her and may even know that she's unfit to run this nation, but because they too are power hungry and likely self entitled, emotional, and gullible followers, they will watch her fail miserably. Satan knows also that Kamala will cause chaos, which is why he's been tempting, seducing, and deceiving women to go against GOD Almighty's natural order, therefore Kamala will fail, just like mother Eve, and Jezebel failed by disobeying the word of God! Almighty God says: "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; ( 1 Timothy 2:12>> <<@mmusya793 says : The hypocrisy bomb exploded and killed everyone on earth. We are all living in hell 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮>> <<@MultiAppleworm says : Bill O Reilly claiming his focus is on truth makes me think I have entered the twilight zone>> <<@BrianHurley-w7z says : Bill is no nonsense. People should watch if they are looking for unbiased news.>> <<@BrianHurley-w7z says : Bill is no nonsense. People should watch if they are looking for unbiased news.>> <<@davidfusani says : Why would CNN give phony "author" Bill Reilly any time plus mention his current book? "Killing Truth" should be the title of his next book. But, as CNN knows, he has a ghost writer listed on the front cover.>> <<@russellnelson9400 says : O Reilly = sexual predator>>