<<@BEAR_S55 says : As soon as I see palestine flags I just see people who support terrorist.>> <<@GCEAE says : Pro -War Sky News at least gets the headline right. Actions do speak louder than words. Melbourne has said no to weapons and war. I've never seen a news outlet so purely focused on defending the weapons business. Billions are spent on weapons and training, and military exercises, and killing. Good to see your bosses at Pro-War Sky News doing their bit , to ensure Australia spends billions on weapons just in case the US needs us in some conflict overseas in the future.>> <<@YanJi-e3u says : Sky news idiots are supporting baby killing jews>> <<@remoman says : 'The 1960s and 70s Marxist intellectual and father of the New Left, Herbert Marcuse was completely onboard with this kind of clownishness. Marcuse explained in his jargony though wildly popular writing how all the goofiness amounted to oppositional political action. For instance, he wrote in 1969 that “in some sectors of the opposition the radical protest tends to become antinomian, anarchistic, and even non-political. Here is another reason why the rebellion often takes on the weird and clownish forms which get on the nerves of the Establishment.” This comes from his Essay on Liberation'.>> <<@debbieneville7146 says : The protestors are a danger to public safety and their behaviour is appalling, time to stop these supporters of Hamas. Actually we should be concerned about the ongoing conflict with China and the Philipines, this is very close to home. Their unprovoked attack on an innocent busker shows they are becoming a danger to anyone walking the streets of Melbourne and that ridiculous Clementine Ford needs to be taken offline for her biased and unprofessional reporting.>> <<@michaelbrown8618 says : Drop the Peaceful bit>> <<@walkmanutd19 says : They want to keep Australia from US wars, but raise flag of Palestinians, the terrorist supporters. What terrorist supporters Palestinians doing here in Melbourne? They should come back to Gaza, to joint or to against Hamas. Want peace but fleeing 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Deadpan9696 says : So glad our police are there to protect FOREIGN weapon companies over Aussie citizens>> <<@apsarabasnet3106 says : Please cancel their visa and send them their country then all problems done>> <<@JenE3377 says : Islamic dawah and propaganda, combined with critical theory is obviously effective in the universities of Australia.>> <<@heatherbaker8596 says : If protesters act this way, the cant cry later if they get hurt, nobody is going to just stand there and allow themselves to be attacked and abused without responding. the protesters brought this on themselves, they started it and now they are crying about it, well it doesn't work that way.>> <<@chizmo7 says : Protesting murdering innocent children makes you a "buffoon"?>> <<@scottjacobsen2889 says : The Government created this mess!!>> <<@angelawallismoore2283 says : Between the thugs and the silly little attention-seekers, our social fabric is fraying beyond repair.>> <<@saltymonke3682 says : Just send them to Iran or live under Hummus or Fatah. Don't let them return>> <<@robokiss7822 says : They like Palestine that much they should go to Palestine and protest there ..>> <<@alesiyawa1301 says : Send them back to their Country. Wake up Australia 🙏>> <<@flyinkiwi01 says : 3 different shots of clown girl… each one she is eating something different. Are the protestors accompanied by some carney snack wagons?>> <<@user-me5dc7ir8u says : Disgusting, young unistupids>> <<@brooster3471 says : What we have here is the lost Gen, there is not much going on in between there ears these days. The sad thing is this is a product of this day and age.😢>> <<@daan1600 says : Kick out all immigrants from Australia>> <<@tofilee5393 says : Palestinaz🐷💩🐷💩>> <<@bobbritten5673 says : So the people are crims ? OK PEOPLE WONT TO MAKE A POINT.WHAT OTHER AVENUES DO THE POPULATION HAVE .IF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY DON'T CARE WHAT THE POPULATION THINK . I THOUGH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY SOPOSE TO CARRY OUT THE POPULATION WISHES . PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTEST .PEOPLE HAVE SHORT MEMORIES THE SAME THING HAPPENED WHEN THE VIETNAM WAR WAS ON ,SO WHY IS THIS ANNY DIFFENT .>> <<@StevenMilne-sm4fk says : The ol renta crowd🥳🥳🥳>> <<@pearlOwisdom532 says : Its nothing compared to what pal as tin ian kids experience everyday.>> <<@zac8286 says : stop giving air time to sand rats>> <<@GianniCiola says : Tis ashame for protesters to be violent, just to get the message across.weapons war no more.>> <<@AwakenedWookie says : Australia won't stand up for itself and is supportive of genocide. Such a pointless, stupid little island..>> <<@southernstarreview says : RSPCA won't be far away from this either one would suspect.>> <<@BrandonCampher97 says : Did the English stop hitting their children when they misbehave or what? Because here in South Africa we do slap the shxt out of our children that misbehave that's why the majority of our children aren't pieces of shxts like these idiots. If you are 30 years old then act like it, you're not in High School anymore. People need to start acting according to their age and they need to put down the phone and pick up a book, because you can't edit the contents of an entire book within a couple of minutes like they do with the information on the web. People need to stop using google to search facts, you're not going to find any relevant truth.>> <<@andrewbuckley1986 says : This is why I cant live near a major city, as if I see a large group blocking a road, I will not stop as that could put my family in trouble, so I would just keep driving and watch them scatter lol>> <<@EscobartJunior says : As a highly respected bunch of TV Hosts you lot are. Do you believe it is wise, to call the Middle/ Lower Class "Buffoons"?>> <<@arashkamangir9824 says : Anti reason and anti logic are the universities teaching to public! They are paid by Iran and China and Russia.>> <<@rajpatel8588 says : Haha, very pieceful protestors and thug political supporters.>> <<@hybridchild8393 says : Just losers who haven't grown out of their rebellious stage. Just something to brag about at MacDonald's.>> <<@magmabuildup says : Media dividing the people again Many agent provocateaurs on military/police payrolls>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : THE ALP's DISTRACTION FROM THE FARMERS RALLY IN CANBERRA.>> <<@ryanframmy15 says : Mostly peaceful was the how the Abc describe it.>> <<@victorianrichard8097 says : Judge tree like fruit>> <<@victorianrichard8097 says : Melbourne had protest>> <<@victorianrichard8097 says : Stop illgal protest of hamas>> <<@victorianrichard8097 says : Trump2024>> <<@victorianrichard8097 says : 1:03 sack dan>> <<@user-gw9is5fx2x says : Look at protest in Canberra then same time in Melbourne 😢>> <<@marcusaurelius1310 says : Victoria is a failed society with too many woke people who contribute nothing but nuisance to the state. Embarrassing for Australia.>> <<@richardmaxwell3472 says : And Israel went in and blew up a chemical weapons factory that was trying to build missiles containing chemical weapons...but these idiots are known to ASIO and Feds....their names have all been leaked even with faces covered....hilarious!! Knock knock boys are watching them and im sure once footage reviewing done will get a visit!!>> <<@lawsonlibby1057 says : Well, we have transfered over 50% of Australian Land to the First Nations people. Maybe the responibility lies on the First Nation people. They have weapons, maybe they can use their weapons to fight off China and Russia and any other people who want to conquer Australia. With land, there is responsibility, and they made us their responsibility by bringing in the Voice when Australia said no. Instead of us fighting the fight, let them. Call on them to deal with the protestors.>> <<@AndrewFishman says : Maybe if journos do their job and hold the governments to account, people would not be against them.>> <<@Nexionlink999 says : These Journalists are like goody two shoes High school prefects ! 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@Jhchah2492 says : They should train the horses to kick when the horses feel confrontation>>