<<@sandeep35cool says : This the true face of islam ! Australians are blind or what?>> <<@arvieocampo266 says : Palestinian supporters beed to be deported>> <<@arvieocampo266 says : Palestinian supporters beed to be deported>> <<@rodschultz2875 says : Half of them are no doubt animal activists. And do this>> <<@DigitalStore33 says : They don’t have jobs ?>> <<@mordfustang3794 says : Carry out those falestine flags, the West. You people were supporting freedom and rights? You're gonna get a very good taste of that islam1c freedom...>> <<@MartinCameron-j5e says : All the Police need to do in future is, Announce that any protester that is still there in 10 minutes must have a wash and get a Job. The Cops wouldn't see these Morons for dust.>> <<@TheRantingCabbie says : These protesters are the "unfuckables".>> <<@MrMegan1962 says : All led by their izlamist leaders, useful idiots someone once called them.>> <<@Jibreel-jt1qh says : You are giving freedom of speech to people who don't deserve and silence others when they have power>> <<@vertabray5064 says : Deport them to pooistine>> <<@korsol9392 says : Israel protects their children with weapons, hamas protects their weapons with Palestinian children.. how is this even still being argued about? Are these 'Pro' Palestinian protesters insane or simply corrupted to the core? How can people support the murderous dogs who slaughter both sides indiscriminately?>> <<@Jumbo-k4t says : To the idiot wearing clown make up ....Just because you put on an outfit it doesn't mean you're a clown ,you're actually an idiot and I find you quite offensive and I'm sure others in the Clowning industry would as well ...by the way I've got some cool videos up>> <<@andrewmantle7674 says : We’re only immoral because we fail to report on what’s actually going on in Israel. Israel shares none of our values., or do they? Our media is sponsored by AIJAC. It’s disgraceful.>> <<@michaelpurvis1492 says : These woke unhinged brainwashed individual nutters have no compression of reality and could never have a calm logical discussion let alone the mask wearing which is another avoidance of reality.>> <<@P_Photography_Land_Down_Under says : Vote labor out. Don't vote the greens. I 'll vote for liberal next time (and even seriously considering voting for One Nation).>> <<@tofilee5393 says : Palestinaz🐷💩🐷💩>> <<@andreikondisenko6089 says : WHY ?? Because Australian Government Supports Terrorist organisations and these young Australian citizens are against Warmongers in Australia at Government invite . What is so hard to understand about that . ?? Andrej Kondisenko Echuca VIC Australia 🇦🇺>> <<@nadie2795 says : Stupidity+Ignorance+Desperate for Attention>> <<@koloni2862 says : Once u import Islamist they infiltrate all ur institutions especially your universities..what you re seeing is the years of being taught by Islamists and now they re just manifesting it as they have made the west to be the “evil colonial”entity>> <<@michaeljay3109 says : reporters got a very small taste of what the poor coppers had to deal with. maybe their reporting might be a little less bias>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : These protests are funded by Iran and China. Why isn't ASIO making a statement about this ?>> <<@monikaschwientek268 says : What an idiot clown! Go live in Gaza.>> <<@trev1978 says : Not Australias fault Israel and Palestine want to destroy each other- nor Russia trying to destroy Ukraine!!! And leave the horses the fuck alone you pathetic oxygen thieves>> <<@entityentropic214 says : Oh so we've all got to cow tow to your right wing agenda's? There was no 'violence' against your one sided reporters. Harassment, yes because they know that your presentation is biased. These young people want to live in a world where no government supports genocide. Yes they're angry. They have a right to be.>> <<@CraigThomas-p3x says : These scum are a joke . All cowards and bludger.... pathetic arsewipes>> <<@Jay-hv5hf says : Nikki should really stop protesting in ADF and police uniforms. Isn’t that impersonation?>> <<@leephilips3669 says : If it’s so bad here why don’t they go back to Gaza..and why are they trying to make our country like Gaza which is so horrible to live in..l..and clown face lady is just showing what they are…>> <<@sharenclark392 says : Most of them wore a disguise. Gutless.>> <<@honeyho9890 says : Wake up la. No Arab countries want them even they are from Jordan and Egypt. Never learn history>> <<@nostro1001 says : Yup, the anti Australian out in force once again. Meanwhile the government sits back and does nothing other than bringing the very people into the country fast tracked on tourist visas!>> <<@supersonic174 says : They probably wanted to spook the horses so they would go crazy..>> <<@MichaelIrwin-j3m says : Most are university students on the band wagon>> <<@alexzannoni1501 says : I look at these 'protesters' and ask...."This is the sperm that won???">> <<@dodgeboy9052 says : Gough Whitlam Labour ,,1972 abolished the White Australia Policy... This is the legacy he left Australia...>> <<@davidwood9964 says : If it was the conservatives or right ... cops would've waded in with batons etc ... very poor response from our pathetic PM in condemning the lefts actions ...>> <<@dodgeboy9052 says : Gough Whitlam Labour ,,1972 abolished the White Australia Policy... This is the legacy he left Australia...>> <<@KuriosDiogenesJar says : 150,000 pro gun people had a peaceful orderly street march in Melbourne in the 1990's. The mass media almost ignored it. There were none of the old KGB Socialist chants either. The clown, who was pro Palestine did not wear a hijab and was not escorted by a male relative. This is culturally insensitive.>> <<@beabea3121 says : Touch my horse MF'R that's animal abuse! 🤬>> <<@nickm6767 says : Islamic terrorists and socialist anarchists united to destroy western democracy.>> <<@joanneguerrisi888 says : The Animal Justice Party actually supported the protestors because police used pepper spray.. Didn't give a thought to the horses having rocks thrown at them and being kicked and punched by the so called Peaceful protesters>> <<@christinecavanagh5906 says : Omg what has happened to australia 😢>> <<@user-qu9iy4sz9u says : Discusting Palestinian Filth!!>> <<@user-qu9iy4sz9u says : Discusting Palestine Flag!!>> <<@user-qu9iy4sz9u says : Can't stand Palestinian supporters..Hammas terrorists grub>> <<@nickm6767 says : Save Israel, save western democracy from socialist anarchists and Islamic totalitarianism.>> <<@joeg5239 says : These protesters need to feel some pain themselves. I'm no fan of mainstream media, but these reporters are only reporting, not the typical biased and outright lies the mainstream media spews out.>> <<@dodgeboy9052 says : the Premier of Melbourne said Melbourne is the greatest City in the World .. Channel 7 news .. WOW.. !>> <<@ResortDog says : The worthless Kaamees cant do anything but obstruct as they have nothing constructive to add.>> <<@jack.bquick557 says : Palestine never was and never will be a state.>>