<<@evecyn says : I don’t blame him>> <<@jfr45er says : Crazy that CNN hosted the more neutral debate.>> <<@bethmartin4121 says : You should also read the documents that Kamala preset in advance that ABC was not allowed to talk about…. I saw the actual document from the ABC employee who reported it anonymously…. Kamala made them agree that they could not talk about Joe’s mental state and they also were sworn that they couldn’t bring up her history of attorney general, amongst other things that whole thing was a sham>> <<@trevormay7862 says : Kamala was brilliant she kicked Donald’s sorry, lying, ignorant , self centred arse! Trump with immunity is the equivalent of putting a pedophile in charge of a kindergarten!! Absolute lunacy , he’s a con artist, he always has been, do the research! Kamala is a breath of fresh air, she is the only one who can realistically reverse the quagmire of Trumpism, division and hate, and restore some integrity and honesty to a democratic political system that is under serious threat!! Anyone who supports Trump has very low expectations on how big a part character should play in the selection of a president!! Trump is a convicted fraud, sexual predator , philanderer, compulsive liar,he licks the boots of murderous dictators, denigrates Americas heroes, and, among too many other things to mention, stole classified documents from the WhiteHouse! If that is an acceptable resume for president of the United States then the country has lost its way big time and will pay a massive price into the future! Ask all the hard working contractors who he never paid what they think of the basic decency and integrity of the man?!😡🤮💩>> <<@KimCox-z7e says : Always blames other people>> <<@triplejazzmusicisall1883 says : And now the truth: Trunp rules out second debate because he lost woefully. Sky News quoting statistics before the debate - what nonsense. More rubbish again being spurted out by the right wing zealots. Fox News is trying to back away from favouring Trump anymore. Most in Trump's family do not acknowledge him or hate him. A large chunk of the Republican party has completely disregarded Trump and are running a very successful Republican for Trump campaign. Veterans (most) have not forgiven Trump for calling captured Servicemen and women as losers. Women have rebelled at his side kick Vance's belief that all women should conceive children to have any value otherwise are akin to crazy cat ladies. Laura Loome, Cats and dogs, it just goes on and on and on. The telling of over 35 000 lies over four years, the gross sexual view towards women, the huge fact DT has been convicted of rape and then there are another 33 felonies he has been found guilty of committing. DT is a man who certainly did nothing to ease the Jan 6th riots but deliberately stoked flames including recently saying people charged with crimes on that day will be pardoned under his leadership. He wants no more debates, he resorts to constant childish name calling, he has no Health plan just concepts, his friends are communist leaders who HAVE KILLED THOUSANDS OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY MEN with Putin and Kim from North Korea - let that sink in. I could write a 100-word paper on the disgusting things that Trump has done and yet ...and yet SKY NEWS Australia simply turns a blind eye and slags Harris for her laugh and facial expressions. Is that really what this extreme Murdoch corporation is prepared to lower itself too. Every qualified psychiatrist in the USA has deemed Trump to be a malignant narcissist This is so obvious.The character and essence of who DT is and be summarised by identifying common traits of a malignant narcissist include: Being extremely arrogant and self-centred Disregarding the feelings and needs of other people Manipulating, using, or exploiting others for personal gain or pleasure Having an extreme need for power Acts of revenge against those who criticize him Fantasizing about ways to obtain more power or dominance over others Lacking conscience, regret, or remorse for their actions Being cruel and taking pleasure in the pain of others High levels of aggression towards other people Paranoia or mistrust of others Trump doesn't love his country or supporters. He has even been caught behind stage calling his supporters Cave Dwellers! One of his best mates was a renowned and vile paedophile and groomer. They hung out together and leered at women 'they wanted'.Just one of these facts would be enough in any sane country for an individual to not even be eligible to run for power. A cultural phenomenon has formed with the rise of a Trump Cult. Fortunately, the King’s castle is beginning to crumble with many of the King’s men and yet still we have the last vestiges of lunacy supporting this utterly contemptible and vicious megalomaniac. I have never been indoctrinated into a cult, but I imagine what the experts say to be true. Cults are extremely hard to break away from. In fact, it is hard for those caught in a cult to know they have been hoodwinked. Anyone who took the time to read this lengthy commentary I thank even if you don't agree. However, whatever your position please look over the hundreds of cases where Trump has committed crimes, outright abuse and manipulation. Please question his motives and please don't let SKY News be your only resort for information. Morrow and his cronies are manipulative and don't even try to hide their extreme bias. When you have Fox News and right-wing journalists in the USA turning away from Trump you have to ask the question; are SKY News reporters genuine and if so are they complicit in ignoring the sins and crimes of a rampant, vengeful lunatic or worse do they believe in their own hyperbole and believe lies, crimes and denials to be worthy traits in a future Presidency where Trump wants to remain in that position for the remainder of his life. DT wants to destroy democracy and turn the USA into an autocracy. If you think this farfetched then you probably have not watched the many hours of footage showing him saying such things. It's up to each individual to choose and those in the U.S. to register and vote. If you vote Trump this time round you will be a part of history that will be frowned upon with disgrace for endorsing someone who is clinically deranged, out to conquer at all costs and knock off any individuals he wants in his pursuit of absolute power. James Morrow should hang his head in shame. I don't believe he internally denies the vile behaviours of DT, but like most Sky anchor men and followers, they just must save face, please Murdoch and engage in trivial yet smug insults against a lady who is smart, articulate, balanced and does have policies whatever Morrow might say. Who has and has done interviews whatever Morrow may say and is intellectually vastly superior to Trump. SKY Suck up to Trump hosts employed in Murdoch’s with his and Musk’s agenda to blindfold the people and selectively present news to curry favour with the extremists of the right is beyond sickening. This, including a lady who finds inspiration from reading the speeches of Adolf Hitler. Morrow's base and mammoth biased words and diatribe will remain be a stain on Australian media, and he will have to accept and wear that for life, as he should. Be on the right side of history and do NOT vote Trump because if you do you will have no excuse for what then may unfold and eventuate. In fact, you will share in responsibility for whatever horrors take place. The fake news is not the democrats or the media. The fake news is a huge cover up by Trump and his minions who are happily manipulating and deceiving those predisposed to the politics of fear and hate. It is Trump per usual spraying vitriol at others as liars when he and everyone knows, is the biggest source for lies and dishonesty possibly in world history. If you are inclined to write a response to this overlong post please don't do so with a one sentence answer or less. Please consider some deep critical thinking and even consider if your position is one you really want to adopt. Scary times for all of this world's nations and peoples. Paranoia and delusion and mistrust of others simply from what Trumo and SKy News say are not what anyone should wish to be duped by. The costs are enormously high. This time people should feel a duty to vote and to think very hard and deeply before ticking or numbering any boxes. To question one's own perceptions and beliefs before committing pen to paper.>> <<@garynaegelimusic101 says : The woman actually called trump a liar by fact checking him on abortion laws. Didnt realize her opinion mattered being a moderator. GEE ...talk about working for Harris! I wouldnt do another one either.>> <<@timj.8056 says : Clearly Moderators David Muir and Linsey David were obviously biased toward Donald Trump during the Presidential Debate. The proposed softball questions were given to Comrade Harris and never followed up on her answers in which lied! On the other had Trump was fact checked 5 times but not Kamala. . . Muir interupted Trump and wouldn't let him speak as a rebuttle! ABC Executives, Davide Muir an Linsey Davis should all be fired for their collusion make Donald Trump look bad!!!>> <<@artseger6891 says : The real loser in the debate is the people, cause the debate was fixed and the wise people know it.>> <<@anonymous-kz9hw says : Ohhhh yes! Taylor Swift is my hero! I love her music! Bullshit! All these stars like Clooney? Have they ever give a shit about citizens? No! So why would I give their political views a second thought? No! They need to stick to entertainment! Look what happens when they dig into politics! Use to think Oprah was a ok gal. But after I saw her totally cause division and racial friction publicly with poor Prince Harry? Stick to entertainment and stay out of ppl lives!>> <<@MrZakka1985 says : The debate should have talked about why & how their plans should work rather than all lies and crapes from both sides>> <<@ccaptnkid says : Why would he go three on one. ABC and media outlets that did this injustice will eventually reap a backlash from those of us who are objective.>> <<@user-zx2ip8lp9y says : 1 AGAINST 3 😂😂>> <<@joerobo682 says : ABC, the false "fact checkers". Their "fact checks" must have been done by Provda.>> <<@PaulJohnson-ju5ge says : No more debates.get your voters cards ready for upcomming Elections>> <<@lisamannino4556 says : Yes, Springfield Ohio residents are having their cats and dogs eaten by these illegal immigrants that are flowing into the city. Thanks to Pinocchio comrade Harris that is happening. It’s a truth. Trump does is not lying rather Harris is. This is disgusting! 😡>> <<@lisamannino4556 says : Good I’m glad Trump isn’t doing a 2nd debate. It’s too late. We’re already beginning to vote anyway. Vote Trump 2024! 🙏💒🇺🇸>> <<@anthonyrobinson-ew7hi says : I wouldn't show up for those crooked debates 😮>> <<@zapperbunny1 says : Oh dear, look at this, more Democrat fake polls. I still remember the ones about Hillary with a 98% chance of taking the presidency… And that’s how much I believe these polls.>> <<@lesliematyas1921 says : if trump does do 3rd onre....get a unbias ,,,much like megyn kelly being moderator . she takes no silliness or lies>> <<@JohnSmith-ki2hl says : Well Done beau Davidson, calling out the Corruption of the Democrats and the Media (but I repeat myself)>> <<@trychaytimewell3987 says : Biased moderators? Nonsense. He wasn’t clever enough to answer the questions.>> <<@bobsmithbobsmith2878 says : keep campaigning and talking to the media and regular people... screw the Debates .. MSM would make communist Kamala the winner no matter how it goes so why bother ... voting red>> <<@headsNshoulders says : Vote Trump>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : Shes ILLEGITIMATE candidate, ignore her>> <<@thedogtutor4998 says : still 80/20 Trump>> <<@jovimathews says : Kamala gives joy China Bally🎈>> <<@george.a7364 says : What is the point of debating when even the moderators are against you?>> <<@MichealMatthews-f1s says : Taylor swift is not single>> <<@manueldasilvalopes2649 says : He should debate that moron ! On FOX!!>> <<@marchmcmadness7134 says : Trump is no more than a sad bitter pathetic orange loser.>> <<@yolandagalvan5402 says : She is too skinny! 😊>> <<@yolandagalvan5402 says : I heard that report before the debate that some Haitians were eating them!>> <<@struck2soon says : Trump watch out-punched in that debate. No wonder he is scared of crossing swords with Harris again.>> <<@garytwinem5275 says : That wasn't a debate, it was a kangaroo court.>> <<@steveshutt6409 says : So you lose a debate and also make yourself look like a complete moron and then cry about not wanting another debate because ABC wasn’t fair. How pathetic is this.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : WRONG. Because he’s a 🐓💩🍊🤡>> <<@markh1011 says : Trump is running scared because he realises Harris is smarter than he is.... Oh and I don't think Harris is that smart....but Trumpy isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.>> <<@gregs1424 says : Trump 2024!>> <<@jonmagnuson5358 says : Chicken shit>> <<@makavelithadon9050 says : Where do you get these poles 🤣😂😂🤣>> <<@cristasanders8295 says : So tired of celebrities and athletes using their jobs as political platforms just deliver your performances>> <<@ArronP says : debates. ffs forget it....there useless, and to Trump having to debate 3 on 1>> <<@LW-dq2em says : Trump is correct.>> <<@barbaraschain9260 says : ABC has literally endorsed Mr Trump. Good job👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸👊🇺🇸>> <<@LiolindaLenty-yo1cz says : David has made very good points. At the end of the Trump-Kamala presidential debate, the real losers are the moderators who have so much personal bias. Trump 2024✊>> <<@JStarStar00 says : The debate was VERY UNFAIR and TRUMP whooped her booty>> <<@maryarbo2091 says : CNN...communist news network>> <<@CharlieCharmPuck says : Trump rules out second debate because he's scared. He can't handle fact checkers or being held accountable. Everything he loses he accuses others of cheating. These moderators didn't force him to say ridiculous things. He did thst all by himself. Notice also this man who has bullied eomen all his life couldn't look her in the face. Any self respecting republican would want to see the back of Trump, so the party could rebuild without the MAGAts>> <<@saddle1940 says : They pulled him up on the easily fact checked 3 or 4 outrageous lies (out of him telling 30 or so obvious lies) but didn't pull her up on the 4 or 5 general ones (out of 4 or 5) she told. Yeah, completely unfair??? So, no more debates unless the moderators let him sprout lies without consequences??>>