<<@nancypoopongpaibul5642 says : That’s the way should be. I am very happy to see both sides get together exchange ideas and suggestions for better understandings and live peacefully.>> <<@hengongchua6250 says : Nothing can change this. Taiwan is always a province of China. Imagine how great and how strong one China will become once Taiwan reunited back to mainland China. Technology, defense, economy and all other aspects and sectors are sure to be strong and better for China.>> <<@WilhelminaJudith-t4q says : Miller Edward Davis Patricia Allen Elizabeth>> <<@raideepu4 says : One root, one ancestry, one love, one culture, one love and one China. 🇨🇳❤️>> <<@jivvyjack7723 says : The Mid-Autumn festival is celebrated by all Chinese around the world, not just both sides of the Taiwan straits. Chinese people do not forget their roots.>> <<@BSnicks says : Biden: This is unacceptable!>> <<@hangmatchahang5260 says : That is nice. Best wishes to all the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's nice to see Mainland and Taiwan celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival together. One China! 👍💪>> <<@barkobummer says : U$UK terror states trying to hard to split the c hinese people>> <<@willfiala1859 says : Separatism is a dead end. Let the people never be parted by western interference>> <<@petercua6158 says : United China❤>> <<@ВарламЖичкин says : Jackson Charles Lee Brenda Martinez Lisa>> <<@aldenteh9412 says : People just want to connect, only governments fight each other>> <<@liamporter1137 says : 👏👏👏👍>> <<@maniaouri2146 says : Hey CIAmerica did you hear what they been saying ? time for you to pack up and get out of Asia so that Asian cam live in peace ---- they don't need your warmongering>> <<@amazman977 says : Mao let Chang KS occupied Taiwan knowing one day they will go back to China. Brotherhood blood are thicker than water or watermelon juice.>> <<@7777wilson1 says : That's wondering. Let all Western nosey bullies leave China & Tiawan alone & in peace>> <<@ACE778 says : ❤❤❤>> <<@taraksaha9 says : 我们印度人民希望与中国有越来越多的接触,印度人的心态并不是反华......但为了延续这种友谊,中国应该尊重印度的完整和主权,中国应该尊重实际控制线和阿鲁纳恰尔邦的边界......仅此而已,我们对中国人没有任何敌意,相反,我们欣赏中华人民共和国的经济发展、美食和丰富的文化。 We the people of India want more and more engagement with China, mentality of Indians are not anti Chinese.... but, china should only respect the integrity and sovereignty of India for the continuation of this friendship, China should respect the border of LAC and Arunachal Pradesh ....That's all, we do not have any animosity against the Chinese, rather we appreciate the economic development, food, and rich culture of the People's Republic of China. India 💌 China>> <<@nirajkafle9147 says : One China ...>> <<@FredJones-lo2df says : Go Chinese people we americans need to world up" we are humans first,Americans second.>>