<<@garrydullaghan3207 says : Dont worry about the goats and the vodka>> <<@nigeljohnson9820 says : The supply of Iranian missiles to russia , giives the western allies a good excuse to allow ukraine to fire long range missiles into russia. It is russia that has escalated the conflect, the west is just responding. Putin may yet come to regret accepting missiles from iran.>> <<@VictorBonello says : Simple, if the USA stops trying to dominate the world, countries like Iran , Russia and China would not feel the need to unite againstba common enemy and tyrant. Their union is thanks to no one else except Biden>> <<@AstroGremlinAmerican says : I remain unimpressed by the current Administration. There remains an unused $6.2 billion in drawdown of military equipment and the deadline is Oct. 1. Please get off the dime.>> <<@politicsuncensored5617 says : No one in the Biden or God forbid Harris admin. will stop russia-iran. Shalom>> <<@RommyPAIDIN says : Israël can stop iran Ukraine can stop russia>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Slava Ukraine 💙 💛 ✌️ 💯 🤝 ✅️>> <<@PandemoniumMeltDown says : Sorry, mods, I'll do better! 😘>> <<@johnnylind-n7j says : We all know that american politicians are to cowardish to stop them , so it comes down to a few nations to do the job .>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : brics russia and iran can't be beaten Brics is far bigger than G7 which international community ? Azovs ?>> <<@hmq31415 says : I feel like Iran was forced to this situation by US. No one in their right mind would choose ruzzia over the West, unless forced by the West itself.>> <<@VictorBonello says : Lol 😂😂😂 the cheek of this Blinken thing.. has not all the Western world been supplying weapons and manpower to Ukraine. Worse has not America especially not been supplying intel to Ukraine to target special targets? Have these forgotten the intercepted call by German General about the preparations by the West to attack the crimea bridge?>> <<@SwissSicilian says : As if those sanctions would hurt the Iranians in any way!! Give the Ukrainians all the necessary allowances they need and stop tie their arms to their backs and stop being afraid of ruSSians lies and bluffs, they are and have always been only empty phrases.>> <<@jackc4551 says : Are you born yesterday? If NATO/US supplies arms to Ukraine why can't Iran support Russia. Stand up to American hegemony. First nuclear conflict of the world will be fought in European soil not American. Dont be fooled>> <<@Ian.549 says : The US brings on all harm to themselves.>> <<@Fubar2024 says : Slava Ukraini 💪💪🇺🇦💪💪💙💛💙💛🇨🇦>> <<@iDeagles says : They’re working together because of you. It’s merely an enemy of my enemy situation. They’ll stop when your nonsensical conflict ends. 😂>> <<@yvesprovencher says : 🐹🍁Les sanctions , ils vont continué a s'approvisionné par les chinois , sa impressionne pas du tout , 🍁🐹>> <<@alvaroc.g.gemignani says : Сан-Паулу (Бразилия), 24 августа 2024 г. Сегодня мы празднуем Независимость Украины, которая в силу обстоятельств становится Днем Независимости всех ДЕМОКРАТИЙ. Доблестный украинский народ, борясь против этого империалистического, диктаторского и преступного режима Путина (друга Трампа), также борется за освобождение народа Российской Федерации. С диктатурами не о чем договариваться. Их необходимо систематически ослаблять и устранять. Территориальная целостность Украины должна быть ПОЛНОСТЬЮ восстановлена, а режим Путина должен заплатить за все бесчисленные военные преступления, которые он совершил против украинского народа. Профессор Альваро К.Г. Джеминьяни>> <<@nicktechnubyte1184 says : Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦>> <<@eenigheid3186 says : Deleting my comments will not change the truth, Battles are not won with hands tied behind your back.>> <<@darkdan3379 says : Iran has been needed to wake up walk away from Moscow...>>