<<@WilHagan says : It's pay back... Don't worry about WA, Victorian police are a real problem, against the vic. population. Where's DAN? He has to be charged, for lieing, about the accident, running down a 15 y/o, while albo wants to BAN social media, and Introduce a digital I.D for all, BUT it is Totally Optional, Not Mandated, free to NOT have one, JUST like the VAX,>> <<@frednirks3718 says : Did Fatima Payman escape from a youth mental institution? She sounds like she's done too many nangs...>> <<@tank498 says : How about both sides of Gruberment start making the big national and international companies/corporations actually pay tax, that would be a great start. Also get rid of the luxury car tax, stamp duty taxes, and lower the fuel excise tax to a more reasonable amount like 5%.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Which industrial sector has the worst safety record and the biggest impact on the NDIS ?>> <<@millar6070 says : Mou in china, in 1966 brought in the the youth to terrorize farmers aswel as take away the land, 23 million starved to death,(the great fammin ), he also went after landlords murdering another 20 million people. I believed we we're Australian's, not Chinese πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” So as a born native australian who's 60, this isn't how things in parliament should be, taking orders from jx jx ping , i for 1 am not a fool, or an idiot idiom.🀨 Stand for the time is near, to say "NO" to this fool who's leading our great nation of the Commonwealth of Australia πŸŒπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί>> <<@dominicgalante7501 says : ALBANESE DOING SO MUCH DAMAGE BEFORE HE GETS VOTED OUT SO LETS STOP HIM AND THAT INCLUDES ALL YOU LABOR VOTERS>> <<@hl5910 says : Labor have never cared about farrmers let alone the Australian people in general. Labor only represent the w.e.f.>> <<@Nathaniel-g2b says : That is because the Government is currently working for the WEF>> <<@Mick-h3t says : WEF puppets following orders, corrupted government members are traitors of Australian people>> <<@dawsie says : I moved back home to help Dad with Mom 16 years ago, after Mom passed away I stayed to help Dad, my husband and I both knew nether of us could leave our Dads to struggle on their own, so my marriage is on hold, has been for years while we both look after our Dads no matter how long that takes. Dad does not want to go into a nursing home after what he saw when they took Mom in for Dads respite when I was spending the first couple of years travelling between my home and theirs. It was after that, that Dad asked that I move in permanently as I was driving 800 km each way every 6 weeks and the cost of keeping 3 homes was nuts. I moved in with my parents as my Husband was already looking after his Dad 24/7 in his home. What labour are doing is destroying everything they touch.>> <<@saltymonke3682 says : Hapenned in the netherlands and now they are trying it here. Inner city folks BS ideology.>> <<@MAMethven says : This is because of the WEF and UN and friends and all of thier stupid agreements and crazy ideas. Things like Agenda 21/2030 and the Paris agreement and probably others. The government does know what's best for us but it doesn't do it because it would disagree with the agreements they have signed up to. Our government does not work for us and does not have our best interests in mind.>> <<@Ernst12 says : Labor is looking after the unions, the inner-city Greens, the Teals and f few identity based groups that are crucial for Labor to stay in power and the 'rest' just don't seem to matter very much as they can just get on as best as they can. This is all about Labor staying on power above all.>> <<@zzz7815 says : Anything else damn Labor could destroy?>> <<@FindAReason-mi7go says : Australians might be forgiven for not knowing their ar*s from their Albo.>> <<@deniseorourke7235 says : Skibidi means cool or bad .. I had to google it>> <<@TheApollo46 says : Is there anything Labour and especially the greens haven't stuffed up.>> <<@KayCarmody-u4f says : I am an aged person living alone and it can be very lonely neighbours are nothing like it used to be the only 2 Neighbours that have anything to do with me now are the 2 Aussie Families try not to be racist but all other races that have moved in don’t even look πŸ‘€ my way all I need would be a wave bloody multiculturalism I am sick of it in the older days they used to blend in because they encouraged to do so now they just take over different suburbs where I know I never feel welcome specially where I grew up I do hope we can get behind Peter Duncan to save our Beautiful Country πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’>> <<@drinno8900 says : Every thing good in this country is being attacked - families, farming, flags, free speech>> <<@sarini44 says : The people who know what payman is talking about aren't old enough to vote yet.>> <<@omniriver3162 says : This is why globalisation over nationalism won't benefit the majority. Globalisation is a word for all the rich of the WORLD to exploit any country on earth for whatever it can give them. Monopolies will own everything. Foreign investment should only be allowed when Aussies are getting a fair passive income from the profits and no non citizen corporate or general should NOT be able to buy any real estate unless they hold only an Australian passport. Solely Australian. All foreign entities should be forced to hire only fully nationalised Aussies. If foreigners want to do business here, they need to only be allowed to lease land, not own it. Would you allow a total stranger to walk in your house, sleep with your partner, and act as if everything was theirs and then had you kicked out? Didn't think so, but that is what Aussie governments are letting happen every day. That is not sound investment. Also, they will let you back in your home once you start paying rent. Mental 🀯>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : THE ALP ORGANISED A R!0T IN MELBOURNE TO DISTRACT FROM THE FARMER'S RALLY IN CANBERRA.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : WE NEED FARMERS 3 TIMES A DAY. WE DON'T NEED POLITICIANS AT ALL.>> <<@ianpickett8420 says : This Proto Communist Party ( Labor ) will want all farms turned into Soviet Style collectives . No one is allowed to make any money except public servants and welfare recipients . It's called Socialism ................and it will be the death of progress .>> <<@russellgraham5120 says : Elbo and his deciples are winding Ozz back 200 years , no industry no manufacturing no agriculture, only hardship πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί>> <<@smartgoku9048 says : fucking hell, this is just getting annoying with idiots attacking food production. how about we let the idiots up high starve by denying them food.>> <<@allenbody7180 says : Typical un=australian treason from this government.>> <<@pm-um3zv says : Then who will produce food and feed the population? Or is this govt planning on importing packaged food from China?>> <<@Jim-i4j says : Excellent show girls..🀣🀣>> <<@steveblake6877 says : This ALP anti-agriculture rubbish follows the deeply failed plans of the EU to do the same. It’s a UN/WEF creation. Only when the Dutch farmers rose up, and the French farmers sprayed the government buildings with cow manure, and the people woke up to what was happening, and the voters threw the governments out, did it all change. Looks like we have to do the same. Stop this monstrous globalist garbage. Spray Canberra? Wake up the pathetic public? Vote them out? YES.>> <<@Taff71 says : People if you have no idea who to vote for. This should help you realise labour is not for Australia>> <<@cameronalldridge831 says : This is TERRORISM THEY ARE TRYING TO STARVE US .>> <<@alexisl9426 says : No farms, no civilisation!>> <<@Debbie-qx9wh says : Lucky for me, I know how to grow food and when the time comes, I’ll make you all dance to eat!>> <<@Debbie-qx9wh says : Bill Gates was here at the start of the year, you stupid morons with his mosquitoes that have been genetically engineered. Just like all the bees that the government has been killing, because of a pretend parasite, your government is a revolting joke>> <<@johnperry7534 says : Same thing happenned In Zimbabwe>> <<@yanivyaffe says : true>> <<@rodneymarsden3003 says : Labor not good for farmers? Just what is Labor good for? Instead of electricity going down, it has gone up and up.>> <<@troubleabout5137 says : No one in Australia wanted live sheep export.What happens to the shape on the other Indies?Cruel , and it's shut down abaters>> <<@swordy-22 says : As a farmer, I wonder if the banning of live shipping is a sweetheart deal with the powerful processors, big win for their growing control of the livestock industry.>> <<@Hyperboler says : Put that MacSween moron on a sheep ship and send her to Yemen and see how she likes it.>> <<@UbuteyAustralia says : The labor government is demonising the whole of Australia not justbthe farmers andcthe only to get rid of them is to VOTE THEM OUT AND DONT PREFERENCE THE THE GREENS OR TEALS>> <<@ThaMassDebater says : A deliberate slowing down of 1st world economies. Check out the United Nations goal 10, that we are signatories to. Economic equality between nations. Slow down the top economies so the bottom economies catch up and tge UN achieves their goal. The globalist agenda of "you will own nothing and be happy, is in full effect...>> <<@ThaMassDebater says : Higher prices for food. Higher prices for electricity. Higher prices for housing.... "You will own nothing and be happy".....>> <<@chopperking007 says : Commies always go for the food supply>> <<@garthphillips1 says : This all started in 1978 under the NSW Labor party destroying the Oyster Farming Industry!!! These DEMONS THE LABOR & GREENS PARTY WANT A COMMUNIST STATE!!!!>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : What a crock of bullllllllllshiiiiiiiiiiiiit. . . 50 people turned up. . . So much for "thousands of people". . . Eh Sky.>> <<@OU-qe5pp says : Dutton has no plan, he and his deplorable Liberal Party did absolutely nothing when they were in office and this old hag is full of crapπŸ˜‚>> <<@oddball1575 says : Labor is finished in Australia.>> <<@lonepineX says : WEF lapdogs doing as they are told>>