<<@MisterGoblin65 says : Tolerance is not the answer...this is ridiculous>> <<@mr.anonymousmr.anonymous9856 says : Women in the US think they can do whatever they want just because they're women. Their whole life, they've been told they can do no wrong.>> <<@K1forMVP says : What’s funny is homie saved the other dudes skin as that trans dude was getting ready to put a whooping on that dude when out of nowhere that stranger tackled the man and saved that dude. Instead of returning the favor and helping the other man subdue n control the trans Karen dude just bounces out of frame when the other guy clearly needed his help. That’s what u get for helping someone in the merriest world disgusting>> <<@StevenZeller-eh7yr says : Just another" mostly peaceful" lunch>> <<@joelistinnett says : Oh I think quite a few people would be getting in trouble here if a judge see full video. Yeah it is funny but if that's an actual woman I understand trying to get her out and calm her down but like I said if a judge was to see the full video probably each person involved even the employee plus the store would probably get a hefty fine with the girl who was being out raged the heftiest. Teach everyone to keep calm and collective instead showing people how mad you can be at one another. But I don't necessarily know I'm not a judge.>> <<@jaycar5490 says : If you smell what the rock is cooking😂>> <<@AnotherLameBot says : Those blowvid doses kickin in strong, she’s peaking on some pfizer>> <<@robertotalavera3699 says : The gang era of the 90s, don't look to bad no more huh!?>> <<@Rocko1990 says : His estrogen therapy must have him irritable>> <<@alexanderelkorek says : This is the country now.>> <<@kevinong1735 says : This video makes me drool. 🤤>> <<@SnowDaulphin says : Is the perp a man?>> <<@dh6909 says : All I've got to say is the girl with the bread paddles were protecting customers so yes she very much deserves a raise but knowing corporate anymore she'll probably get fired which is total B.S.>> <<@witcheswarlocksworldwide2244 says : I guess he hates the world because he woke up and realized he was still who he was when he was born>> <<@theempresss2020 says : Fight like a man girl!!!>> <<@user-vv2wd9vm4l says : That’s definitely a liberal democrat right there>> <<@partnerwithjee5114 says : THAT OLD MAN COLLAPSED LIKE THE TOWER>> <<@hamesh3474 says : not for nothing ,,, nice seiko divers watch in this video :)>> <<@thebestofthebest6858 says : That paddle..where can I buy it?>> <<@c.l.holloway885 says : The state of some people in this country is ridiculous. Welcome to America. Home of the entitled, Land of the perverted, and Nation of degenerates.>> <<@darinballback6494 says : That’s a Democrat for you 😂>> <<@michaeloliveira8135 says : What is really going on here 😅>> <<@John-s9d says : Fox news getting way too comfortable with censorship.>> <<@John-s9d says : Fox news censors my comments more than abc news.>> <<@John-s9d says : He/she/hur couldn't find their phone and threw a hissy fit.>> <<@mikeylikey0889 says : That last guy needs to get a refund on his BJJ gym dues. Lol>> <<@joyced277 says : WTH?>> <<@John-yo9jz says : "Daddy wasnt there">> <<@CLeHitez106 says : Dude in the blue demonstrates why you never leave the house in flip flops>> <<@TheFreshAirChannel says : In you USA you are not allowed ?>> <<@dyivbarrott says : What the freaked happened? Is she on drug or the foods she ordered is not healthy?>> <<@Jaded368 says : For a moment there was a chick fight😂>> <<@rgasta7765 says : 30 Days jail isolation>> <<@Darci3333 says : Well....is that how so called clean food makes one act😂😂😂😂>> <<@CONSERVATIVESONSUSA says : Hey, that's not lady like lol>> <<@Coda6766 says : Please tell me that they gave that employee a promotion and raise. She stood up and protected the customer.>> <<@Jojo-ru1rz says : Must be a trans>> <<@dallastrujillo7540 says : Couldn’t make out the address he was saying on the phone>> <<@Tommy1977777 says : Is she on something?>> <<@MrAlohaWildMan says : Those panera prices tho… not surprised people wiggin>> <<@lil_stiiizy574 says : That’s a man! Gross>> <<@Jbkwoohooyeeha says : Our ideal trans peaceful society member.>> <<@wateronmars-bz4yc says : none of these soy fs can battle. Just be cali>> <<@m.x.refrigxolani8365 says : Women acting worse than children. Where's accountability?????>> <<@shoobidyboop8634 says : Once I heard somebody say "guy" I had to rewatch, I thought it was a crazy lib chick....as if there's any other kind.>> <<@LillyBillLu-r6e says : That thing is not a women 😫. Stop disrespecting women by calling this thing one.>> <<@evangriffiths1093 says : Back control weak af>> <<@scottv9479 says : love the fact that what appears to be a scale to weigh drugs falls out of her or it's pocket at the end of the video hahahaha>> <<@Robert-yk2lk says : CP on that phone>> <<@ModernPlague says : Wow, it's as if this dude has mental problems or something... 😆😂🤣>>