<<@Tuanyo8 says : Bravo Israel❤>> <<@ShafiqIsmail-vy9lf says : Iran Israel in America undermine you>> <<@TruthEquilibrium says : Islamic secular belief does not parallel to the international peace standard. Here is an example: Quran teaches muslims to k**l all the jews or non muslims. and believe that by k***ing a jew or non muslims is an assurance to be in heaven. but if jewish or non muslims retaliated, brought damages and defeat them. They interpreted it as jewish or the other side attack their families thats where shariah law comes, the upside down belief of international peace standard. Muslims go back to shariah law than the international human rights and take advantage of international human right law against non muslims. That opposes the value and sanctity of peace where peaceful people want to achieve equally. Peace cannot be obtain from the result of complications of a cause. It ignites and create more wars hatred and multiple losses to those who is un equipped. Peace shall be obtain from the values that can prevent the chaos. Islam should reform its own corners not by the others. Islam does not have a golden rule like "Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you" Islamic Manipulation - is when they blame you for your reaction to their toxic behavior, but never discuss their disrespect that triggered you.>> <<@sisa7436 says : Israel is just too strong>> <<@prestondantu says : I am a South African I stand with Israel 🙏❤>> <<@ForemotherJudith says : Yall spelled "destroys" wrong>> <<@stanleyronoh3988 says : Psalms 83:1-18 [1]O God, do not remain quiet; Do not be silent and, O God, do not be still. [2]For behold, Your enemies make an uproar, And those who hate You have exalted themselves. [3]They make shrewd plans against Your people, And conspire together against Your treasured ones. [4]They have said, "Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, That the name of Israel be remembered no more." [5]For they have conspired together with one mind; Against You they make a covenant: [6]The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Hagrites; [7]Gebal and Ammon and Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; [8]Assyria also has joined with them; They have become a help to the children of Lot. Selah. [9]Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera and Jabin at the torrent of Kishon, [10]Who were destroyed at En-dor, Who became as dung for the ground. [11]Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb And all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, [12]Who said, "Let us possess for ourselves The pastures of God." [13]O my God, make them like the whirling dust, Like chaff before the wind. [14]Like fire that burns the forest And like a flame that sets the mountains on fire, [15]So pursue them with Your tempest And terrify them with Your storm. [16]Fill their faces with dishonor, That they may seek Your name, O Lord. [17]Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever, And let them be humiliated and perish, [18]That they may know that You alone, whose name is the Lord, Are the Most High over all the earth.>> <<@peterokwute359 says : As small as Israel they have done things to marvellous to explain. New Israel seems to out done the olden days Israel>> <<@JosemanuelDominguezpriet-ht4oc says : Paz para medio oriente.😢😢😢😮😮😮>> <<@foxxodk646 says : A beautiful woman>> <<@johndurham6172 says : Those missiles were aimed at civilians not military installations.>> <<@fazilahamed-r5o says : And indeed the disbelievers will live a rich and wealthy life only for them to be asked as soon as they recieve their RECORDS in the left hand they will cry and tremble and say MY WEALTH HASN'T BENEFITED ME and they will get their ass whooped for etternity in jahannam 😂>> <<@Sammy-rd8qy says : Hey, Roti news anchor...Israrl never talks about its foreign attacks ... They're not scared of Backlash .... everyone knows that only Israel can do this stunt>> <<@danny_invadio says : Israel making the same excuses that Germans did in WW2 to invade it's neighbors.>> <<@sathprum6693 says : You can't hide from the eyes of the Eagles>> <<@muhammadozairkhan2647 says : No one has right to defend it's self but Israel.>> <<@James-cr1lj says : I have never heard of Iranian infrastructural or economic/developmemtal project in any of those countries except that which will bring destruction to them.>> <<@alexmbanefo8553 says : Bait.>> <<@abrahamstephen1716 says : Israel will prevail against all odds>> <<@user-ob9by6cy9w says : 🛩️💥💥💥Huhuhu 🎉🎉🎉>> <<@seemangal123 says : Every country has the right to protect its people depending on what it is . Well Israelis and America have been bombing the Muslims or Islamic world 🌎 and every one is silent , now when the Islamic world retaliate let the other worlds remain silent too .>> <<@mohansega9812 says : ❤LORD JESUS CHRIST STAND WITH ISRAEL IDF FORCES❤>> <<@rakeshwilliams7641 says : Israel is the new Germany.>> <<@sirenorebello817 says : What a great journalist for WION , great news always & above all a cute woman , love your voice Miss Molly ❤️ greetings from Paris France 🇫🇷 to 🇮🇳 WION 🙏>> <<@alpineflieger4363 says : Beautidul ❤❤❤>> <<@damirsabic2356 says : Stupid syria take action>> <<@centurio2229 says : GENERAL ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ISRAEL PALÄSTINIEN KONFLIKT IST EIN GEOPOLITISCHE INTRESSEN MACHT KONFLIKT DIE SAUDIS [SAUDI-ARABIEN-EMIRATEN] WOLLEN KEIN EINZIGEN IRANER PERSER NAH AN DIE GRENZEN SAUDI-ARABIEN-EMIRATE z.b IN ISRAEL IN PALESTINIAN ODER KRIEG ZWISCHEN SAUDI-ARABIEN-EMIRATEN GEGEN (HUTI) [JEMEN IRAN]>> <<@russelldow1131 says : Israel's intelligence network definitely seems a lot better than their enemies.>> <<@mosesematanisiga5017 says : This war will end at Irans doorstep. I dont know what is the Iranians option, but they should act now. The current Israeli intelligence gathering is at its peak.I am just freaking out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@jtf873 says : Ezekiel chapters 38-39 are on the board..>> <<@Chapter7129 says : What the purpose of Russia controlling Syria Airspace>>