<<@Amy-f3e says : I was looking for a more formal website where I easily and quickly could find good written updated templates of letters/emails in English could be sent. To bulk an copy paste and send like 20 copies to western politicians on email. Is not easy that to find in google. I found some but they lacked the info current events, they were from 2022. Many of us Europeans, except UK naturally, lacks formal business English and people hesitate to send letters/emails to goverments because of habit/time. Mabye UATV journalists could brainstorm on this somehow, and update a formal page whereone could find such examples/templates.An idea!😊>> <<@duartesimoes508 says : Puck Footin>> <<@ravivandersalm4586 says : Listening to Russia = surrender>> <<@mancunioinvictus3789 says : Great to see Joe on this. He talks the truth. No sugar-coated BS. He is right, we in the West, in Europe in particular have our heads in the sand and would be in for one hell of a rude awakening when it all kicks off. Ukrainians are heroes! I'd want them on my side any day of the week; let's not let them down now.>> <<@christines.5241 says : so many advertisers>> <<@patrickbelou4527 says : Les US ont 3000 Abrams qui dorment dans des garages pffff>> <<@Lindsay1050 says : None so blind as those who will not see.>> <<@gary_beniford says : You all need to wake up and realize it's no accident nato/usa is dragging thier feet, sending the wrong stuff, over estimating aid packages. Nato made clear from the beginning they dont care if Ukraine loses or how many ukrainans have to die. What did they say when this conflict started? They want Russia to "pay for Ukraine". They know Russia will win eventually they just want to make it difficult for Russia. Nato counties look at this war just like iraq or afganistan. A war far away they bearly think of while most of thier attention is on trival domestic issues and thier own entertainment. European countries are desperate to keep their populations happy and ignorant, another reason they really are afraid of going to far and getting drawn into the conflict. A move that would ne extremely unpopular in these first world countries. Dont lose your life for a failing Ukraine. Get out while you still can. Nato will let it collapse just like afganistan>> <<@michaelstamper5604 says : If he has a grain of sense left, Putin knows that if he so much as breathes in the direction of nuclear, biological or chemical attacks, the West will entirely eradicate anything bigger than a broad bean inside Russia.>> <<@mygardensandiegojavierbraz8543 says : That criminal does not have a say in what happens in war it goes both ways>> <<@Perisa79 says : NATO isn't stoping anyone.. If Poland andd the baltic countries wanna go in to Ruussia.. They can just do it.. Buut they will go in as just that, and NOT with NATO in the back..>> <<@cadslabitan2368 says : The best weapons of putin now.to create blackmail .bluff and propaganda .almost 3 years of puitn special mil opns in ukraine nothing big accomplishment and now putin is always dpeaking of nuclear ear he is scared in his shadow.ground to ground fighting putin cannot win the war against a small country ukraine>> <<@FUPutin-ve1kk says : I hope Harris has bigger balls than Biden.>> <<@albertocontreras3312 says : Only after having heard some I did realize how very good and revealing this interview really was .>> <<@Husky_Passion says : big bluff, pure bluff.>> <<@jannmutube says : ---- < Putin is saying that giving Ukraine permission to use U.S.weapons inside Russia would mean the U.S. is directly involved in the war because 1) Ukraine doesn't have the capability to program long-range missiles and 2) firing the missiles requires the use of a U.S. controlled satellite which would involve a U.S. operator in the battle. @ 6: 02 UKRAINIAN UNITS BREACHED THE ANOTHER PART OF THE BORDER WITH RUSSIA AND ADVANCED 2 KILOMETERS | 2024 /watch?v=sulbTlowO7U&t=415s ---- < In my view, the programming is kind of irrelevant because Ukraine has the capability to program its own long range missiles. Also, from the beginning, President Biden said the U.S. would be providing intelligence to Ukraine. However, Russia did shoot down one of our spy planes over the Black Sea.. .... Still, it seems, the only real issue is whether Ukraine can independently operate the military satellite to make their strikes without the involvement of a U.S. serviceman? Does Ukraine need to rent or buy a satellite?. Can directional operations for ATACMs be carried out from an airplane? Another argument some are making is that forcing Putin's hand would necessitate the need for a "peace" agreement before Ukraine can recover its territory. I agree that a strong response against Russia is the best course. I'm sure President Biden wants Ukraine to have every possible advantage. ...... However, he has to get a consensus from European partners and at home.. He will be the one who is held responsible if saving thousands means losing millions. Or if approving long-range missile strikes now means Trump wins the election in November...that would, most likely, be the end of U.S. aid to Ukraine..>> <<@philhodge8080 says : Very deep apologies it was the max battle bot... I'll stop digging😢>> <<@philhodge8080 says : At last max! Who tells it as is fucking so impressed should be a general things would get done if ever in Dorset allow me to buy the scotch ❤ Slava>> <<@Husky_Passion says : lol the last thing russia (putin) wants is a open war with nato. He knows the outcome>> <<@legendzero9000 says : The biggest lesson in all of this is that closing our eyes to a certain issue doesn't make it less real. Support Ukraine 💙💛>> <<@simonpaul3463 says : Great show, please stick your hand up if you wasn't to talk rather talking over each other>> <<@rockmusic175 says : 🥰Putin. Savior of Africa from Neocons>> <<@TankandDimples says : That is exactly what I say to people that want us to stop aid because we have our own problems. How much is war with Russia going to cost us if they are destroying our lands and killing and wounding our soldiers. How much will it cost then?>> <<@TankandDimples says : BigMac Krynky is in the south. The glide bombs don't have much range. They can use the long range weapons in Kherson and Crimea. This will definitely benefit Kyiv but would not have helped Krynky.>> <<@SandmanAlpha24 says : I guess you guys aren't afraid of a nuclear winter.>> <<@kenyonmoon3272 says : I think he wants war with NATO. He is just too scared to initiate it. He wants the war, but in a way he can pretend is defensive, even if only for propaganda.>> <<@johnnylind-n7j says : Well give him what he want , if he wants war with Nato lets see how long they last .>> <<@MikeBrown-dk7or says : Another Putin bluff which is working. He won't really want an all out war with NATO. He knows he would lose as soon as any Russian weapon landed in a NATO country.>> <<@franceyneireland1633 says : Excellent information. Mainstream news media in the US and Canada needs to interview you three to reach more Americans and Canadians. “Slava Ukraini!” “Heroyam Slava!” from Canada.>> <<@annehersey9895 says : American here. I have called the White House numerous times to encourage Biden to take the restrictions off of everything!! Now I see that the UN Security Council is debating long range weapons!! NATO has said go ahead and use them. Stoltenberg has been adamant that all restrictions. Sholtz is the biggest stone around NATOS neck. WE must stop listening to Putin’s Sabre rattling. When Putin talks Nukes or red lines all the US needs to say: “Vladdy, old pal, don’t forget that we have nukes too!>> <<@vonries says : Countries can act outside of NATO if they want to. However when Russia attackes back they would NOT be covered by Article 5. That's why they won't do it. Poland might be trying to arm itself enough so it can anyway, but I wouldn't bet the farm. I wish you would do a film/documentary whatever that showed the average American the real problems. My understanding (but I watch daily) is that you don't have anywhere near enough equipment. If I'm wrong please correct me. I can NOT imagine trying to beat the Russian army with a half dozen f-16's, a few hundred Bradley's, and a hand full of tanks. I don't even want to guess how few Patriot systems that have actually been delivered. You should make your opening graphic are cartoon of a soldier being dragged across the screen from one side to the other and leaving a red line behind him.>> <<@AstroGremlinAmerican says : It's not blackmail, the threat of revealing a secret. It's extortion, the threat of violence. Please learn the vocabulary of crimes. Thanks in advance. And please stop laughing for no reason. Big fan of UATV.>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : Biden is allowing himself to be cowed and intimidated by Russia, which plays into Putin's hands. Please grow a BACKBONE!>> <<@emzwills975 says : Unleash storm shadows,stop holding Ukraine back.>> <<@henryknepp says : Bring it>> <<@Gregoryking-e9q says : Here in the USA Americans any Democratic country we have to go thru Congress to approve that . Special went it come so close to our elections>> <<@Jilke says : Amazing talk!!! 💪💙💛👊>> <<@emzwills975 says : Logistics takes time,now many routes are open.>> <<@velalivre says : Putin love to explore the fear of other nations. So evil. 😡>> << says : Glad to hear that said. "The Poles are raring to go." That has always been my opinion. I am quite sure if things get too bad they will not let Ukraine fall. They will be there. As for NATO? An organization of Professional Cowards. [with love from Canada]>> <<@ibrahiymmuhammad4773 says : Boom>> <<@ibrahiymmuhammad4773 says : Naw, I’ll say it: when you stepping right, they gotta show me before I believe a threat.>> <<@elianaoliveira2431 says : thank you Rússia>> <<@elianaoliveira2431 says : Ucrânia 100 por cento!>> <<@elianaoliveira2431 says : o território e da Ucrânia falou!>> <<@elianaoliveira2431 says : eu defendo Ucrânia de unhas e dentes!!!!>> <<@jeffsizer9359 says : Lets go. We've seen that paper tiger.>> <<@jpr1370 says : putin is at war with NATO now. If putin didn’t want war with NATO he should have just stayed home and made himself happy gutting the wealth from russia to make himself more money. Got tired of that I guess. Too easy that. Needed a bigger hill to climb. Found it. putin always wondered where the limits were. Now he has a better idea of it.>> <<@eller1066 says : We all know that Putin has nothing left but threats. He is so sad.>> <<@esakoivuniemi says : Thanks for being straightforward and telling it like it is. I keep hearing in the media that Biden is supposedly 'working on' letting Ukraine use long-range weapons to strike targets in Russia. But I can’t help but wonder, how much work does that really take? To a regular guy like me, it seems like a simple 'YES' and a signature would get it done. But maybe that's asking too much from him, who knows?>>