<<@dmoret1992 says : If the west gives the know how to make long range missles for ukraine, Putin cant do anything because he shares nuclear secrets to iran and north korea so it would just be sharing information, bye bye red line>> <<@lirpakerof321 says : They should establish the "J.D.Vance Prize" for the leaders of countries who succesfully extend their territories either by using military force (golden prize) or at least by threatening to do so (silver prize).>> <<@Idc_263 says : do n0t believe on Republican MAGAs rhetorics!>> <<@joiedevie3901 says : First of all, the reason that JD Vance has to give the details of this "plan" is that the head of his ticket has the mental acuity of a Precambrian haploid and would not be able to convey the plan for.a child's birthday party with cue cards. One can only hope that Trump and Vance used an American interpreter to translate Putin's plan for them and did not totally grab their ankles by trusting one from the Kremlin.>> <<@mahadragon says : Name one war that was won with drones alone.>> <<@WhenWeWereHuman says : Trump and Vance will secure peace>> <<@danielraymadden says : Liars only create illusions Russia is an illusion....>> <<@dunwitch says : Here's my peace plan: 1) Russia returns to it's own pre-2014 borders 2) Russia pays Ukraine 600 billion dollars in reparations. That's it. That's a fair and just plan for peace.>> <<@eddastrohmayer251 says : We are again where we were in 2014. Ukrainian government prefers war to Neutrality-status... 🀯πŸ₯³πŸ€‘>> <<@ruslankbr5243 says : Is this young guy from the screen wants to be a soldier? Go and don’t assure others to continue this senseless war for NATO expansion.>> <<@maxhugen says : Bravo, Vance or Hamel or Bowman... or whatever his name is today. Excellent "vision"... *just give Putin everything he wants* at this moment. A Trump win would be a disaster for the US, and yet another calamity worldwide. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini πŸ’ͺ>> <<@chrismitchell4622 says : America should only negotiate the total withdraw of all Russian forces from Ukraine for Peace! Ukraine has the peace plan!>> <<@greatboniwanker says : Deplorable! SLAVA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ UKRAINI HEROYAM 🌻 SLAVA>> <<@j.dunlop8295 says : Trump's new line of Fido and Kitty barbeque? That guy will sell anything! Vote πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²>> <<@TraciMize-e3f says : i get it, that they are concerned about the $ (that the u.s. political was allowed to squander); - but what I DO NOT GET, is them taking it out on the people of Ukraine - by currently siding with the terrorists.. [can't see, don't wanna see - because honoring the lies of putin is more important.] and I'm talking EVERYTHING about justifying his lies through the rumors he created. LOOK AT THE WORLD MAP. LOOK AT who had/has nukes AND who didn't. LOOK AT who had the greater army and equipment vs those who had little. πŸ¦πŸ‘‘πŸ“ƒπŸ“œ WHEN Ukraine protects Civilians (YES even those within ru; and putin does what - he uses his military to kill civilians, EVEN the russian civilian's - ALSO sending conscripts out into battles). HOLY...HOLY...HOLY...RISEN IS THE HEAVENLY FATHER'S WILL NOW FULFILLED (BUT YET STILL HONORED FIRST) – BY HIS SPIRIT - HOLY (ALSO ONE - AND NOT SEPARATE) THE CHRIST - JESUS - [MATTHEW 5:17-18.., 1 Kings 8:9, EXODUS 20:...13-17; MARK 12:29 – (31), LUKE 1:31 - 33.] - SPIRIT HOLY TO FULFILL ALL things GOD'S WILL THROUGH HIS COVENANT/covenant Laws, THE FOUNDATION OF THE World; - HIS KINGDOM, HIS WORLD, HIS people (Separated) - HIS CHRIST - MESSIAH - BY HIS SPIRIT HOLY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT - THE ALL POWERFUL, HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY HONORED/honored - John 16:7- 16, Matthew 4:17 WITH Luke 17:21, Matthew 7:12 - Rev. 8:3-5, 14:12- 20, THE reap/REAP, THE repentance ETERNAL.........HOLY...HOLY...HOLY. * the cheap tricks of the u.s. through our politicians, i.e. the biden admin AND the trump admin; when we tag a high $$$ value on - (our old weapons) - so that when we do finally send them, we will appear to be the hero's of the world; ( - like our old that was previously discarded - SUDDENLY being worth a lot of $$$). * the cheap tricks of the u.s. - when our ATACMS (also old) are way better than the new - Ukraine not worth the effort. Ukraine in the way; when you want the WAR to be over - more than a LASTING Peace/PEACE (- this WAR interfering with your politics). [and is it true that we have 200 F-16's rotting in the AZ desert? is this true - or is it a rumor?] * AND GET THIS - you trying to control Ukraine - does make you no better than joe biden. [- when russia can kill civilians, but we have to think about it (for weeks), before we can even come against russia's military.] - (when all involved expose themselves) - WHEN ALL LAND BELONGS TO GOD FIRST. - HOLY - HOLY - HOLY - πŸ¦πŸ‘‘πŸ“ƒπŸ“œ [WHEN CHRIST THE KING SEES things different than we do] - we have the terrorists (working behind the scenes) AND then we have their (political agenda); - when one stands with obama, and the other putin - proving To THE WORLD - just how far we have FALLEN. HOLY...HOLY...HOLY...RISEN IS THE HEAVENLY FATHER'S WILL NOW FULFILLED (BUT YET STILL HONORED FIRST) – BY HIS SPIRIT - HOLY (ALSO ONE - AND NOT SEPARATE) THE CHRIST - JESUS - [MATTHEW 5:17-18.., 1 Kings 8:9, EXODUS 20:...13-17; MARK 12:29 – (31), LUKE 1:31 - 33.] - SPIRIT HOLY TO FULFILL ALL things GOD'S WILL THROUGH HIS COVENANT/covenant Laws, THE FOUNDATION OF THE World; - HIS KINGDOM, HIS WORLD, HIS people (Separated) - HIS CHRIST - MESSIAH - BY HIS SPIRIT HOLY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT - THE ALL POWERFUL, HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY HONORED/honored - John 16:7- 16, Matthew 4:17 WITH Luke 17:21, Matthew 7:12 - Rev. 8:3-5, 14:12- 20, THE reap/REAP, THE repentance ETERNAL.........HOLY...HOLY...HOLY.>> <<@AstroGremlinAmerican says : The secret plan was revealed during the debate and now has been revealed in greater detail thanks to Vance. This is not a plan. It's a fever dream based on ego and pretended charisma. Remember, Trump picked Amarosa for his cabinet.>> <<@uropygid says : America's republican party is wholly owned by russia.>> <<@46mrph says : Not worry Trump is only going to jail not the white house. JD will crawl back under his rock.>> <<@TraciMize-e3f says : IN A WAR - friendly politics. [when the last 8 to 12 years - (of going through the deep state) - ] - nobody has learned anything ------- HOLY...HOLY...HOLY...RISEN IS THE HEAVENLY FATHER'S WILL NOW FULFILLED (BUT YET STILL HONORED FIRST) – BY HIS SPIRIT - HOLY (ALSO ONE - AND NOT SEPARATE) THE CHRIST - JESUS - [MATTHEW 5:17-18.., 1 Kings 8:9, EXODUS 20:...13-17; MARK 12:29 – (31), LUKE 1:31 - 33.] - SPIRIT HOLY TO FULFILL ALL things GOD'S WILL THROUGH HIS COVENANT/covenant Laws, THE FOUNDATION OF THE World; - HIS KINGDOM, HIS WORLD, HIS people (Separated) - HIS CHRIST - MESSIAH - BY HIS SPIRIT HOLY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT - THE ALL POWERFUL, HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY HONORED/honored - John 16:7- 16, Matthew 4:17 WITH Luke 17:21, Matthew 7:12 - Rev. 8:3-5, 14:12- 20, THE reap/REAP, THE repentance ETERNAL.........HOLY...HOLY...HOLY. when obama told how many lies??? - putin the same [also siding with iran - iran helping russia]. russia in Ukraine - NO INTERNATIONAL Laws honored [the Geneva Convention - also ignored]. - civilians being targeted and murdered daily, women raped and shot/some children violently stole from their parents (last count around 20,000). when putin says they will take better care of the children of Ukraine (BECAUSE they now have no home to go home to)??? Many families and neighbors buried after being tortured] - others forced to leave... WHEN NATO (the Nations helping Ukraine Separately on their own) help Ukraine - and yet you guys act like you don't want Ukraine to have any help and especially not from NATO??? when its all about bleeding Ukraine dry....(FYI - which is also the obama way). ...putin wants Crimea - just give it to him, and for sure don't (let) Ukraine join NATO??? [when its okay for a Nation full of people to suffer - because those overseeing the u.s. bonded with putin and not Zelenskyy.] - [ - you guys need to LET this in, because it is THE truth - of what is happening; NOT a political game - to read, ignore and just move on, acting like Ukraine is not important; ...the people of Ukraine ARE Important TO THE LORD - and this WAR is not going to just go away because its in your way. EITHER you are for VICTORY, (THE LORD'S VICTORY/victory OVER terrorism) or you are for putin, siding with him in his lies and MANY, MANY acts of terrorism.] BEFORE THE THRONE - HOLY - HOLY - HOLY -. when putin pulls an obama........................and vance and trump believe him. [isis obama and terrorist putin - when both carry the same demonic spirit.] I told you before - NO Ukrainian Land will be given to putin or russia. NONE. AND there will be Justice/JUSTICE/justice (with or without the help of our u.s. politicians). HOLY...HOLY...HOLY...RISEN IS THE HEAVENLY FATHER'S WILL NOW FULFILLED (BUT YET STILL HONORED FIRST) – BY HIS SPIRIT - HOLY (ALSO ONE - AND NOT SEPARATE) THE CHRIST - JESUS - [MATTHEW 5:17-18.., 1 Kings 8:9, EXODUS 20:...13-17; MARK 12:29 – (31), LUKE 1:31 - 33.] - SPIRIT HOLY TO FULFILL ALL things GOD'S WILL THROUGH HIS COVENANT/covenant Laws, THE FOUNDATION OF THE World; - HIS KINGDOM, HIS WORLD, HIS people (Separated) - HIS CHRIST - MESSIAH - BY HIS SPIRIT HOLY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT - THE ALL POWERFUL, HIS FULL SOVEREIGNTY HONORED/honored - John 16:7- 16, Matthew 4:17 WITH Luke 17:21, Matthew 7:12 - Rev. 8:3-5, 14:12- 20, THE reap/REAP, THE repentance ETERNAL.........HOLY...HOLY...HOLY.>> <<@Trump-is-a-Khuilo says : The Republican peace plan is to make Ukraine give Russia anything it wants. Vote Harris/Walz πŸ’™πŸ’™ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦βœŒοΈ>> <<@MrKim-kv2vv says : Ukraine has the right to dictate their own requirements for peace. Do not abandon Ukraine!>> <<@axelk6521 says : Don't give Trump anything you don't want pootin to see. You know he will share it.>> <<@gerryhouska2859 says : Do not surrender even one Ukrainian person to the fascist empire!>> <<@lawrencealger3812 says : No fear I do not think Trump or Vance will see office after the election! Slava Ukraini!>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : I guess Vance would have no problem handing over a few of their states to Russia, to keep the peace, if Russia invaded it. Also, Vance seems oblivious to the fact that Russia NEVER honors any agreements, and if Ukraine doesn't join NATO, Russia will attack again...and again...and again.>> <<@Pemit-un4ch says : Ich habe von Amerikanern und Briten gelernt, was Freiheit und Demokratie bedeuten. Und mΓΆchte nichts missen - die Briten und Amerikaner ebenso wie Freiheit und Demokratie. Die Ukrainer sollen auch wissen wie es sich in Freiheit lebt - bleibt tapfer und mutig, ihr werdet diesen Kampf gewinnen ❣️ Slava Ukraini β£οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦>> <<@1imesub says : He won't win so it doesn't matter.>> <<@MKD-fe5vf says : Haven't watched it yet but I know his plan is just plain ridiculous and a total none starter for Ukraine. I'm sure all plans developed by others outside of Ukraine because they would all have Ukraine reward the invader are also none starters.>> <<@c0smicbyte says : There is one thing that would inhibit Russia from crossing into Ukraine again: Ukraine becoming a member of NATO. Putin's surrogates and useful idiots in America, pro-Russia Trump and his MAGA fascist movement including those at Fox News and right-wing Evangelical churches, are starting to crumble along the frontline of American politics in this election. Hopefully, Kamala Harris becomes the next president. She is supportive of NATO and other allies, very democratic, smart, and decisive.>> <<@hannisateur says : Become Trump proof !>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Slava Ukraine πŸ’™ πŸ’› ✌️ πŸ’― 🀝 βœ…οΈ>> <<@Geronimo_Jehoshaphat says : This page is rife full of ignorant "progressive" American subversives with no clue on existing agreements already to this effect. Yes the Budepest Agreement, but there's also already binding signed precedents on paper to appease Russia's security concerns, which were in fact violated in regard to domestic proxies for foreign military and advanced military research installations that Russia has no desire to permit in their hemisphere. Like it or not, they have a valid point, even if it's just an excuse for a coveted land grab while the U.S. is asleep at the wheel, churning out inflated money to have Ukrainians die in a proxy war between the West and Russia. I love Ukraine. I love its valiant people far more than its limbo government(s). I don't think the Russian government should have escalated the horrors of this barbarously manufactured turmoil between neighbors like they have. The Russian citizens aren't blood thirsty for their cousins demise. It's all oligarchial bureaucratic ambitions causing this heinous havoc. Yes, Russia is in the wrong. But not exclusively. The U.S. shouldn't be funding an endless violent engagement that only finalizes with the inevitable annihilation of all of Ukraine's lives and treasures, based on sheer competetive numbers advantage from Russia to throw more good lives in the meat grinder than Ukraine can equally summon. So there's going to have to be neogitations with Russia were they feel adequate compromise is reached. To fight at all is only to hold out for this resolution hope. It really isn't as if Ukraine is the beacon of perfect governing in freedom and ethics either. No one is, actually. But peace and life holds more promise than war and death. In the end it's all pointless if it's all gone. Weigh what the worst outcome from either equasion would be. Prudent pragmacy needs to prevail. Dignity in peace - not propaganda.>> <<@eddastrohmayer251 says : Credible Neutrality is the only way out for Ukraine of this mess ! And just to remember, what Henry said 2 days ago: NATO is only a Librarians Club? Does Ukraine really fight a war to join a Librarians Club ? πŸ˜‰>> <<@JS-ip8xm says : And may be they could sign the "peace" treaty in Munich. It would be so appropriate, and Putin would say this is ruzzia's last territorial claim...? As VP Harris said, "the same old tired playbook"....>> <<@MilesPrior-Wilson says : *Piss plan.>> <<@Peter-or7wl says : Dj vance to prison>> <<@zadadazadada4298 says : We will not elect idiots that think they have a right to tell a sovereign nation that's giving its all to maintain their freedom to do anything but what Ukraine decides to do, Slava Ukraine ❀❀>> <<@jeanclaudejunior says : JD Vance is a weirdo!>> <<@sharonmontag2389 says : Americans want the repuglican peace plan for Ukraine as much as they want trump for president again... which is no way this side of hades. Ukraine should be free to make its own decision about what to do with its future and freedom. It is a sovereign nation. I hope they get into both the EU and NATO. Slava Ukraine>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : the Budapest memorandum was ratified by n body and that time Crimean borders were not the same because the enclave of Sevastopol was belonging to Russia About sovereignty why did Victoria Nuland US secretary decided for the first Ukrainian government post Maidan ukraine is since 2014 a vassal of USA Its well known that USA did not want Ukraine to implement Minsk 2 agreement that led to war>> <<@nazcaplain says : Ukraine MUST eventually join NATO if it wants a guarantee of safety. Period.>> <<@rodturner6759 says : I don't think it is Haitians, I am fairly certain it is RFK JR eating those animals...>> <<@Ukie88 says : Vance’s plan is a joke and insult to the independent nation of Ukraine. No negotiations with the invader until they remove all troops to the 1991 borders. The integrity of a sovereign nation is at stake. This was not a civil war but an out and out territorial invasion beginning in 2004 which the Kremlin escalated in February 2022.>> <<@Genki.Japanese says : I disagree with Trump's peace plan. If what is happening in Ukraine, happened in America, Trump would go to war, to drive out any foreign powers from occupying any part of America. So, Ukraine should never give up their lands, no matter what. If Trump wins in November, Trump has to support Ukraine, or he has failed as the defender of freedom and democracy.>> <<@CamObserver says : Trump wants peace with Russia and will sell any country out Ukraine, including the USA to make himself feel good.>> <<@eenigheid3186 says : Mr. Vance has more serious issues to focus on - helping Mr. Trump track down and expose all those who eat pets !>> <<@wilfriedholscher7029 says : πŸ’™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ”±πŸ’™πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ>> <<@wilfriedholscher7029 says : JD = Just don't Vance is a Desaster HARRIS-WALZ 2024>> <<@marna7325 says : Land for peace doesn't work.>> <<@manapeace says : Sounds similar to Trump’s medieval β€œbuild a wall” solution.>>