<<@babyonemoretime5011 says : baby killer>> <<@babyonemoretime5011 says : you could've kept your baby with Britney>> <<@robertotorino8862 says : "I hope everyone watching learns from this" speak for yourself cry me a river guy lol>> <<@Effthefbi says : …at least no one got hurt and at least THEY didn’t have a lengthy secret operation involving you, putting people in your path to set you up to a worst criminal narrative like THEY do Black celebrities…at least you took accountability because you can be sure that the very ones that arrested you will NEVER take accountability- even when there are cameras to show THEIR guilt..>> <<@iceyjules says : Ay ay clout>> <<@louannramirez4278 says : So what…everyone makes a bad choice that results in a consequence. It’s being human. Why do we make it such a big deal if that human is a celebrity. Get over it people.>> <<@anthonygriffin1958 says : It's boggles the mind how some under the influence of alcohol feels that he or she can get behind the wheel of a vehicle to drive safely in the moment. It where common sense or logic leaves the roadways in the process.>> <<@HeathRios-e6o says : I love you dude but you're so full of crap your eye's are brown. Jusy be thankful you were able to buy your way out. Love ya but i lost alot of respect for u>> <<@watchman835 says : Is he wearing pearls?😂😂😂>> <<@normanheurtematte says : Big fan of.justin. the man is gifted af and just a human. So many peoples do so much mistake and after they like judge others peoples. Thx for apologies justin>> <<@rjs8044 says : Oh geez. More nonsense from a celebrity. So many problems in this country & he's blathering on about being a selfish A**.>> <<@Shawdy-b1i says : Holding that chick's hand at the bar was a lot more of a higher standard than this.>> <<@brandongarrel2825 says : Shoulda not left Janet’s t**ty alone and cold, lol>> <<@nicolemanja1430 says : IDGAF and your acting sucks! Make some good music again.>> <<@LickItnStickIt says : This is most likely part of his plea deal to make a PSA.>> <<@cesspool1676 says : Nobody cares.>> <<@DonnaTownsend-j7p says : Bartenders should also take responsibility. I've seen bartenders over serve for the mighty dollar 😡>> <<@RealTalkWithGaryM says : It wasn't a mistake. Because I'm sure it wasn't the first time he got behind the wheel and drove while drinking. It's the first time he got caught.>> <<@Thatsfrompowersbitch says : Who cares, millions of adults do this.>> <<@jesseventura8984 says : Oh cry me a river>> <<@NobodyCaresAboutYou. says : Now they're gonna make him vote blue...>> <<@davidrhodes5245 says : My question regarding this situation would be this….He says he made a mistake, and hopes others won’t do the same. If he hadn’t got caught, would he have owned up to it and told the police he wanted to be arrested for DUI ?…..NOT A CHANCE….Admitting you made “a mistake” (it wasn’t a mistake, it was a CHOICE to drive over the limit or not) AFTER the event, is all well and good, but wouldn’t help anyone you might have injured or killed if it went differently. If you don’t own up to it before they catch you, then your apology is FAKE, because not only did you drive DUI in the first place, you also tried to get away with it too.>> <<@george4u1960 says : Well, it looks like America can forgive Trump for what he did so we can forgive you❤>> <<@Phills69 says : Celebrities get DUI’s all the time… Why are they making him do all this talking? Whats good? Pay something like $20K to fund the local school music program and get your case dismissed… I’m confused.>> <<@rob1480 says : JT with all your money you didn’t call for a cab you showed poor judgement you should be ashamed of yourself.>> <<@gmac2558 says : Did he have NSYNC cranked up to 11 when he got pulled over?>> <<@jjlyonsiv says : God bless man. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. There for the grace of God go I. Head up Justin. A bad night does not make the man. You know this as do those who truly matter to you. Best to you and your family.>> <<@alexl1251 says : Come on people! He brought sexy back. How many do you know who have done that? Cut the guy some slack.>> <<@hyfmf says : Blah blah. Go away. And take your pearls with you 😂.>> <<@hollynivy3769 says : Why is this news>> <<@lukuscannon9697 says : Sorry you got caught 🤣😂🤣>> <<@user-gr1sx2tx6j says : He just grew before my eyes! His humbleness was unexpected - and his willingness to recognize his mistake was all that was expected!>> <<@Jhon-ic4uy says : People are only sorry, wen they get caught 😂😂>> <<@amazinlynn3358 says : I love how he says for everyone to take an uber yet eveyone is shouting for him to take an uber. No matter how much he tries to take responsibility, its never enough. He apologized to britney and janet in the early 2000s. Yet he should have done it a long time ago? Come on people..hes a human like all of us commenting. We're not all perfect..not even celebrities. Living and learning doesn't stop when you're a kid. You learn as you grow older too.>> <<@shaggydane7197 says : Ok.. So what. Good for you>> <<@hansendsouza6440 says : Celebrate news not mainstream>> <<@jcfpv3454 says : FAVORTISM AT ITS FINEST. Anyone else would have refused a chemical test would have been charged with a felony and automatic jail time but not for the entilted rich and powerful. The judge and da should both be fired for failing to follow law instead of money and fame. Yet all the less fortunate are doing hard time for less.>> <<@mattilahde5220 says : Fake and lame>> <<@dancoyle6911 says : This wasn’t really an opportunity for him to tell other people how to act, but he took it anyway. Listen to your own advice before you start dishing it out. Hire a goddamn driver bro>> <<@dianeclayton4936 says : One could not have made a different decision because he didn't.>> <<@lisaevon8274 says : He's right. He should have made a different decision. We have all made a bad decision in our lives. He is lucky this is the worst that happened.>> <<@BobbyLight702 says : 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@CharmingReality says : God it’s like he was caught kissing his cat. This is so performative and OTT. Ok JT, you’re rich and famous all’s forgiven, now cheers 🥃>> <<@Liesel925 says : I admit that I've been behind the wheel when I should not have in my younger days. I am not one to judge.>> <<@Vutsman1 says : Only 1 drink - must have been ONE BIG ASS DRINK. Must be nice to be a Dem supporter. Probably promised to donate a ton for the reduced crime of a speeding ticket.>> <<@Blades307 says : CNN trash News.>> <<@jieli3313 says : The Chinese government suffers from paranoid ideation! The Chinese government feels that the whole world is trying to harm him! But the fact is that the Chinese government has harmed the freedom of speech of people all over the world!>> <<@OniSamaGin says : So the only reason this is made a big deal is because a fucking name... Dont care who it is, Treat it like any other drunk driver.>> <<@mm.k8_5 says : Please read holy Qur'an>> <<@joiisler3012 says : I don’t understand why he is being forced by the Judge to make a public statement at all. He is an Entertainer. He is not a Spiritual or Political Leader, or even an Educator. I care whether I get my money’s worth when he performs on stage. His personal life is none of my business. They’re parading his charges around like he had some Fans in the backseat, or he hijacked a school bus or something. smh>>