<<@Howiex-is8gq says : Russia dont tell truth just lies.....>> <<@stefaniekokal58 says : Shame on you Canada for allowing this film to make it this far.>> <<@angus7278 says : How ‘bout we watch it and then decide? In Canada it’s called “open society” and “freedom of expression and thought”.>> <<@easyseven123 says : A pity. It would have been an interesting watch. Hopefully it will be available elsewhere.>> <<@RandomDeforge says : it was exceptionally foolish to bring up a comparison of this to HAMAS propaganda. Ukrainians did absolutely nothing to Russia to provoke its invasion and war crimes. While Israel/Palestinian/Iran conflict is full of tit for tat and retaliations. They are simply not comparable conflicts. By painting this Russian propaganda film as somehow comparable to Hamas, only baselessly reinforces the foolish notion among some Arabs and Muslims that Russia is "simply defending it self">> <<@user-bp3sv4wz2j says : Ukrop is a bandera terrioist state creat,by CIA.>> <<@rayk6449 says : Meanwhile the Globe and mail is defending this film with “opinion piece”>> <<@legendzero9000 says : This should not ignored.>> <<@StrikeBuster-b2b says : Is the Russian movie about how pathetic the Russian military is? A mighty Russian bear superpower couldn't beat the little ole Ukraine.>> <<@olgatomenko1828 says : Rodnyansky? Are you serious? The guy that produced russian propaganda films has any right to talk about russian propaganda? Come on>> <<@j.dunlop8295 says : They should use it for counter-propaganda, having Russian POWs mocking it as a satire! 🇺🇦💙🩵⚖️>> <<@ZemplinTemplar says : The entire leadership of TIFF and those from the Canadian Media Fund who aided and abbetted this disgrace, deserve to be boycotted, deserve to be fired from their jobs, and not allowed to work in the Canadian cultural sector ever again. Or the cultural sector of any other country. And I wouldn't blame Ukraine one bit if it declared these people persona non grata in Ukraine and refused any of their future attempts to visit Ukraine. This is a gigantic disgrace for one of the largest and most long-lived North American festivals of cinematic culture. I am just utterly flabbergasted how anyone in the Canadian cultural sector thought this was a good idea. Some, especially clueless foreigners outside of central and eastern Europe, might say my words are "too harsh", "too condemning". Really ? Let's imagine WWII era Canada, a member of the Allies, a staunch fighter against the Axis states, secretly allocates some state funds, from Canadian taxpayer money, for a nazi propaganda documentary detailing the brutal occupation and subjugation of Poland (and the "heroic fight" against Polish resistance members), and then has that documentary premiered in cinemas, with a lot of publicity. The Allies would blow a gasket and both the WWII era Canadian citizens and citizens of the western Allies would immediately demand heads should roll for supporting propaganda of the enemy. If such a WWII era scenario sounds absurd, because it would be, let's now look at this scenario today, in our supposedly "enlightened" 2020s, when the leadership of a film festival that's meant to be a welcoming, cultured and liberal democracy supporting celebration of culture and diversity openly supports a fascist war propaganda cockumentary, and even has the gall to brand peaceful protesters against the documentary as "threatening". I have to wonder whether some members of the Canadian cultural sector have completely parted with their moorings.>> <<@nish0905 says : Rubbish everywhere is propaganda>> <<@Wellnesspeacelovefun says : How are they “forced” to go to war lol ; “forced” by their own government for sure>> <<@chemeng1977 says : The US starts a war with Russia using Ukrain as cannon fodder. The goal: to stop Chinese expansion into Europe via the Chinese silk road rail line that was planned and now dead. Geopolitics 101, as old as time immemorial. Now our so called leaders want to drag Canada into this imoral war, and they want to preach to us what is evil and what is good and where moral equivalency exists. For Ukranians, wake up and realize why you're fighting, then tell your leaders you're not interested, before they drag the entire world into this.>> <<@natalieturko4808 says : We will wait for the sequel entitled "Russian Atrocities in Ukraine".>> <<@jean-marcbelanger615 says : The Canadian Media Fund for the film should be reimbursed the $340,000 for "Russians at War" especially if this film is false propaganda glorifying Putin and this Canadian support is an insult to our Ukrainian friends!!!>> <<@govinda102000 says : WTF?>> <<@VictorBonello says : West propaganda has influenced the weak and simple minded.. Ukraine and the West live by lies and fake propaganda typical of Nazi Regimes>> <<@user-bv1sr4rb1t says : Sounds it's good unintended independent cinema>> <<@beckyconstantinides2546 says : The Toronto Film Festival has cancelled the showing of Russians at War.>> <<@marksnyder8022 says : Shame on the Canadian government for this.>> <<@hannisateur says : maskirovka - military deception vranyo - ruzzian word for a lie that you know is a lie but you do not care.>> <<@NEUBRAND2000 says : Slava Ukraine 💙💛✌️💯🤝✅️✅️😎🚬💥>> <<@darrencorrigan8505 says : Thanks, UATV English version.>> <<@norwegianboyee says : Russian soldiers innocent victims? I wonder if German soldiers invading Russia in 1941 would be viewed the same way by Russians today. Innocent victims of war?>> <<@johnmorton5880 says : They Should Ban Any Films From Russia!>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : Is Ukraine a democracy "of our values"? 1/ the laws on languages ​​are anything but not democratic, it is a linguistic dictatorship for the sole benefit of the Ukrainian language. Russian speakers who represent half of Ukrainian speakers do not even have the right to education in Russian for their children at school, neither television in Russian, nor menus in restaurants in Russian nor subtitles in Russian at the movies or at the Opera 2/President Zelensky frauded his country's tax authorities (Pandora Papers investigation by 100 top journalists), his main mentor is Ihor Kholomoisky (who embezzled the equivalent of 5% of Ukrainian GNP!) He is an oligarch and a criminal 3/ In 2010 President of Ukraine Victor Youtchenko declared "hero" of Ukraine Stepan Bandera a collaborator with the Nazis and icon of the infamous Azov regiment... The European Parliament representing 450 european citizens and the Simon Wiesentahl Center had condemned this heroization 4/ Parades in memory of the Ukrainian SS division Galichina took place on several occasions, the last of which was in Kiev... There is a monument commemorating this SS division in the city of Lvov, the only memorial monument in the world for the SS. ... 5/ In the Economist Intelligence Unit, Ukraine ranks only 83rd place in democracy. 6 / And in terms of corruption according to "Transparency International" Ukraine comes in 123rd place out of 180. Indeed it is common knowledge that 5-7oligarchs have their strong hands on the economy. 7/ Ukraine orders its "partners" to cut off Russian gas at the risk of seriously damaging Europe's economy while Ukraine itself receives Russian gas and even royalties by pipeline passage thru Ukraine... 8/ Presenting itself as always "Paragon" of virtue, Ukraine is nevertheless pinpointed out by Amnesty International for endangering the lives of civilians by using civilian buildings as military bases. To think that they would use their own population as a shield human there would be only tiny steps. Ukraine even accuses Amnesty of collusion with Russia, which is on border of ridiculous. 9 / Unlike truly democratic and peaceful states, Ukraine was part of a coalition violating international law under false evidences, of the USA and its 2003 invasion in Iraq which caused a total of 1/2 million deaths, Ukraine is surely disqualified for her incessant demand for respect for international law when itself broke this law. Ukraine also refused to implement agreements it had itself signed; the Minsk 2 agreements, under pressure from Ukrainian neo-nazis ultra-nationalists and probably from the USA, dragging its country into the war.Angela Merkel and François Hollande recently confirmed that these agreements were not intended to be applied but to buy time to arm Ukraine, thus confirming state lies from the West 10/ the law of July 1, 2021 of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) law on "natives" establishes different rights of Ukrainian citizens according to ethnic origins Whereas these remarks are all verifiable, it is up to everyone to judge whether or not Ukraine is a democratic state defending the "democratic" values ​​of the West as it is systematically affirmed>> <<@JamesMurphy-ry2mx says : Surely this film should be called Russians at putins SMO! I won’t be watching it! Slava Ukraine!🇺🇦>> <<@heathermccall8015 says : Its been canceled at TIFF.>> <<@Sugarmountaincondo says : Good, it is about time people start to wake up.>> <<@janlindtner305 says : Mabuhi ang Ukraine🍀❤👍>>