<<@massapower says : Luv the GENE 😁👍🏻👍🏻>> <<@vic4rp says : HE ISN'T SPECIAL,BUT HE IS CLUELESS! DON'T LET YOUR CHILDREN BE JABBED WITH THE COVID JABB!>> <<@homebrandrules says : disappointing cringe interview on both their parts.... i loved general Jim Molan, i am disliking his daughter less and less, she reeks of entitlement....>> <<@johnnyrotten5507 says : I think he's sadly becoming too much of a parody of himself - every response included "humour" (attempted, anyway) - Gene, we love you for your wit, intellect and charm - stop trying to be Jim Carrey>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : Ask Him About Being A pedophile...😶>> <<@Julio.H.P. says : 1:38 ... Why would it mean anything, when the man knows these women are available only because they are rich and famous. Do women ever hold themselves accountable?>> <<@Mark-sy2bx says : Why is everyone in Hollywood Jewish?>> <<@JeannineCoventon says : https://youtube.com/shorts/E_l0Pvcpuuw?si=158_O0oGOekXAgUh>> <<@Duqsteel1115 says : Ok, a lot of negative Gene comments. Yes, he is still arrogant, yes, he still thinks he’s Gods gift. But, I also see it as his shtick and says things to “try” and be funny. With that, he is right on target with, you vote for who YOU think will be the right person for the job. Him turning to influence on who you should vote for shouldn’t matter. I never met the man, so I can’t give an honest opinion about him as a person. But, I know he honors the troops very heavily, so he can’t be ALL bad. BTW, his music is simple basic party rock. It’s not supposed to be Mozart and yes, he really needs better wigs, I agree. lol>> <<@jjsc4396 says : “Opens up”? 😂 He literally said NOTHING he hasn’t a million times already in interviews and books. 😂😂😂>> <<@juanvaldez2774 says : Why is this guy who never wrote a hit song of any kind looking like that getting interviewed?>> <<@vincenta1074 says : This guy is the most conceited person in rock ‘n’ roll. The reason why he doesn’t like Donald Trump because he’s just like him>> <<@vincenta1074 says : This guy is the most conceited person in rock ‘n’ roll.>> <<@dwheel39 says : Beta male Simmons owned by P f * z * r>> <<@ACDZ123 says : "You look amazing" ha ha bull....>> <<@lowmoon9025 says : Genile>> <<@JonDeth says : *He's one of the biggest assholes on earth and unworthy to be a role model.* Worshiping these people will condemn a lot of people to hell and shame on them for being so arrogant about what they're doing.>> <<@thefonzkiss says : LYRICS : _I am the lard of the waistband_ _Big portion size, I will steal_ _I gather roast beef to please me_ _And I command you to meal_ _Before the_ _God of Blunder_ _And casserole!_ _Now we’re lip synching_ _And taking money is our only goal!_>> <<@peppino1961 says : That hair hahahahaahahah, what a douche.>> <<@greggjohnson3835 says : No curtain really Gene. When we go to the poles which we all should be doing (no mail in) same day. Pink or blue ballots.>> <<@johnilijevic4135 says : What a weirdo.>> <<@dawn6232 says : He’s right>> <<@theylied1776 says : Your boss, Rupert Murdoch, banned Gene Simmons from appearing on Fox News.>> <<@colonelklink9911 says : Was Rolf Harris double booked?>> <<@dner75-xh9le says : One of the best arena shows outside of AC/DC that I've seen. They put on a great show, but you could tell Gene was a sick twat from 400 feet away. He's always been this guy. Need proof? Look at his previous interviews. He's been this way for decades.>> <<@stevepudzis2296 says : "It's none of your business" Donald Trump>> <<@CarrigansGuitarClub says : I have always loved Gene's candy floss hair.....>> <<@thenerveensemble7810 says : Erin…..my word…..lookin’ 🥵 🔥>> <<@wayneevans3814 says : This fossil is to music what Joe Biden is to politics>> <<@zippyzipster46 says : No one can accuse Gene of being stupid. He is a conservative that is careful.>> <<@robertbirch5676 says : Disgusting 70s rocker>> <<@anth5189 says : No smoking. No alcohol. No drugs. That is the answer to aging gracefully. Don't waste your youth trying to kill yourself. I agree with Gene, the best drug is a beautiful woman. Harris is the psychotic spawn of Satan.>> <<@jm76vd says : He did it well.I’m a superstar..But do your own thing>> <<@AwakenedWookie says : This guy is a sell out pedo>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : Jesus Christ, what a mooch.>> <<@Highbudget says : This is so obviously heavily edited>> <<@Debbica says : What him and paul did to eric carr go tohell>> <<@Perpetualmotion00 says : I'm glad he rose above the presenter’s fishing questions to promote her narrative of divide. Gene rose above it. Humanity first ❤>> <<@shereeholland172 says : Scary.>> <<@jeffhatmaker817 says : I grew-up in the the 70s and liked Kiss and Gene Simmons. But this interview cast a terrible light on him. What a freak.>> <<@sspacegghost says : gene simmons was recruited from his local satanist church - with the other band members to start kiss. that's how it got created. fact. infact, this probably still goes on today, there's a great video online of a record label head from that time period, the 1980s. all the labels, have a tiny room in their HQ, and they hire witches and warlocks to come in and 'bless' with 'curses' the master tapes - so demons follow the tapes home. I'm not joking that's legit fact. the guy talks to one of crosby young and nash about it and they discuss that, yeah it still goes on, you don't get to be a music star in Hollywood unless you're a witch or from that factions. all legit.>> <<@seriousmonkey5654 says : The masses are idiots. Especially in America.>> <<@FN_Kibs says : You think he's annoying here, look up young Gene Simmons 😂 But at least he's honest about politics... 😅👍 Israel has sealed their fate 🤷‍♂️>> <<@kevinmoor6408 says : Ever listened to an isolated bass track? Who cares what a shit bass player thinks.>> <<@PirateRadioPodcasts says : Best WIG in show biz, next to Steven Seagal.>> <<@blanquitopapito7778 says : Lost all respect for him>> <<@ShirleyYAJOKIN-cx3ro says : "If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy." - Gene Simmons Media promoting this arhsehole, still. Nobody cares what repugnant things he has to say. Didn't listen to this horseshit 'wide-ranging interview', just had to leave a comment to remind anyone who wasn't paying attention.>> <<@Bryan-dj7oh says : I hate this guy.>> <<@ouiroc says : I bet he did her after the interview was over>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : Hahahahha Trumps kids don't do drugs. What about Coke Jr?>>