<<@michaelblair5566 says : Zelensky is a Dictator.>> <<@abba3642 says : f->> <<@abba3642 says : Kids debit cards bad idea bank of america>> <<@cpt.lounatic says : “U should be worried about this” should be the name of this show.>> <<@Lawofattractionandbeliefs says : typical Russian propaganda. Horrible!>> <<@lquinn7212 says : Beware of anybody who says we live in a democracy. We don't. Our country is a constitutional republic, with elements of a democracy.>> <<@dustasanglelaki says : He's perhaps a communist, Ukraine is close to Russia>> <<@sahebmisr6243 says : It’s sad that Ukrainian has to suffer but that zelenski dancer brought this to them!!>> <<@sahebmisr6243 says : I pay taxes to help America not that Ukrainian idiot. He get his county into this and be should get it out of it not us. I need money to feed my kids not zelenski or whatever his name is!!>> <<@lilburnkel says : NO Tuck....when the Uk's do "War Crimes" (U know like the Naxi's we executed at the end of WW2) as the "funder in chief" of the Uk's we (The USA) don't have, as you put it, "an interest" in these acts....We are responsible i.e. GUILTY...we are the hand in the puppet. As an American I am thouroughly disgusted with our role in this Ukraine S**t Show. Including the soft pedaling by our Media (including it now seems, YOU) of atrocities like this. Seeds sown that will result in hatred for the US by Russia. Sad, though well deserved hatred. My heart breaks for my America...now seemingly led by Evil and Satanic Monsters.>> <<@Sharepie says : Would you allow CCP or iranian party in as a part of your legislature?>> <<@Sharepie says : Talking head dirtbag need to go there and take a look before runing his garbage disposer.>> <<@Pommy1 says : Tucker carlson one good journalist not like the rest of fox right wing mouthpieces>> <<@qwertypnk9401 says : Guys, why isn't anybody doing anything about Tuckerson? It is worrying and ridiculous, no matter what is behind the scenes, and no matter the context. This one is an Alex Jones on stereoids. No matter in what context he continues to speak this harmful nonsense, it must change fast. It is very absurd that we cannot tackle this abuse better and faster. I don't what to say more>> <<@feoxorus says : Kremlin apologist, that's what snarky Tucker is. The fact that the opposition party candidates were Putin's stooges is conveniently ignored. As for their media being shut down, same thing. The former KGB Grand Poohbah is playing Tucker's song and pulling his strings. How can he even put the US up as an example of "democracy" is ridiculous when the party in charge here and the opposition are giving each other handies as soon as they are away from the news media, and laughing it up all the way to Vail, or Taipei. TC lost his credibility with his preposterous position on Ukraine, but that should have been expected after Fox bent the knee to the Left.>> <<@kimeagling8324 says : Just lost all respect for Tucker Carlson & Fox News. Goodbye!>> <<@dmetalgear says : Polish people help allot>> <<@frodowiz says : oh god this channel is russian simp central.. he lets go out and build a tent and buy a bunch of 20yr mre. down with usa. the media is lying to us. lets move to n. korea. land-o-plenty. i cant keep a straight face. but these simps have definitely turned me off of fox.>> <<@bourboncowboy7715 says : Keep up the GREAT WORK Mr. Carlson.>> <<@amathonn says : How much has it cost American taxpayers so far?>> <<@antoniolim762 says : I always though democracy was the right enjoyed by the vigilant people willing to sacrifice, bleed and die for their beliefs and freedoms (seems Ukraine and Russia ascribe to this in the same way under different ideologies)...there was never a peaceful democracy...momentary peace was the resulting condition when enough blood has been spilled by those who acted and sacrificed in the altar of democracy's freedoms. Tucker is still a flip-flopping ratings groupie who should be celebrated with a burning man parade where he is the kindling (but we need his opposition tho...totally) - :D>> <<@freelancc says : dump Trump, Run with Ron>> <<@albaniangroyper says : Man, i like your channel a lot but, you were wrong here. Opposition Platform - For Life is literally funded by Putin, and the Opposition Platform's TV channel's were inciting violence in Donbass.>> <<@mellebrown363 says : I have never heard so much garbage come out of tuckers mouth than this video. Why did Putin invade maybe you should research that b4 you wave the battle flags in support of Ukraine. You would never in a million years broadcast the truth behind why Putin had no choice to invade to save the Russian speaking people of Ukraine being persecuted by the US Puppet Government Installed by Obama and exploited by Hunter Biden Joe Biden and his family NOT to mention Fauci and his Bio Labs.>> <<@andrewcamden says : On both Syria and Ukraine, Tucker Carlson is the ONLY major journalist willing to challenge the war-mongering neo-cons. Bravo! No more blood for oligarchs.>> <<@1Sweetsexyflava says : I have the same opinion of Leftist useful idiot tools that the medic has of male Russian soldiers.>> <<@fredfinkle2571 says : What worries me is that FOX news hasn’t done anything on the 2000 mules video????? I watched it and all of congress should be made too!!!!>> <<@Xtermy says : I like how tucker slyly ignored the fact that while what Zelenskyy did may be wrong, at least his country is in a state of total war and is fighting for its very survival, while putin has been shutting down and silencing media outlets on Russia for years, yet somehow tucker doesn't see it important to mention that fact.>> <<@TahaAlZadjali says : I am not American .. but what Tuker said is the truth. If, America wasn't pushing the world to support Ukraine almost noone would support them . Ukraine is not the good guy at all at this war.. at best this is a war between two "BAD GUYS". So, why the world would help one against the other ?>> <<@oletoustrup8572 says : The Ukraine is a hooligan regime and every method is being used to prevent people from fiding out. At some point during the cold war we became addicted to it, so we can´t miss this oppotunity.>> <<@ВаскоДаГама-о7ж says : Как украинец скажу: если бы не помощь США, европейских стран, Японии, Австралии итд. Нас бы уже поработила Россия. Русские - настоящие нацисты. Они уничтожают нашу культуру и идентичность. Мы просто хотим быть свободными.>> <<@Johncbiii says : Trump/DeSantis 2024 and the two terms for DeSantis.>> <<@justinclark-dev says : History is written by those who have hanged heroes… they are writing history>> <<@fartexplosion4480 says : From the same guy who said that Russia would never invade Ukraine, claimed Ukraine was not a democracy unlike Russia, and blames Biden, Zelenskyy and everybody except for Putin because Putin said Carlson wasn't racist>> <<@sprout5616 says : Ukraine and Canada>> <<@sprout5616 says : 1776>> <<@sprout5616 says : Our borders come first 😠>> <<@umbra014 says : This is nothing but utter misandry. Drafting men, banning them from safety, and castrating them.>> <<@alfonsoreyes7317 says : No!! We shouldn’t be worried since everything that comes out of that mouth if yours is lies . Y’all just mad cause trump can’t call you and hannity every night and give u news from the White House. Trump was the biggest mistake of the United States history. Oh and he didn’t win cause he wasn’t elected. He won cause the other canadate drop out and that was the only reason.>> <<@evopx4storm says : Replacement theory Tuck? Tell us more about it. You’ve got blood in your hands. Shame on you.>> <<@просточел-н5ц says : люди либо вы поддерживаете Украину или ты русская марионетка>> <<@просточел-н5ц says : let's call every fifth person who speaks badly about Ukraine and speaks well about Russians a puppet, there is no democracy and freedom of speech in the United States, there is only either you support Ukraine, or you are a Russian puppet>> <<@imoshyumosh3629 says : They're right, Ukraine is a model country for America. Ukraine is exactly the anti-cultural democrat led neonazi hellhole they want to create in US, which will happen in a few short years.>> <<@imoshyumosh3629 says : Zelensky must have made those things so his public can be released from the burden of complex decisions. For instance I think Ukrainians should vote for Zelensky next. Or zelensky. Or zelensky. Simple North Korean principles.>> <<@imoshyumosh3629 says : So Zelensky did: Support violent militants to usurp the government. Perform a special fighting force from said violent militants. Attack other people in your own country that doesn't agree with you with that force. Ban all other parties. Hmmm, someone else followed the exact pattern...guess who. Ghandi of course silly.>> <<@50rumba says : In the time of war, all pro Russian appositions or propaganda must be shot down as they working for aggressors...>> <<@bootsandgear says : As openly devout Orban supporter Carlson's corruption compass points the wrong way.>> <<@perojankovic9982 says : Listen America to the people that are trying to tell the truth 👍👍>> <<@DK91989 says : bravo to professional!!>> <<@joaoregallo7398 says : Zelensky says "he'll do anything for Ukraine; except abdicate his grip on power" hahaha!>>