<<@cozy_2X says : This is absolutely disgusting, they warn about “reputation” of what it’ll do to Canada when we kick out 10% of the international students etc but not talk about the housing crises & so on in between. Here in Canada it’s a shit show ship them back to India>> <<@recruitmentrd says : Quota should be per nationality..you look at india and you would know that their is an existing smelly going on that someone is taking advantage of the system for the benefit of the few actors besides the students..>> <<@gurugulab1414 says : Such knee jerk reactions to every problem. Covid happens, shut down the country for 2 years -> Worker shortage, give visas like freebies and bring as many students and workers -> Housing shortage, cut down the student numbers.... When are they going to think first and then act?>> <<@savink7762 says : It is the failing of successive governments' housing policies and land supply policies. Tax policies also channel investments into housing, without diverting wealth into other investment types such as bond ETF and shares ETF via tax incentives. The result is pushing investors into properties, while other types of investments are primitive in Australia.>> <<@Bombyknocker says : I went to tafe the other day in Brisbane for my course. I wasn’t sure where to go so I asked an Asian lady “excuse me where is the reception”? She responds with “sorry speak more slowly no English”…. What a f$&kn joke!!! They come to do uni degrees and tafe in an English speaking country and can’t even speak, let alone read and write.>> <<@Christoph1888 says : How about no international students.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : Adelaide University has just announced it will be dropping in-person lectures for 'most students' when the campus launches in January 2026, more virtual classroom happening around the globe so no point having international students wasting their money coming to Australia.>> <<@saregama-r8td says : Deregulated education system looking out for their own profits while creating a mess for the majority of citizens. Terrible policies.>> <<@ajf2u709 says : I don't think you've tried to rent somewhere if you think there's no crisis in housing.>> <<@0401412740 says : I don't want to be Chinese and Indian>> <<@mikespike2099 says : Good! Aussie Unis for Aussies 👍🏻 🇦🇺>> <<@fooslinger says : Face the facts. Underachieving white Aussies are under-acheiving. Desperate Asians, from the 7 billion who live on less than $5 per day are motivated. Same scenario applies to Americans.>>