<<@firetree2007 says : famous Modi promises: "Farmers' income would double by 2022, this is a promise I would assure our Indian farmers.." - Modi, 2019 "China has bullet trains, so are we Indians too, very soon. Our 508 km Sabarmati-Mumbai bullet train, would be a reality before August 15, 2022.." -Modi, 2018 "Make in India would end China's era as the factory of the world .." -Modi, 2015 "I will create at least 20 million jobs a year until there are not enough workers if elected as the PM of India.." - Modi, 2014 "When we Indians celebrate our 75th year of independence in 2022, I shall present to you all, India's very first bullet train.." - Modi, 2017 "India will send its first astronauts to space before independence day 2022, this is not a promise but a guarantee.." - Modi, 2018 "Give me 5 years as the PM of India and people won't even remember there was once something called pollution in India.." - Modi, 2014 "If I'm the PM of India, Pakistan and China would be so scared of India's power, they would think twice before attempting any funny moves on India.." - Modi, 2014 "Give me 6 years and corruption would be a thing of the past in India.." - Modi, 2014 "We will build 100 smart cities within 5 years in India to the point where Americans, Japanese, Europeans and even Chinese would want to come and study our smart city concept.." - Modi, 2015 "Atmanirbhar Bharat Self-Reliant India will end our imports from China, instead, China will even have to import stuffs from us after that.." - Modi, 2018 "Give me 6 years as the PM of India and everyone in the world would want to come to India to study our achievements.." - Modi, 2014 Ladies and gentlemen i present to you the Talking Superpowe>> <<@firetree2007 says : Have you noticed that Modi no longer makes the kind of specific promises he did 5 or 10 years ago? None of his big promises were fulfilled, leaving them as empty pledges. For instance, the promise to create 100 million jobs in manufacturing actually saw a decrease from over 60 million jobs to just 27 million. Similarly, the promise to double agricultural workers' wages has not materialized, and instead of raising India's manufacturing GDP from 16% to 22% by 2022, it dropped from 16% to 13%. Now, the only big goal left is making India a developed country by 2047. However, that's another pipe dream. If India wants to reach China's current GDP of $18 trillion to qualify as a "developed country," it would need to grow at over 7% annually for more than 23 consecutive years. Unfortunately, India's growth rate has already fallen from 8.3% to 6.7%, and it’s expected to drop further next year. So, this last promise of Modi’s will also remain unfulfilled. That's why he is now focused on flying around the world talking about world peace, which no one seems to take seriously.>>