<<@nikivory6891 says : The "entire" court is concerned about public perception? Thanks for more of the same BS answers we have come accustomed to from the entire government in this country Madam.>> <<@KaseThomas-qs6uo says : That is not what she said. She NEVER said or insinuated that public perception affects their decisions and rulings. That is how the title reads. Congress controls the money. The executive Branch has the President etc. The Supreme Court had the respect and confidence of the American People…regardless if you agreed with the ruling…you respected the process and the court. that is the influence that she was referencing about in regards of the supreme court as an institution.>> <<@Poly415 says : https://youtu.be/DOuNn-PI9j0?si=tiN4HwAnm5ED3t1V>> <<@AUWDE1995 says : Race played a significant role of why this DEI judge was appointed>> <<@ipw7251 says : Catholic dogma influences SCROTUS more than the public. The RC Church can't sex-traffick kids who've been aborted! DUH!! Robbing the church of victims makes Jeebus angry, sez the Pope. Well, that's that!>> <<@Illuminaticonspiracies24 says : I’m surprised this isn’t bringing light to the fact the migrants were killing peoples guard dogs in Texas in June 2022 and Biden forced the border patrol and police to stop arresting them all no matter what they did so they couldn’t arrest them for this at all and the Texas local tv news said they were committing rape and murder at all hours>> <<@lincolndachane1484 says : Imagine if the Supreme Court had overturned the abolishment of slavery and given States the rights to choose whether slavery was allowed in their state. Where would we be today? Like Roe v Wade overturning a woman's right to choose given to the States is just as ridiculous.>> <<@MM-mo2yc says : Will we ever find out who leaked the Dobbs opinion?>> <<@PaloDuro1021 says : We have a SCJ that can’t even define what a woman is…>> <<@steve19811 says : This woman is catastrophic and has way more confidence than she should. I don't see an insight/reason or deep thought into what she says. Public perception should not matter one bit but clearly she is "at institutional level of course". Yeah right.. it's your personal concern how your elite friends interact with you. However, a white man should never criticize a black woman, so I guess my opinion is mute. The 6 conservative justices are probably hated everywhere they go, by radical woke leftists and even members of their own family but they decide using logic and reason instead of worrying what leftists or elites think of them..>> <<@Ashlizzard says : "public perception influences SCOTUS opinions" - well they weren't listening to public perception when they killed Roe and they weren't listening to it when they handed Dump dictatorial powers...>> <<@stonesfan285 says : She can't even define what a woman is and isn't qualified to be on that court. I would take anything she says with a grain of salt.>> <<@wildthings4143 says : Supreme Court and it's Maga Justices have zero support from the American people, dissolve this corrupted court and hold them accountable>> <<@jcsommersby7913 says : So why do you not feature the news that Russia's president Putin endorses Kamala Harris ???>> <<@dieterradeke4612 says : What is Drumpf loving Abby Philips doing here? I THINK TRYING TO BLAME ONE OF THE VERY FEW SANE JUSTICES IN SCOTUS and promote the corrupt ones.>> <<@lordhashimoto4035 says : Affirmative action N...says what?>> <<@andio3i766 says : What is a woman?>> <<@jcc9549 says : My favorite line is when she said we are under no obligation to abide by their rulings. That's MUSIC to my ears.>> <<@the1truejimmer952 says : CNN the misinformation superhighway! Still full of crap I see>> <<@terriann3031 says : The public perception of the Supreme Court these days is that they are bought and paid for. My opinion of the court is far less than what it used to be.>> <<@Gr33ntan says : Another lie by a corporatist socialist corrupt Democrat. Only deranged people are Democrats now. Nice try Kamala, the false candidate. Here’s the actual FULL QUOTE: Well, there she goes again. It's a lie. I'm not signing a ban. And there's no reason to sign a ban. Because we've gotten what everybody wanted. Democrats, Republicans and everybody else and every legal scholar wanted it to be brought back into the states. And the states are voting. And it may take a little time, but for 52 years this issue has torn our country apart. And they've wanted it back in the states. And I did something that nobody thought was possible. The states are now voting. What she says is an absolute lie. And as far as the abortion ban, no, I'm not in favor of abortion ban. But it doesn't matter because this issue has now been taken over by the states.>> <<@dominicdevers8776 says : Are you a woman today?>> <<@seanmccartney5177 says : DUH!>> << says : They pay attention to the public that writes the checks>> <<@Paul-lm5gv says : *The justices are NOT supposed to be swayed by public opinion! They are supposed to follow the law and the Constitution! The fact that she admits this shows she was not the best person to be on the court! What do you expect? During her confirmation hearings, she said she couldn’t define what a woman is!*>> <<@magical8013 says : Klansmen, beside other diehard groups, violently resisted Reconstruction. Still defending the South, they fought Union Army occupation, Republican governments, and blacks’ freedom. Donning hoods and using secret titles, they took an oath to defend Christianity, the Constitution, and the white race, especially their women's purity. Loyal to the Democratic Party, the Klan enlisted men and women from all classes. Targeting Union Leagues (freedmen's political clubs), night riders harassed and often killed black and Republican voters and officeholders, burned black churches and schools, intimidated teachers, and stole elections.... dang I didn't know Democrats started the KKK>> <<@PaulaTipton-z3w says : 👼>> <<@tamarazwinak says : Dissing Ginsburg is not a good look. You sound smug. It was a five alarm fire when the Justice could not define "woman.">> <<@JudyStroyer-bk6fb says : It's not her job to consider the Public's opinion>> <<@DARWINZOO says : Remember when SCOTUS railed against Activist decisions!!!>> <<@BillPetrovas says : Justice Brown - Define a woman? American voters deserve a Primary not a bias ABC debate. 1st interview in 55 days - a word salad.>> <<@JustinOldman-y4h says : Did Not Earn IT>> <<@ginjjiigok364 says : Kamala wants mass censorship!!! wake up!!!!>> <<@ShamooStu says : President Trump has just announced he will deport the batch of 'doctors and lawyers' dumped in Springfield. The ones there legally and their families have nothing to worry about. God Bless President Trump for restoring our country to sanity.>> <<@MrGerokee says : Liberal freak>> <<@CharlesLee-es8jr says : Pimping her children too! How low can this woman go!>> <<@CharlesLee-es8jr says : Race Pimps!>> <<@Felled-angel says : What happened to "without fear or favour" if you are taking public perception into account it's either through fear or favour that impacts your decision>> <<@ronkirk5099 says : Same goes for those old white guys on the SCOTUS Inc. who are basing their decisions on maintaining white privilege for the moneyed interests in our country. That is why we need to balance that influence with more women and minorities on the court. If the constitution is not considered a living document and interpreted based on the conditions of this day and age, we may as well be living in the ancient past.>> <<@CaraParker-j7n says : White Mark Martinez Edward Lewis Susan>> <<@josephl9669 says : Shes there to uphold the constitution not opinions.>> <<@longcastle4863 says : I have no faith anymore in America’s judicial system—who have place Donald Trump above the law. Including Merchan, who when history brought him to the place where he could have helped America and its democracy, he did not meet the moment, he ran from it like a coward.>> <<@namarikmarak9961 says : If America can't control Iraq,Afghanistan,Syria,Libya etc even after spending trillions of dollars, then why they are still encouraging more countries to follow such suicidal steps??American government knew that millions of civilians would die once they launch coup and civil war that will follow for decades.But still they push more countries to follow such step and killed millions of innocent civilians.Such a PATHETIC COUNTRY!!>> <<@LindaBourn-h6d says : Walker Jason Wilson Sandra Jones Shirley>> <<@carolbamforth7475 says : SCOTUS has become a disgrace and should be non partisan. But it’s not. Get rid those who are making a mockery of government>> <<@chinocampos4088 says : She doesn't even know what a Woman is...😂>> <<@MartinaPaulinodelarosa says : Congresita legilasion seguro espre bimenca leoneli 500>> <<@JohnDoe-pk2hs says : " *Could* lose the confidence of the public " implies they haven't already. The vast majority of both sides has no confidence in that court. One of the few things we actually agree on.>> <<@HoHarris2024 says : Failed DEI hire. End this madness. Trump 2024. There is no alternative.>> <<@HoHarris2024 says : She is the perfect example of a failed DEI hire.>>