<<@Harien-fs6gn says : Reminds people that every one will get their aging phase 😁>> <<@rinoporcu6241 says : Shame Shame Shame. LIBS AND ALP SLEEP TOGETHER. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA, DUDTON IS ALL AN ACT. PAULINE FIGHTS FOR AUSTRALIA TELLS THE TRUTH, VOTE ONE NATION.>> <<@jasminetutt7631 says : What a load of crap! More costs for taxpayers. Government lies are getting beyond ridiculous>> <<@vicl2030 says : Albo is a fascist.>> <<@vicl2030 says : Albo is a fascist.>> <<@rigger314 says : What an absolute disgrace. Easiest way to fund aged care is to put these bloody politicians on the same superannuation as the rest of the Australian public and use the difference from their super to pay for aged care.>> <<@Jeff-ty4oi says : Self funded retirees should do what a lot of older self funded retirees do, go on permanent ocean cruises works out a lot cheaper than a care home you get fed room cleaned even on board doctor plus plenty of activities to enjoy I know a lot of people doing this and they are very happy..>> <<@WalkiTalki says : Told you so.>> <<@CohnmanTheBudbarian says : Makes me laugh when people say they think their super will be availabe when they retire. Look at what the govt is doing to those who are now taking their super, its not your money.>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : So poor people won't be able to go into aged care>> <<@wilbur1884 says : BOWENISST'A TINK'S HE'S DA MISST'A OF ANISST'AS OVA AT ALBO'S LAYBOUR DAYOOH'S DAYE JUST KAYPE GOWWIN INDA LAYBOUR 😂ðŸĪ°ðŸ‘‹ðŸĪŠ>> <<@micko.g3258 says : If you are self funded you are not a burden on the government , why shoud you pay more , please look after all the people who have payed tax all their life , look after all of us , remember Australia has an ageing population, or is this why immigration has gone to extreme levels, to counteract the non indoctrinated population.>> <<@KingsleyThomson-j1w says : If Albo stopped giving hundreds of million dollars away and wasting money on his pet projects like the voice and his climate madness there would be more money for aged care!>> <<@colinalexander3929 says : Costs to tax payers should not be increased. It is foreign aid that needs to be decreased.>> <<@Wit_Shunter says : How many people do you know personally who WANT to 'go into aged care', Clennell?>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Isn't albosleezy due for another holiday to runaway from his stupidity 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Two sides of the same broken arse.>> <<@Blackjack_Official says : When do people stop being compliant stand up & remove Government GOVERN = CONTROL And majority of you must enjoy it>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Why work, why save, why bother.>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : So because you all have compulsory super ,you ALL get to pay MORE when your retirement home age comes around.>>