<<@lukehonnor9611 says : Again if you are told it's wrong but turns out to be true, then what?>> <<@alanstewart6895 says : Mis and dis information. What you're dealing with is mis and mal FESANCE from the government.>> <<@hammer789ify says : We learn from America Democrats playing>> <<@hairylittlewombat says : Make no mistake, this tyrannical bill is designed to close down dissenting voices from the government narrative. Fascist is 100% correct.>> <<@jenzag7621 says : All Albo's done since he scraped into parliament, is create dividion, misinformation, disinformation and destruction of people's life styles. Pity he hasn't put one tiny bit of his efforts into improving the lives of Australias.>> <<@garyemerson9310 says : EVERY AUSSIE WILL SPEAK THEIR MIND WE WILL NOT COMPLY WITH WHAT LABOR GREENS TEALS OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT DEMANDS OF US THEY CAN PASS THIS COMMUNISTIC BILL IT WONT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO ANY OF US WE WILL SAY AND DO ANYTHING WE WANT ANYTIME ANY WHERE FUCK GOVERNMENT AND YOU ALBO>> <<@KH-rc7tl says : WEF at work again>> <<@John-p7i5g says : The circular logic of this Bill is laughable if it wasn't so serious. It's so obviously a power imbalance. Coalition need specifically counter this with a proposal for a referendum for an amendment to the constitution enshrining Freedom of Speech and Opinion into Australian Constitution. Not just a few limp complaints, a firm proposal to entrench Freedom of Speech into the Australian Constitution. Clearly the Human Rights bodies in this country are toothless tigers, and no-one is going to be able to call for Article 19 of the UN Convention on Human Rights to defend themselves when the Thought Police come knocking on your door to take you away in the back of a van. As they have done in the UK.>> <<@chriscoghlan692 says : Next they'll want to have someone watching who you vote for at the ballot box>> <<@Albolf says : Australia is just a continent now. Internationalist socialist elites rule over it and many other western countries.>> <<@peterjackson5225 says : We should vote on this ...>> <<@davannaleah says : It's not too far a stretch from this to make the voting system pointless. Any argument against the government policies could be deemed illegal as misinformation, making any election redundant>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : This despicable bill is a straight-up dictatorship. Not only should it be removed, but anyone behind it should face treason charges.>> <<@georgeorwell3501 says : This is the plan for all the west. The UK, Germany and France have already fallen due to mass immigration. They are arming the illegals in the USA. DO THE MATH.>> <<@georgeorwell3501 says : Be careful. They will put you in prison for this video as they would in the UK today.>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Misinformation Bill exempting politicians so they can continue to lie to the People legally but silencing what we can do and see on the Internet and say to each other, ie E-Safety Commissioner vs Elon Musk continued, Identity Identification Bill giving the gov't rights over the people to store the information. WHO, WEF is a reality unless we the People start fighting back,>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Labor in Canberra are a bunch of liars!! Worst deceitful P.M. ever!!>> <<@Aussie-Nan says : People fight this, in Britain people are being put in jail for Facebook posts, their free speech is gone, unless your a migrant apparently then you can say what you want can’t disagree your a racist. Call your Federal MP>> <<@zzzzoogal9634 says : Get this Govt out. We want an early election, vote of no confidence whatever it takes they have to go.>> <<@larrymastro9635 says : looks like I have to read 1984>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Misinformation is pure evil. Stopping it is long overdue. There should be a legal process where poisonous bullshit can be questioned, without the need for litigation.>> <<@kathleencook3060 says : Free Speech for all. "Animal Farm". "All animal are equal. But some Animals are more equal than others.". Under the Australian Free Speech is Protected. This is Unconstitutional!. Hell!. Thanks Sky. We must get Mr Dutton moving fast.!!>> <<@AmandaBeisiegel says : As albo says cookers vs his truth>> <<@Franklin-qn5xj says : In the words of William Wallace from Braveheart "FREEEEEDOOOOOMMMM " !!!!!!>> <<@GilmerJohn says : Well, the two legged sheep of Oz gave up their God given right to self defense. Now the government is free to push everyone around without fear.>> <<@HyperVaccinated says : Only tin foil hat wearing antivax flatEarter conspiracy theorist cookers and criminals fear the misinformation bill.>> <<@vmura says : stop this bill! pure evil>> <<@winstonsmith7801 says : Labor and Liberals are in Lockstep. The only remedy is vote One Nation.>> <<@onlytruth4me915 says : We need an independent non political person who has some nouse, backbone, courage and fortitude to stand for Australian sovereign foundations etc. Someone who has the where with all to give as good as they get and stand tall and strong for the people of Australia no matter what! We need an Australian Trump, he may not win prizes for his personality, his delivery etc, but personally appreciate his frankness, at least people know where they stand. He has been proven, and has taken more hits than anyone else I know running for office; yet willingly stands strong for America and its citizens even at the risk of an assassins bullet!!! Get rid of all the elitist politicians who are only in Government for themselves and their own agenda, vote them out.>> <<@reefratsclark5404 says : Biden just said black jobs No 1 says a word>> <<@franktully3065 says : Hitler and Stalin were in favour of free speech they liked. If you only support free speech for views you like, you dont support free speech. You need to support free speech for precisely those views you despise, otherwise you don't support free speech. Free speech is a necessary prerequisite for secular liberal democracy.>> <<@justachipnc33 says : If "they" are so smart how come they take everything we say SO LITERALLY??? They're just opinions at the time... but OH NO, if our "opinion" is contrary to theirs ITS MISINFORMATION OR LYING !!! Aww, smart they are not !!! We have to STOP electing these Ho Ho's and Ding Dong's !!! It's OUR fault they're there !!!>> <<@pkd6369 says : DO AS WE SAY NOT AS WE DO>> <<@GS-jn9qk says : Totally agree with Elon Musk. Labor has been a dictating government since Dan>> <<@EZZMONEY says : Scaredy cat lefties consider hate speech anything that doesn't go along with their ghoulish agenda πŸ˜₯πŸ‘—>> <<@vicl2030 says : The globalists have been building the fascism around the world.>> <<@immune2PR says : It completely removes individual discernment>> <<@smartgoku9048 says : wouldn't it be more of a ministry of lies though.>> <<@edwardanderson4678 says : It's the bloody FSB and the CCP's equivalent. Bloody politicians are getting more money, just under the table, looking at the influencers in America working for TENET, an FSB front.>> <<@jeads21 says : That only leads to the Haves and the have nots.>> <<@yanivyaffe says : wow>> <<@Peace.Please144 says : Fox News already fined $787 million dollars for lying about Dominion Voting Machines. Rupert Murdoch already admitted his Reporters lie and the Public should realise this. Why Not Report the TRUTH. πŸ’―>> <<@Voicenreason247 says : What's good is what's good for me πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…>> <<@Brayangalvanxt says : ABC never check Kamala and trump win the debate 100% I love you sky news Australia>> <<@JamesJonahJameson-cp6xr says : Didnt sky news have to pay a billion dollars last year for misinformation? Maybe this bill will save sky news a few bucks!>> <<@JamesJonahJameson-cp6xr says : Sky news terrified their entire business model is about to be made illegal. Thank God.>> <<@newswaroom says : DO NOT let this happen Australia! So true! Australian must know who own Australia!>> <<@newswaroom says : Australians must all speaking out truth to protect freedom of speech n birthright of every Australian!>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Conservatives LOVE MISINFORMATION it's their Modus Operandi to herd Sheep. *No wonder Murdoch's Sky/Fox had to pay Dominion $787 million in defamation for promoting Trump's MISINFORMATION VOTER FRAUD LIE*>> <<@thecyrenian5988 says : there will never be free speech.. lets just embrace the world view and all wear the same uniform>>