<<@harrysmarshman5337 says : Gonzalez Melissa Thompson Jose Rodriguez Paul>> <<@sonnic2071 says : It's hard to protect someone that talks about people eating cats & dogs and Hannibal lecter. Not a president material....waist of tax payers money to protect the unprotected.>> <<@domingoalmada8202 says : Everyone already knows that this sh*t was staged.>> <<@susanl4198 says : Can't believe that Vance said that the story about the Haitians eating dogs and cats was "created." All the talk about immigrants being rapists and murders only serves to turn us against one another. The name calling is juvenile...Psalm 7:16 "His mischief shall return upon his own head; and his violent dealings shall come down upon his own pate".>> << says : God has not made a man to handle this burden Awakened Spiritualist>> << says : This world is a mockery to me as I am a mockery to it, and rightly so, I am awakened Awakened Spiritualist>> << says : Full belief sisters full desire Awakened Spiritualist>> <<@geraldfisher6960 says : the old guy is a rabid trump hater and when he says that he was going to give everything they had , you knew it was a blatant lie>> <<@tyronewilliams2007 says : When Jim Jones was losing support he created a fake assassination attempt to regain support. Donald Bone Spurs Trump did the exact same thing. He's a Traitor along with all of his cult followers. He is and always will be a lier lying about the lies he's lying to you about. GTFOH with this traitorous, racist 600 year old white man who's going by way of the dinosaurs because your time has came and went, the world has passed you by, and the United States along with the rest of the world can finally begin making progress. Go Kamala Harris! 😂>> <<@user-mz2uk2tj2r says : Trump claims all the time that Kamala Harris is a disaster for the free world and not only for Israel. He is right. When she told Israel "dont" it shows a complete lack of understanding of the mentality of the Middle East. Harris hurts Israel in her defense of Palestinian terroris>> <<@brycesmith1092 says : Operation: “Make the public think we CAN do our job“ a brilliant success. Great job on turning around public opinion. One big awful oopsie then suddenly, “oh hey everybody, come see how good we are. Everything just lined up so perfectly too. We’re so good at this. No one got hurt, we had a guy oops I mean found a guy that got a picture of the car, the driver, the plates, the id and ssn and oh what’s that, his family suddenly came into a lot of money? Well that’s such an odd coincidence. No connections there, no need to look into that.”>> <<@thinkerly1 says : Trumpite Guidelines For Failing As A Sniper 1. Paint your face blue and dye your hair blue so that you will be especially noticeable and memorable. 2. Put all kinds of inflammatory posts on social media so that you will be noticed by the FBI. 3. Don't use a sniper rifle. 4. Use an semi-automatic weapon that is less accurate from 200 yards. 5. Don't practice firing on distant targets. 6. Don't use any camouflage or cover. 7. Make sure to stick your rifle barrel out of the treeline so that it will be seen. 8. Make sure not to hide your car. 9. Dont swap the car license plate. 10. Make sure not to camouflage yourself from any security cameras while walking down the street. 11. After the encounter, having failed to fire a single shot, get on a major highway being scanned by police and on which every passing bridge has security cameras so that you can be easily tracked down and caught.>> <<@NORKIE says : "Aparent attempted assassination" my god, atleast try to hide your bias.>> <<@burlowsurviorhills4584 says : Playing golf in a bullet proof suit will be difficult for the sake of democracy..>> <<@inspire7655 says : Definitely insider job>> <<@inspire7655 says : The whole US government and FBI is corrupt.>> <<@danmurray1381 says : Ive just read that both men had been in adverts for blackrock. Hmmm>> <<@p.d8423 says : Bogus stunt! Not buying it. Trump needs more pitty votes.>> <<@sds522 says : The Sheriff sure is standing up for sorry Secret Service...>> <<@sds522 says : Fire the FBI and Secret Service. Local LEO would do a better job of protecting President Trump.>> <<@timeresrch says : "Apparent"?? You continue to give the news media an exceptionally bad name.>> <<@GuitarDiddlerJP15 says : No thermal imaging? You're telling me that the secret service didn't have the capability to use thermal imaging to see into the bushes? They couldn't spend 30 minutes scanning the shrubs to see if there were signs of life in there? Absolutely insane, there is no excuse.>> <<@jonnybrello4360 says : I don't normally talk about appearances of people, but skeletons make me feel ill and I see two. What happened?>> <<@TedF-q9w says : YES BUT THEY ARE EATING THE PETS>> <<@elmeroamil6018 says : Law enforcement officers are doing their job; fbi???>> <<@caseymallory4580 says : That is one smooshed 👃>> <<@susanl4198 says : Trump is working hard on the campaign trail...golfing.>> <<@TheLesporter says : I just love reporters, did he have a gun with him, #2 was it loaded with bullets and what type also have you ascertained who sold it to him, #3 what was his intent and was he a republican or democrat? Did his shoes match his outfit, if he was black was a lawyer appointed before any questions were asked, also what his intent was, to play golf or just sight in the weapon of mass destruction, was he or she read their right as per Miranda, what type of ammo was used and did it come from a minority owned company, O and just 15 more questions.>> <<@jlc2978 says : He a lizardman>> <<@DavidSuarez-d8f says : This is all the Democrats fault and the media>> <<@DavidSuarez-d8f says : Why do they keep calling it an incident and not an assassination attempt? FBI will never solve anything>> <<@emillion4470 says : Trump voter, a known felon with easy access to AK-47-style rifles... what could go wrong?>> <<@19katherine1213 says : Seriously? How does he keep having failed assassination attempts just when he needs them? Something stinks here>> <<@barbaraveer1759 says : Why didn't dogs sweep the golf course beforehand? If it was not on a schedule, who and when was the golf schedule given to anyone?>> <<@jasonsimotes4157 says : What happened to his nose?>> <<@JasonCobb-ps6vg says : Donald Trump, whose brand is “ Abrasive Rhetoric “ and his MAGA Republicans are actually trying to blame the Democrats rhetoric for his almost getting zipped, TWICE? Really? After January 6th, hate crimes against LGBTQ Communities, hate crimes against Asian Americans, inspired by “ MAGA Rhetoric “ and your wondering why people are taking shots at you? All I see is a bunch of Nazis talking tough til something real happens then bitching like school girls, pointing to the other political side. Donald Trump is a hateful man. This was BOUND to happen. Get over MAGA Republicans. My guess, there will be more attempts. Maybe YOU should consider toning down tge rhetoric…eh?>> <<@AlexCrockett says : Firstly, prayers for Donald j trump and the security of him & his family. He must be protected at all costs for the sake of the continued sovereignty of this nation. This is a matter of national interest! The individual in custody needs to be protected on an extreme level & rigorously questioned/lie detector etc... wonder if he was put up toit>> <<@thomascope2119 says : Bulshit the reason why you captured him because you had an eye witness who saw the assassinator>> <<@wellfleetion says : yawn, "I Really Don't Care, Do You?" Melania trump>> <<@thomascope2119 says : Can we get a picture of the guy that was attempting to assassinate Donald Trump>> <<@rusman40 says : FBI is investigating, it means the suspect will be dead soon and we will never know the truth>> <<@marisa9162 says : Thank God for the citizens, and shame on secret service, FBI, and police>> <<@samuelramirez2065 says : What y f happened to his nose 😂😂 👃>> <<@ocvegasproperty says : So why is there so little info on Butler, still?>> <<@Jeeplee_rc says : Why is Trump not hiring a PI???? FBI NEEDS INVESTIGATION>> <<@chrisromeo6277 says : When you try to assassinate the president it usually because the person is going against the machine. That means this candidate is not only good for America but great for America. As you notice nobody even cares about Kamala Harris.>> <<@albertlincoln1729 says : FBI stands for Federal Bureau of interference>> <<@TarkiraBeta says : Trump/Vance 2024❤🇺🇲>> <<@brianpoirier3642 says : No drones wow.>> <<@markaraneta5886 says : Trump should get a private security service because this guys I am losing faith in them.>>