<<@rickchiplin4970 says : Queenslanders don’t want a 50 Cent Politician that’s as Useless as a Used Tea Bag.What happened to the Discount on Vechile Regos? just more Labor Bull Shit from a dead Man Walking.>> <<@steeldragon5867 says : It's not the gigglers money it's ours, what about the rest of Queensland you idiot, not everyone lives in Brisbane>> <<@Petergrand371 says : Bullshit is cheap I didn't know the ozi voter is only worth 50 senc and that stupid to sell his soul that cheap>> <<@hl5910 says : Labor are garbage.>> <<@daniellemoebus9346 says : All of these measures paid for by TAXPAYERS. We are not your personal electioneering fund Giggles.>> <<@daniellemoebus9346 says : A$$hole! Brisbane may love their 50c fares, but the rest of the state are not quite so happy to be paying for everyone else. Get rid of this woke knucklehead!>> <<@micko.g3258 says : This guy needs to pack his bags and head on down to centrelink , your gonna be out of a job real soon .>> <<@Guvament_bs says : With all the costs of maintaining a ticketing system it would cost the taxpayer less if the fares were free rather than 50c. That 50c would not cover the cost of installing and maintaining the machines or the royalties that are paid to the company that owns them or the cost of enforcement people. It is not fare for the people who don't live in SEQ. Is is a vote buying ploy by a desperate guvament.>> <<@Guvament_bs says : It's actually cheaper for the taxpayer if the fares were free rather than 50c. There is the infrastructure cost of maintaining the machines, the royalties that go to the makers of those machines and their software, the enforcement people, the extra staff selling actual paper tickets, the outlets selling the electronic tickets. I am not arguing for free fares or 50c fares. They are a political ploy by a desperate guvament to con voters.>> <<@GeorgeMcphillips-i6t says : Don’t give us %give us numbers I think he’s lying again>> <<@sarini44 says : So charging coal fire plants more royalties, which increases energy prices, is being used to pay for their own poorly build public transport system. Good one giggles.>> <<@Thisisnolongerajoke says : Typical Slefanovix interview>> <<@disgruntledvet4849 says : What a buffoon who's paying for this the only people who benefit is shit cunts who don't work Lots of trade's get the bus to work don't they>> <<@marcturner5809 says : Sort the crime crisis out first, people don’t want to pay 50 cents to be assaulted or robbed on public transport. Labor are an absolute joke throughout Australia.>> <<@TomSteindl says : Smiley, stop wasting north QUEENSLANDERS money, and spend that money on the Bruce Highway, and do not lie about where the money is coming from, all you will do is more taxes it is not your money it is QUEENSLANDERS money.>> <<@ironmaidens6663 says : Public transport needs to be affordable. It's something you can do to ease the cost of living.>> <<@raymondsnelling3748 says : Road TOLLS going up>> <<@Sammy-il1qf says : If you halve the tunnel fees more people will use them, and that will also ease the peak hour gridlock.>> <<@Sammy-il1qf says : Tired of all the whingers! Tax-paying rarely benefits every demographic in every way! Sporting vouchers don't help me, nor do I want to pay for prisoners 3 meals a day, nor child care. Public transport doesn't benefit me, personally. But it does enormously benefit my teenagers going to school and Uni. We're all paying for things we don't use!>> <<@Peter_Thorpe says : Queensland is at a crossroads with youth crime spiraling, healthcare systems failing, and the Native Title process threatening to divide our land and communities. Only the LNP will ensure tough crime laws, reduce hospital ramping, and protect Queenslanders from the dangers of a misguided Native Title system. Vote LNP for unity, safety, and a prosperous future!>> <<@Peter_Thorpe says : Tell us how many roads and train lines come under Native Title and will not be used,how many parks,houses,businesses,farms are under native title or the process is continuing>> <<@Peter_Thorpe says : Queensland is at a crossroads with youth crime spiraling,healthcare systems failing, and the Native Title process threatening to divide our land and communities. Only the LNP will ensure tough crime laws, reduce hospital ramping,and protect Queenslanders from the dangers of a misguided Native Title system. Vote LNP for unity, safety, and a prosperous future!>> <<@Peter_Thorpe says : Queensland is at a crossroads, with youth crime surging, hospital ramping worsening, and the dangerous implications of Native Title threatening to divide our land. Only the LNP will restore law and order, protect land rights, and fix our broken healthcare system. Vote LNP for a safer, united future!>> <<@bradyowe8236 says : Clasping at straws Miles knows he’s got the arse and just making it a lot harder for the new government. Labor wasting taxpayer money.>> <<@Peter_Thorpe says : Queensland is at a crossroads, with youth crime surging, hospital ramping worsening, and the dangerous implications of Native Title threatening to divide our land. Only the LNP will restore law and order, protect land rights, and fix our broken healthcare system. Vote LNP for a safer, united future!>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : Pure populism. What next - free electricity, $5 NBN, $1 Netflix, $2 water, $10 rego...>> <<@wayneevans8286 says : God, I thought watching the shitshow in America was bad enough, have a go at the state clusterf$&k>> <<@wayneevans8286 says : Meanwhile, the rest of the have to deal with shit roads, rampant crime, lack of housing, high grocery bills, stupid amount in electricity, but, shit yeah, go on a fu$&@n train ride around Brisbane, for half a buck, that we, the Queensland taxpayers are subsidising, moron.>> <<@user-rf2el4gh5d says : Desperation is a ugly trait on any politician. Qld put your boots on ready to give it to Miles.>> <<@julimaynes2193 says : Yes and goes against the public with truth telling.>> <<@paulanderson6530 says : This is an absolute fraud against the average tax payer>> <<@JohnJ469 says : So the taxpayer gets to pay Translink a fortune and we are supposed to be grateful?>> <<@breaneainn says : what a muppet>> <<@BelloBudo007 says : There's something not quite right about a bloke constantly smiling while he's telling you something amazing that he's going to do for you, IF you vote for more of him.>> <<@philthomas7140 says : Greens are the worst! 50c fares will only last so long until they need to get more taxes. Why didn't they half the cost of the fare? That would have helped too>> <<@Maximuswin777 says : Vote out this dud>> <<@JuneCahill says : Who is paying for it, the Taxpayers, vote this useless Premier out. Coal royalties paying for it what a joke he wants to close down all the coal mines.>> <<@judycorbett4462 says : Have you told them that they are still paying more just in their taxes ??>> <<@helenowen5408 says : Why have the fares been hiked up for the last nine years but as soon as it looks like Miles is going to get smashed in the upcoming election he can put fares down to 50 cent. Bring on the election 🤦🍺🇦🇺>> <<@robertmallac8398 says : mate drop the fuel tax and charge a flat $1 for "clem 7" use, and you have my vote>> <<@PeterC245 says : Giggles , 50 C fares just goes in the QLD credit card,>> <<@lenfox6414 says : Not much longer, and he will be gone>> <<@JamesWrigley-t8s says : The great southeast owes that to the rest of the state.>> <<@IcanBePsycho says : No such thing as a 50c fee, tax payers will be paying the rest. This is a Bull 💩 political stunt for re-election.>> <<@Whereareyouthen says : Giggles the idiot.>> <<@ohasis8331 says : Should have been done decades ago since it encourages the use of public transport.>> <<@isomorph7954 says : Ask Miles if he will also take an indefinate wage freeze. The reason he wont is the same reason his 50c fares wont last.>> <<@JohnCuzens says : The tax dollars paying for this bullshit don't come from a bottomless purse, and increasing taxes to pay for it is unconstitutional. Nothing is Government owned, its the people who own it at the end of day, like we once owned our electricity and water until our EMPLOYEES sold them..>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Labor BS again and again and again>> <<@LiLJRAE-np4dn says : How about duplicating the Bruce to at least Rockhampton?>>