<<@allen7986 says : I am not completely sure this 'assassination attempt' was not staged. Some things are not making sense. It is reported the suspect parked his car along a highway near some bushes surrounding the perimeter of the golf course. Some reports say he waited either in his car or in the bushes for up to 12 hours. Because he knew trump would be out there on the course? Had the secret service maintained a 360 degree surveillance of the perimeter they would have spotted the car sitting there for hours. How did the suspect know trump would be out golfing at sometime that day? Then an eagle eyes agent spots the gun barrel sticking out of the bushes and began shooting. The suspect then manages to run to his parked car leaving his gun, a backpack and scope having never fired any rounds at trump. From news reports the accounts of his very quick capture remain sketchy. You would think the SS having failed so badly in the first assassination attempt would really secure the perimeter of that golf course. Yet no one notice the vehicle?And why doesn't the SS use real time drones surveillance? It just doesn't add up. His supporters love it.>> <<@perryphillips8836 says : Its white trash running your country luv. Not monkeys.๐Ÿ–•>> <<@perryphillips8836 says : Sooner or later TRUMP will run out of luck and someone will take him out. The thought of TRUMP getting back in doesn't bare thinking about. He is Dangerous beyond words and will ultimately and single handedly cause WW3. No doubt. He is way out of his depth and is not only a liability but a total embarrasment to the U.S. Trust me, the World is laughing at this Clown. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคฃ>> <<@wadewimpress7529 says : -6:36/7:11 in who heard a fart๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@wadewimpress7529 says : ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธtrump๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธtrump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธtrump๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ trump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธtrump๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ trump trump ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ trump>> <<@Mk-tp2mz says : Trump will probably give himself a bravery award and a Purple heart and tell everyone that he is the Bravest President in the World. Achieved not on the battlefield , but by playinga round of golf. How long are we going to have to suffer hearing about this fool.>> <<@aydensky026 says : Trump must be onto something really huge for the Democrats to try so hard to want to get rid of him so badly. I pray he wins these elections โค>> <<@robmueller3551 says : kamala Harris claims violence has no place in America as she continues to allow immigrants with violent records pour into our country... she's a hypocrite more than anything else>> <<@brianmurphy6243 says : Yes it's shocking. But is it surprising?.>> <<@glentorn5362 says : Ironically, Trump would be safer in prison (where he belongs).>> <<@J5HPO-pq5jh says : Trump 2024>> <<@elray2446 says : Why is it that when you talk about President Trump!!! The news people are smirking???? I DON'T FINND A DAMN THING FUNNY ABOUT IT!!!!!>> <<@gheeyeholivares2330 says : Very curious that this happened after the debate just like last time>> << says : Apparently a guys friends cousins stepbrothers ex room mate in Springfield said that the guy was just there sightseeing and had every right under the second amendment to be using the optic on his rifle to enjoy the scenery. He had heard there were a lot of dudes there putting their balls in holes and just wanted to see what the fuss was all about?>> <<@GSozei says : Put President Trump in a Juggernaut Suit>> <<@borismoris3435 says : US demo party is politically bankrupt.>> <<@SadieCollins-p7h says : Landen Ranch>> <<@Notomarxism says : Crazy crazy Democrats>> <<@rollajay5301 says : Donald Trump has been stopping war's and gets called Hitler wtf???>> <<@B_1519 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚This is so staged!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Secret Service obviously helped stage this! Secret Service predominantly run by total white trash type that white people wont even associate with ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@petermamakos5685 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚the amount of horse ๐Ÿ’ฉ propaganda from these clowns is truly staggering. Violent rhetoric? Trump has been threatening people for near on a decade and republicans in Ohio have been threatening people because of trumps violent rhetoric and lies. Sky fake news hypocrisy knows no bounds.>> <<@Aurora-light01 says : The media is at fault for this.>> <<@FlorbelaMarques-r7j says : Viva TRUMP โค>> <<@iamasmurf1122 says : whos pocket are these assasins working for ?>> <<@iamasmurf1122 says : hollie hughes stated president trump ... another idiot politician>> <<@Ranon111 says : NOT ON CAMERA. Can bozoz stilll say that itโ€™s fake and itโ€™s for the views?>> <<@ofadetergentsud says : Kamala made it happen. You know because it failed.>> <<@peterkerr4784 says : The secret service must be investigated and the Biden government should be held accountable>> <<@strangehermitage2299 says : Americans clearly miss Trump. Weapons not calibrated.>> <<@Noah-xn5th says : "Violence has no place in America" says Harris after accusing trump of committing war crimes and being a threat to democracy>> <<@morningsky8045 says : Yet another desperate attempt by Trump to garner the sympathy vote - not to mention the fundraising grift.>> <<@ronaldjoe7896 says : Kamala and joe said there is no room for violence in America , talking about shameless fucking people, hey Kam you were busy Bailing out convicted rapist and arsonist criminal Gang Busy looting and robing Business All over the fucking state , and some Judges were busy setting them free to be on the road again , the danger facing this Nation is created by you Joe and company , you try to disarm this nation so that people are helpless to defend themself against BLM , you even want to disarm law enforcement , and give the criminal free range to operate , hey Kam open your fucking eyes and see the present state of America , and please shut your face itis not pleasant to see ,>> <<@MrAnilMaha says : Please save Mr Trump. Have a special security group for his protection. It is clear that someone very powerful doesnt want him to be President again Who else but war mongering defense industry>> <<@AmelCute-pz8dc says : PROTECTED BY GOD , HATED BY DEEP STATE ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ , U CANNOT KILL A MAN THAT IS PROTECTED BY GOD .>> <<@Angel-Max7728 says : Trump 2024 ๐ŸŽ‰>> <<@drewskiwest5284 says : 1:20 - LMFAO HER "TWEET" IS MEANINGLESS WHEN ON HER OTHER CELLPHONE SHE IS CUSSING OUT THE PERSON WHO FAILED THE ATTEMPT.>> <<@drewskiwest5284 says : The Left is TERRIFIED of this man because of Biden being a literal walking dead who can't finish a single sentence. and Harris being a constantly changing fake with zero policies. If Trump is killed during the debates, you know this country is going to War right?>> <<@pvught390 says : Staged by Trump himself. To influence the elections>> <<@PeggyLawrence-cn1jn says : why fund age care facilities when many people would like to stay in there home and have services come to them? I can understand people who rent a home but when you OWN your home, why move them out?>> <<@hwelse says : Damn, so close.>> <<@ComeAlongKay says : The FBI are investigating the attempt, so that they can understand why it didnโ€™t workout and how they and the other radical leftists can do better the next time.>> <<@johnanon-bz5fp says : ofc he had blue hair.>> <<@annekeruben3238 says : Tired of the state of things in the world... I miss simpler times.>> <<@jesser6229 says : *Sky News licking their lips because rather than creating stories out of thin air they can speak on something that actually happened*>> <<@floodwaters8887 says : At least they were better this time and he wasnโ€™t actually shot>> <<@bradcarter9201 says : These people aren't assassins.....they are just nut jobs with guns. If they believed in democracy they'd abide by whatever the election decides.>> <<@crazykids2889 says : Trumphobia ๐Ÿ˜‚ to immigrants>> <<@Devios_ says : 0:31 Fart?>> <<@computerzero2681 says : Delusionalcrats should get off Tiktok propaganda>> <<@cindywilbur4148 says : FUCK THE FBI, CIA AND DOJ!! They want Trump dead more than anyone>>