<<@robertmclean9737 says : I'm so relieved the FBI is on the case. NOT!>> <<@RaisinBran-ir4iq says : Oh, great....the FBI is the lead investigative agency on the incident. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy now.>> <<@laopang91362 says : Hope FBI follows the money trail.>> <<@armandtstrydom9081 says : Inside job......>> <<@jeremielewis1575 says : I would love to help protect president Donald Trump>> <<@112233JORDAN says : And the left wants to say it's due to Trump's rhetoric? Excuse me? Who's rhetoric do you think a person willing to assassinate Trump is listening to? I would say the media that compares him to Hitler and frames him as a threat to democracy? The left and their media wing.>> <<@eliasyalda3686 says : Who showed the Assassin this position of the Fence?. Why the Police, FBI and secret service didn't see the Nissan parked there near the fence?. Why the police didn't spot it?. Where are Trump's private body guards/security guards?. What does the Sheriff means by : He isn't the sitting president? so, what, He ( Trump ) was former President and he is now Republican Candidate for presidential elections in November. Why , only 6 Secret Service are given to him??????????????????????///. Again: It seems the FBI will try again to kill Trump. This shows that even the Police in Florida cannot protect Trump. Trump should hire private security Guards and in fact the Republican Party should hire guards to be 24/7 around Trump's residence .>> <<@AndreaDodge73 says : How did this guy know Trump would be there? Was it public?>> <<@unitedwestand5100 says : The FBI; Where cases, and investigations go when Democrats want to bury them...>> <<@eliasyalda3686 says : What's to be proud of your secret service?. In fact, a simple ordinary US Citizen saw this assassin and took pictures of the Nissan Vehicle he took off with. So, what roll your secret service played?. Nothing. This shows that the FBI & their secret service wants Trump killed. It the Seems the White House knows about who pushed the Assassin Thomas in Butler and who hired this one at the Golf Course. The Department of Justice Boss Garland , James Comey, Peter Stroks should be arrested and also Hunter Biden. The White House is directing these assassins to kill Trump. Where is the Police in Florida???????????????????. It seems, the US Army should get involved to protect Trump and the Federal Supreme Court should ask the US Army to send security around Trump to protect him.>> <<@willisjoe2010 says : Notice how the female News cast stated that trump is back In Maril Lago and how his golf club isn’t his exact location, during the Timelapse of 17:10 she gave a exact location of where he could be at instead saying trump has relocate himself to a private safe secure residence to keep it on a confidentiality level but she didn’t ☝️smh they keeping tabs on trump and it’s very disturbing and disgusting 🤮…. I love women but I always listen to them talk before the looks lol no man stated where trump was going or where he is at but this bitch did>> <<@bevduff6776 says : GOD IS WORKING OVERTIME TO SAVE AMERICANS 🇺🇸🇺🇸 🙏🙏 Trump/Vance 2024>> <<@greybu3p549 says : How they know where and when he was playing ?>> <<@jsimmonstx says : 0) There is no info yet about whether the AK had been converted to fully automatic. If it was legally purchased in the U.S., it's not fully automatic at the time of purchase, and it's very difficult (but not impossible) to obtain the parts to make it so. 1) Even with a scope, an AK is not know for its accuracy unless it's been highly modified to enhance that aspect of the rifle. 2) Even if the rifle had been converted to fully automatic, that mode would be irrelevant if the shooter was going for any kind of precision. This goes for any rifle with the capability of automatic fire. These rifles are designed to engage at ranges of 75 yards or less. When full auto is selected, the effective range in terms of accuracy is down to 30-50 yards (if not less) due to muzzle rise.>> <<@todtiger says : The 3 letter agencies are probably behind it all>> <<@nyo1026 says : Now they can't even protect him in his house?>> <<@nyo1026 says : Such a disgrace for USA. How do they keep allowing such incidents to keep happening?>> <<@bender4751 says : You should not be able to investigate yourself.>> <<@allisonwalker720 says : FBI are going to be investigating themselves.>> <<@karieschneider746 says : inside job>> <<@Someone-p2x says : Some say Trumps suit is bulletproof>> <<@CryptoBlockchainTechnologies says : Please don’t let anything happen to the best president that has ever existed in my lifetime, Donald Trump I love you!>> <<@pinkoinkwink says : This press conference looks like a school play. Low budget, no energy, no desperation. They just talk blah, blah, blah.>> <<@ExiliaN42 says : 18:06 All four??? No one on the right is inciting this kind of violence against the democratic nominees 🙄>> <<@chrisoulachristodoulakis7335 says : Τον,πλιροσαν,,το,πινασμενω,,ή,θέλλε,,να,παρητινδωσητου,,ο,βρωμιρις,,>> <<@DeezNuts-gl6nx says : I love this boomer bozo saying not to ask questions about “what if” as though to suggest it to be absurd to ponder why the hell this man was to be killed once again. Surely it’s just another random act of violence and Trump is just that unlucky??? Lmfao.>> <<@minimalist279 says : How is it they are not sending their best? 2nd try?>> <<@vii_seven1464 says : they have the witness to thank for this mainly, good spot on the USSS but without them they would've be fked tbh>> <<@daves4568 says : Pretty sure as soon as the investigation starts we'll never much more about it.>> <<@Fomogarage says : Hope the suspect gets life in prison.>> <<@jameslawrence7529 says : Trump can play golf anytime anywhere! I like to know how the perpetrator knew the "TIME and PLACE" of trump golf session ???? as I assume Trump would advertise it!>> <<@badworld02 says : Dude, if you dont wanna vote for Trump then, don't vote for him. But trying to kill a candidate just for Kamala to win is not so American way. This is only politics, do not make it personal. Do not kill your own dude...or better yet stay away from Politics if you cannot handle it...got it dude>> <<@teashdrinks714 says : No wonder George bush is hiding on a ranch in Texas, this is a great season of USA>> <<@sullytrny says : President Trump is becoming a God!>> <<@thumpergman says : At least try when his on the clock geez poor bugger just trying to play golf>> <<@Draven-z2f says : The dems can't win fairly.>> <<@iDeagles says : Landslide>> <<@irisiperle3369 says : That's BS that the Secret Service said because Trump is not currently the sitting President, that security around bushes is not warranted! What a load of crap! The Dems keep trying to take Trump out! Trump needs his own security in charge. Trump, do not depend on the Secret Service!>> <<@audreyk4768 says : Many many many men wish death on me>> <<@MsJubjubbird says : Was a MAGA supporter who was disillusioned with Trump. Seems to be mentally unwell and had a record with with friearms. Hence US gun laws suck, given he had access to a pretty powerful gun>> <<@rabymaidahsavage258 says : God have mercy>> <<@LloydBickersteth says : Why such HATRED?>> <<@mzarate6288 says : In this case the secret service acted proactively. The problem is Trump still doesn’t have the man power as the current President . It is on the Biden administration this is a second attempt they need to provide equal coverage on the Presidential level . This can’t happen again!>> <<@edmurks236 says : Trump is such a threat to their corruption.>> <<@AndyTN64 says : Good luck with FBI investigation.>> <<@algeldmacher3034 says : Just get the local police to investigate please. The FBI is horrificly corrupt>> <<@advancemobilesoftwaresolut1365 says : It’s too damn close and isn’t this a private golf course? How in the name of Heaven is this not staged? A car this close, a gun with that type of scope, and this isn’t that well covered? This person was able to hide that close? You would have to have knowledge of that course and its blind spots. I’m not sold on this being a random event. I bet the agent as tipped of in conversation by a member of his team. That is a strange place to hide and what idiot hangs things on the actual fence as it gives away position?>> <<@sheilamillar6592 says : "APPARENT" being the key word>> <<@jamesheitkemper1433 says : It is fortunate the assassins are as incompetent as the current administration.>> <<@advancemobilesoftwaresolut1365 says : Someone needs to investigate if these are staged planned events? Either these are some of the worst shooters ever or these are events to garner empathy for the intended victim! This seems to coincidental and extremely sloppy! I’m not old enough but technology has improved. I for one, will not be surprised, to learn that his team is promising fame and fortune for the individual and for their families for perceiving to be an assignation attempt. How else would anyone have known he was to have been there? This just doesn’t feel like what it is portraying to be on the surface. My gut is just not sitting with this a second time around. Remember no one was killed or hit after a supposed attempt that resulted in being grazed at the ear. The mathematical possibility of no one behind him being hit is simply not possible! So this feels like another weak attempt or a staged event!>>