<<@lawsonsusan5334 says : Dont u think that Biden had something to do with the less security eather he did or jill did>> <<@lawsonsusan5334 says : Then we need something better then the F B I.>> <<@LonnieHolje-w4w says : Marcelo Bypass>> <<@NancyRodriguez-x1l says : PRAYER FOR PROTECTION FOR DONALD TRUMP 🇺🇸>> <<@annapoontalks8430 says : I have been threatened not to talk about politics if I want to keep my job. Where is our freedom of speech.>> <<@Cmrsvrd says : Thiel groomed JD to be trumps vp. They aren't interfering in the election as much as manufacturing a take over of the government.>> <<@TommyHerzog-g5y says : Johnson Ruth Martin Amy Martin John>> <<@KevinSmith-ve9sy says : Stop calling them immigrants …… They’re invaders ! INVADERS ! Sponsored & let into the Country by the Biden / Harris administration & backed by dimwits like tampon Tim Waltz ! STOP calling them immigrants (illegal or not)! They’re plain & simply nothing less than VIOLENT INVADERS !>> <<@lincolndachane1484 says : We need to ban AK and AR guns. The accuarcy is terrible.>> <<@courtneybrubaker9738 says : More than 100 Republican former national security figures, as well as members of Congress, endorsed Vice President Harris on Wednesday, citing former President Trump’s “demonstrated chaotic and unethical behavior.” The letter lists a litany of rationales for endorsing Harris and criticizes Trump, saying “she possesses the essential qualities to serve as President and Donald Trump does not.”>> <<@Reporting-t9y says : 78 yo senile speaking : "The kidney has a very special place in the heart.">> <<@CoreyAWalton says : Just came to say that everyone who watches fox news is a deplorable, uneducated fool>> <<@besmartvoteblue2702 says : Sean, Trump is NOT the president. He's DEFENDANT Trump. He's out on release.>> <<@manuelmelchizedek4309 says : Kamala planting more bombs with her ties of radicals and friends .>> <<@John-tm9zf says : The stock market loves harris>> <<@Shoppingemail-b3c says : Maybe they’re worried Trump won’t let them rise in power because he’d strengthen true law enforcement?? Not that they wouldn’t try to take advantage of that too but crime fighting is crime fighting right>> <<@DLwayne53 says : Fox and Newswax: fake news>> <<@DLwayne53 says : If you notice Fox and Newswax didn't win a single award.>> <<@noraesekirkgokam8156 says : Clark Melissa Perez Donna White Angela>> <<@Cootiequeen says : What is Trump saving you from? What happened to you? What does your town look like? He is selling you a lie dipshits!🤡>> <<@RoyMcKnight-vv9zk says : Trump you are fired>> <<@ademolaoladunjoye1 says : Violence has no place in our politics>> <<@xkinglizardx1191 says : Donald Trump/Project 2025 is an authoritarian policy playbook to take over the federal government and enact a radical, far-right agenda that strips all Americans (Democrat,Republican and Independent) of their rights and their ability to have a say in government or gain a foothold in the nation’s middle class. The plan consolidates power in the presidency by gutting the civil service; overruling the long-standing independence of government agencies; weaponizing the Department of Justice; and abolishing government agencies, such as the Department of Education, that support the public interest. Project 2025 and the radical far-right policies it has inspired are a threat to all Americans and would disrupt nearly every aspect of American lives—from health care and education,retirement security,veterans benefits,ending labor unions and civil rights for all American citizens.>> <<@GaskellXenia-x8f says : Dixie Port>> <<@2CorgiMom says : Sean, You need to ask Trump if Melania is still having an affair with Hank Siemers from Tiffany all the while Trump is carrying on with Laura Loomer. These are questions the American people need answers to before we vote. *Will Laura Loomer be our new FLOTUS* ?>> <<@dreamwell2020 says : Faux News is generally frightening.>> <<@Timejumperk9000 says : How many cops are convicted felons? How many Congress members are Convicted Felons? One is running for the Oval Office ! THINK PEOPLE!!!>> <<@alfonsoreyes7317 says : The scary thing is that trump said the audience went crazy at the debate but there was no audience. I bet fox was praying 🙏 I hope his voters didn’t get that please😂😂😂. Lies after lies. Can’t wait till fox time comes to a end soon.😂>> <<@lovespurpleflowers says : Hey Sean, I saw you making goo goo eyes at Gavin Newscum 👀 I certainly hope this is just an act because if it isn’t, all your lies and deceit will be out there for all to see?! Traitors will not be coddled so hopefully you and your spouse are not part of the dirty swamp?>> <<@ChildArvin-x8s says : Williams Eric Martin Gary Hall Margaret>> <<@JenniferArmour-o2v says : You better get your pocket money out and donate to daddy's campaign. Data analysts are showing a harris landslide and you don't want to make daddy cry.>> <<@tbuc2920 says : I`ll tell whats scary , The Fox Liars Club. You have stoked lies and hate all for a lousy paycheck. You people are sickening. You know what you spew are lies and back a convicted lying loser , for what? Just sickening.>> <<@larryfranklin says : Apparently the guy can't take a hint. Even real Republicans hate him.>> <<@anthonyvillella4464 says : Where's Melania? Haven't seen her at one rally oh that's right she can't stand her husband>> <<@chewingal2324 says : Vote Kamala Harris!>> <<@vince2113 says : Why is no one on FOX talking about the stock market lol. Trump said it would crash under biden. LOSER was wrong . Biden inherited the worst economy and US history and STOCK MARKET is STRONGER THAN EVER!!!>> <<@eova says : Faux news= merchants of hate>> <<@samsilva3625 says : This man should be in a mental asylum not the Whitehouse.>> <<@Mike-ph5rn says : How come only the assassin and tRump knew which golf course he would be at? The assassin was there for 12 hours and the Secret Service found out about the course just before they left. Another tRump photo op.>> <<@AcceleratorUnleashed says : Suck on a placenta moron's>> <<@briancusick3514 says : There's a lot more drama going on in Mara-A-Lago besides the ex-president cheating on Melania and Don Jr. cheating on Kimberly Guilfoyle. It's like a brothel in the historic home. ( You would think all 3 of these billionaires could get models instead of mutts). Eric's wife is coming out with more of her crappy music. The song is called "The Voter," a knock-off from the Steve Miller Bands" The Joker." During one of Mrs. Guilfoyles Tupperware parties, the bowls were flying because Laura had stolen that idea from Kimberly. Mamaw was in attendance, and she's from Appalachia, but she said it was like a normal day at the resort. Eric could've cared less, and Don Jr. was making a deal with somebody who looked like a Saudi. It has been verified that Mamaw took Kimberly's side because Mrs Guilfoyle has been giving her grandson eyeliner tips. Laura has denied these claims and is telling reporters that Mrs. Guilfoyle is on something. Mamaw disagrees with that statement. She says she sniffs a lot, but they all do so that doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense. Although J.D & Don Jr. hide in odd places doesn't mean what we may think. Some guests are saying that Don Jr. is always carrying around sugar and keeps putting it in the girls' wine. It is a sign he cares about them. Friends of Laura say that Kimberly is jealous that she's not the one who is married to a Trump stooge. Their words, not mine. Her friends are also saying that Laura is a better singer than Taylor Swift. The ex-president wasn't speaking on the matter but is saying he loves to watch a good cat fight. Dinners are getting more tense than usual. This is all I have for today, but the ridiculous news never stops. Peace out to the gullible fans.>> <<@bossvegan3470 says : Better get ready for a Madam President Kamala Harris!!! 😂>> <<@korakkari2005 says : 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 Everyone in America should vote for Harris for the love of country. The Republican Party need this more than the Democratic Party, Dump Trump so that we can reorganize the Republican Party .>> <<@bodhileaf says : VOTE BLUE DOWN BALLOT 2024🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🥥🌴>> <<@OlavAaser says : Lee Susan Lee Betty Gonzalez Mary>> <<@courtneybrubaker9738 says : “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” Tesla>> <<@ocnvultng says : “I think it’s important to reinforce the fact to Republicans around the country that just because you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, doesn’t mean you’re Democrat,” Duncan said on CNN last month. “It just means you’re a patriot. You’re doing your duty as an American to step up to the plate and reclaim this country’s future.”>> <<@alfonsoreyes7317 says : 😂All these traitors need to be in prison asap. My opinion , this won’t stop until Americans stops them. Stop being in denial. I heard his spoke person chuckly say trump took a bullet for this country 😂, no he didn’t. He took a bullet for his criminality and trump is putting these assination attempt into play to get votes and sympathy. He also said I got indicted for you but the Americans didn’t ask him to commit crimes. He also can’t answer one ? About policies. What did he say ?, I got concepts of a plan😂😂 thy are eating the 🐕. He needs to be in a nursing home protecting the dogs and cats😂. Cant wait till fox and maga, start the 🎉party. Here comes the adrenaline rush😂😂.>> <<@Tommy71998 says : WHAT IS SCARY IS THAT PEOPLE LISTEN TO THIS LYING PIECE OF HUMAN EXCREMENT>> <<@jodylowe8476 says : Hows it going in the cult today? Pretty scary in there knowing that you are all losing control and following an insane megalomaniac over the cliff. God speed though.>>