<<@wynetsang says : Money is the only value in capitalist country.>> <<@WORLDPARTYFORUM says : When was the last time someone asked whether there are evils of profit?>> <<@sorellman says : Unfortunately, and this was not the founder's of America the idea, the War of Independence was not even over when some seedy characters, like Robert Morris, was setting the stage for the money to determine how the country was run by the government. Even with the intervention of Hamilton, it has been like that ever since. Some may even say that money was the doing of America. It is almost certain obsession money is going to be her undoing too.>> <<@urimtefiki226 says : Money does not rule the world, creativity rules the world.>> <<@nunyabizz50 says : Money has had 100% control of US politics for over 200 years>> <<@Souchirouu says : It is not the money but the lack of a shared philosophy and morals that is corruption the US politics, economy and culture. They have become so individualistic that the plights of others no longer register let alone the plight of the global community.>> <<@Souchirouu says : Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is true for all nations and people. People are not well suited for the level of responsibility that is required to run a many trillion dollar economy as well as take responsibility for the 8+ billion people on this planet as well as the planet itself.>> <<@ramonching7772 says : No more question. The money has corrupted US politics.>> <<@Darknova591 says : Oh Americans they know the truth but don't do anything about so sad.>> <<@ToiChutGongWu says : The question should be: "Is US politics corrupting money".>> <<@liamporter1137 says : US has lost their moral standing and dignity.>> <<@pendambahidayah4712 says : Ofc...>> <<@ramstrong1961 says : Undercurrents w/Glenn Greenwald - Democrats are the ultimate establishment party>> <<@ramstrong1961 says : Garland Nixon w/Scott Ritter - The criminal ruling elite>>