<<@zamary-m3n says : Gregory Patrick an American citizen started the Coronavirus pandemic in wuhan china. Ask Tesla company what happened outside Berlin factory on 5th of May 2022.  Use reference of Tesla Company Berlin 5th of May 2022, Gregory Patrick and CIA giving *keys back* on 9th of May 2022 in Utrecht Netherlands and what happened to tesla company that day. Ask Elon Musk himself his connection with Gregory Patrick and 5th May 2022. You can request the Netherlands government to open up CCTV footage of Utrecht city for 9th May 2022. The case was filled by German and Netherlands government and cia dropped the case, I was the main target for my connection with Gregory Patrick.  Tesla company can open up their emails from March to september 2022 and Karl Wagner wire transfer to Gregory Patrick If I fail you can do whatever you like. I won't fail. CIA dropped the case filled by German and Netherlands government to arrest me for my connection with Gregory Patrick.  Gregory Patrick started the Coronavirus pandemic in wuhan china.>>