<<@alejanroo54857 says : You know the guy who tried to assassinate Trump voted for him. He probably went crazy listening to FOX lie so blatantly. This is Karma>> <<@chrisoulalakkas7935 says : It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.>> <<@commercialelectric696 says : God is given Mr. Trump an opportunity to repent, now twice. Through His grace this man should heed unto salvation, as now this man is mocking God trice...>> <<@George-ox6ix says : Tell trump to stop the lies and hate.>> <<@ericeric6971 says : Ask Biden 🀣>> <<@lucky-im1gs says : We deserve answers, why did they miss Trump the convicted sexual offender ??? 2024 vote pig>> <<@sillkthashocker says : The Left Reich>> <<@mohammadsyafiqwilson6672 says : Nancy should be in prison by now . Stinky 🐱>> <<@mohammadsyafiqwilson6672 says : The deep state are scared they will have no job if trump is elected . Trying hard to keep their jobs πŸ˜‚>> <<@YBAOLA says : The Democrats and their law enforcement forces are the real domestic terrorists now. Why do you hate our President Donald Trump, who loves America and his citizens.>> <<@melehovell says : Why fbi always rush to protect the criminal>> <<@YBAOLA says : Our dear Fellow American leaders, if the US. secret service and law enforcement are useless or unable to protect US. President Donald Trump. We, the Vietnamese American Patriotic warriors, would love to volunteer to protect our great President Donald Trump???>> <<@jerroldrieger5345 says : I just watched a Kackler commercial it was the same as bidens 4 years ago...>> <<@oldmantex374 says : Answers are right in their faces......Trump spreading hate, division, vitriol, chaos, and lies with every breath......there is you reason for him being stalked.>> <<@pauljnolan1000 says : Kiz my az. The Secret Service did just what they're supposed to do: protect Trump. Agent swept the course, saw a mook, engaged mook with gunfire, Trump unharmed, mook in custody. This is what IS SUPPOSED to happen. So Congressman, take your righteous indignation, fold it twice, and sti->> <<@AndrewDrake-h6q says : We do not need trump as president he has been starting wars since he been in the white house>> <<@marieramirez2783 says : Blame Trump for that mouth of his idiots.Making up thingsπŸ˜…>> <<@nancychapman3610 says : What a joke, Rs want explanation. The Thousands of people who attacked our Capital on Jan 6th would not have done that if trump had told the truth that he lost the election by a whisker. The insane lies the Rs make up and spread are triggering hate and havoc throughout our Country. It makes sense you stop your hateful nonsense because your deceitful rhetoric has backfired making your candidate the target.>> <<@atypicalmisanthrope says : So like demanding more answers on top of answers that already have been demanded before. This is a joke. The GOP are spineless cowards. This is war and they're crying foul when bullets are flying.>> <<@KathyCyr-dg7bv says : HARRIS IS PROBABLY LAUGHING SHE WOULDNT BE IF IT WERE HER OR JOE>> <<@norahavellano6069 says : Well we still have not what happened in BUTTLER AND ITS 8 WEEKS AGO>> <<@KathyCyr-dg7bv says : Media is corrupt with them>> <<@KathyCyr-dg7bv says : THE DEMOCRATES HATE HIM THEY WANT HIM GONE AT ALL COST>> <<@HenryCarruthers says : Fox News πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@KathyCyr-dg7bv says : ITS THE DEMOCRATES AND MEDIA LIES! CORRUPTION!>> <<@leilamann6886 says : Praying for Trump and our country>> <<@DisgruntalAmericanTaxpay-zd7je says : As American citizens and voters we DEMAND to know why the House and Senate HAVEN'T done a single thing for the country or the legal American citizens. Our political leaders have destroyed and divided America over the past 3 1/2 years with their agendas, hate for the country and each other, and wasteful spending that is BANKRUPTING the country. ALL out political leaders are REACTIVE instead of PROACTIVE. Its time to put the American citizens and the country FIRST or get out of office. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.>> <<@RG-vc9nn says : THE TWO ASSASSINATE ATTEMPTS WERE REPUBLICANS . DEMOCRATS ARE JUST VOTING FOR KAMALA HARRIS WITHOUT ANY ACT OF VIOLENCE . KAMALA HARRIS PROMOTE HAPPINEES VIBES . TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND TRUMP PROMOTE HATE . TRUMP JUST POSTED ON HIS PLATFORM , "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT " , THATS TRUMPS POST. TRUMP IS CHAOS , PURE CHAOS . ANYTHING COMES OUT OF TRUMP IS HATE OR ACTS OF VIOLENCE , AS IN , THE CAPITAL BUILDING JAN 6TH. TRUMP DOES NOT GO WITH GOD . GOD DOES NOT PROMOTE HATE OR VIOLENCE PERIOD>> <<@Mrs.Deanna_Ember says : Moms for Trump/Vance πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ MAGA πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸŒ·>> <<@susanshew2373 says : Mayorkas is totally useless.>> <<@ulknatmelknatu says : F ukraine.>> <<@ulknatmelknatu says : Swift trial.>> <<@keithcaldwell1871 says : Have you noticed every time he’s down in the pose something happens to him I’m just saying look what we talking about all dayπŸ˜‚>> <<@Rich-oc8pi says : Another Republican gun nut, when will they learn!>> <<@jadalizmercedes7579 says : we need full disclosure on this guy's background we still haven't got it from the other awful person at butler pa, this info should be shared>> <<@johnconlon217 says : "House lawmakers demand answers." Oh, boy, I can't wait. We live in a one-party Communist system and the token party, the GOP, is pretending again that they are going to do something. The Dems attempted three coups including a Russian investigation and two impeachments and had his family investigated in four years. But apparently, Biden, his family and Dems in general are untouchable. The (one party) also controls the weaponized intelligence apparatus, the media, electoral, education systems and Hollywood. The GOP is in bed with the Honey Pot Wash DC elite environment where they can attain wealth without doing anything. They investigate themselves. Challenge them, their bubble and their "city on a hill" and they will disappear you. But again, I can't wait.>> <<@jefferyholmes4954 says : Since they let Trump run for President he should be safe however Trump himself has scared people... The Republicans are being aggressive in their takeover... Republicans need to reign in their fringe and stop mainstreaming crazy... Even the Republican congressman who should be practical are way to ideological... Republicans are pushing the climate of fear and confrontation>> <<@patricksargent5357 says : HOW MANY TIMES MUST THE FBI AND SECRET SERVICES FAIL BEFORE SOMETHING IS DONE. THE USA IS A BLOODZIONEST OLIGARCHY.>> <<@EP-ko2yi says : Trump had to stage anothrr attempt after he lost the debate. He is crooked.>> <<@watchinglclowns9890 says : Thease Agencies Arent going to Answer Anything...>> <<@henrym7198 says : The media will soon make the assassin a victim>> <<@Cherishthemoment says : The perfect plan. A rifle is not a needle in a hay stack but those guarding Mr Trump cannot even find the hay stack. I believe. this was a total set up to save face with the American people and to say see, we protect Mr Trump, now vote democrat. In my opinion Mr Trump is in grave danger, there will be a next time, I believe great powers are spending billions to stop him and they are buying up every form of media in the USA. Think about it, a local citizen knows the where abouts of a former President and then gets there in perfect time to prepare to take a shot at him, what are the chances of that happening. When he golfs, there is no announcement made to the time and where he is playing, like there is at one of his rallies. Then, the secret service are able to spot a rifle peering out of the dense bushes surrounding that golf course, amazing. The guy did not even take a shot and they spot him. Then, they fire four rounds at the bad guy and miss. This is as crazy as it gets. This is All my opinion of course. …America, you better protect the one man that wants to make your country great again because there are many that want it to crumble. God bless the Great USA.>> <<@anand8905 says : LOL trump calling Nicky jam hot thinking he was a woman hahahaha>> <<@44Magpie says : House lawmakers demand answers? Are they going to send a strongly worded letter and then shrink back like the cowards they are when they get no response?>> <<@carolcharters4878 says : ASK DEMONCRAPS WHY THEY WANT PRESIDENT TRUMP DEAD>> <<@Mister-Reno says : The chickens are finally coming home to roost----TRUMP KARMA>> <<@igotcha1345 says : Youtube is censoring people comments! Why dont we get a story about that? Your just like ABC!>> <<@JohnBolles-k3f says : If Trump was in jail he wouldn't get shot at. Lock him up for his own safety!>> <<@davidpaglia1326 says : He travels the world on $3,000 a month?>> <<@unicorn8802 says : Greg is hot>>