<<@chaitassy says : Time and tide never die. Though our life left behind. We shall never feel shy. Our heritage never left behind! My parent was born in Chow chow, China and I deeply proud of my Chinese heritage !❤>> <<@maybulk says : Why not allow the video to be downloaded?>> <<@Loy-AFG. says : Beautiful documentary China is very beautiful 😍>> <<@playerish says : Where's ep2?>> <<@GeokEngYeoh says : Thank you. A very good show.>> <<@bertanelson8062 says : Delighted that Chinese are making their own movies about their own culture. Celebrate who you are as long past, the present & future. I loved the "Crouching dragon" movie with all the women martial artists.>> <<@anlemendez1301 says : 🌞🌍⏳🗺🌚⚖🛕💯%🧞‍♀️🗝☯️👸🏼🤙🇨🇳🇹🇭❤🍒🌷👍🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇷🇺🇨🇮🇺🇲🙇🏼‍♀️>> <<@EremiaMoïse says : 🙏como si fuera mi culpa que los mercenarios franceses murieran en la guerra en Ucrania .... me reprocha, bollo🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🗽>> <<@jinc4792 says : great prodcution, love it>> <<@nelsonyip1260 says : This documentary is not for anti-Chinese racists…>> <<@VagBlaster says : If i dont support you, if i dont like you. You should not use the word "future">> <<@AA-eq5wk says : sustainability can only be achieved with proper scaling that includes other cultures working together in cooperation instead of competition>> <<@Qin-m1u says : use Nikola tesla the Ether to travel trough time and space>> <<@planje4740 says : - ја своје ви своје _ - имамо ово _Candace Owens Talks YouTube Suspension After Zionist Mass Reporting_ - блокирали јој акаунт - а што ја вама говорим годинама _ - управо ово _ - то је када ја кажем Huawei са тим да Кина мора када мора имати "платформу слободе" - и купимо си телефоне Huawei - и шта нас брига што youtube ради ///нећемо ни да посјећујемо youtube ///избришемо програм или на Huawei и нема али и не треба _ и ја то већ годинама говорим Кини - сви смо ми нови потрошачи томе само нам нису дали ту шансу //Кино ли глупа Кино - сва цивилизација твоји потрошачи - али мораш нам пустити да пишемо да причамо да снимамо ма што да ми хоћемо - свака дискусија може - свако насиље не може никада _ Кино ли глупа Кино - све западне маил чита циа ми 6 мосад сдгс итд итд - значи сви би прешли код вас ко је интелигентан _ - али и то је то зашто ће NWO пројекат пропасти нема довољно глупих колико то њима треба не види их нико паметно него глупо итд итд итд _ Candace Owens имаш rutube само са тим и Путин је томе члан - те ако су те блокирали на западу и он ће _ - зашто их ја избјегавам - хм - та није тешко схватити зар не //не желим да се бавим са њима ни 1 секунду - и шта ти може на то, што неко неће да се бави Анголом Израелом или ма коме хоће - и нада све бавити се политиком то мени ништа не каже _ Candace Owens да не мислиш да ми је тешко сад ћу им то написати копирати - и наравно дати још које инструкције за Huawei>> <<@Lee.Hsien-Yung says : China has the oldest civilization 5000 years old and as a nation invented paper, gunpowder and the compass.>> <<@delltellegen5646 says : Really really beautiful and very touching documentary ❤️❤️😍>> <<@user-ne8yi1io4h says : Good to see Gasthoori on the programmes again. About time to make her an honorary citizen or a China green card holder.>> <<@taraksaha9 says : India🇮🇳❤❤ 🇷🇺 and 🇨🇳>> <<@manilaboy3311 says : Treasuring the tradition of wedding ceremony....but they own emperor they kick out from the palace....>> <<@davidhendrix-07 says : It’s so amazing to see those people can stand true to their identity and create something new while just as Frances Wood mentioned people don’t need to slavishly follow other cultures.>> <<@houfame says : Shang dynasty being descendents from the bird could be allegorical could actually mean sky gods coming in a flying vessel.>> <<@user-tp9ms4kk4k says : It was a wonderful show, with well-prepared hosts. China is not only a great civilization, but also the path to the shared future of humanity. My respects to the glorious Chinese people and congratulations on the show. It brought tears of happiness to my eyes.>> <<@josepharmoko807 says : Love it ❤>> <<@inlustrismedia says : Chinese Americans still desperate to be accepted by white America is the most pathetic and hilarious thing>> <<@harbinger6562 says : Good afternoon Gasthoori ❤️🇨🇳🦾😇🌹👋>> <<@hansdampf640 says : oh... that´s why you guys forbid any research at the countless pyramids in China...it´s about connecting,i see>> <<@andreastano7920 says : This production is incredibly beautiful.. Thank you. I had goosebumps many times watching this. Can't wait for the next ep.>>