<<@kwpowell0412 says : Can someone please get that man a dude bra? His boobs are bigger than my girlfriends boobs.>> <<@DaniMacYo says : Two assassination attempts. Both did Black Rock commercials Both vote for Dems The latest one was seen getting of a democratic bus for a Kamala rally Biden hired Black Rock for military contractor deals The left media don’t care The left media continue to say this is Trump’s fault The Dems don’t care The Dems keep saying this is Trump’s fault Biden is probably the only one reaching out to Trump. But whether it’s genuine or not remains to be seen. There was technically a 3rd but he was caught just taking about doing it not seen actual committing the crime The first time it happened the Secret Service was hired by Jill Biden The FBI don’t want to cooperate with anyone but want to handle both cases The way the left and Dems don’t seem to care shows they really want Trump taken out. Permanently.>> <<@Kissme-s6v says : A dropkick coward, God bless Mr President Trump 🤗 keep mr Trump safe>> <<@19jarhead66 says : The left continues to say, Trump is being targeted because of what’s he doing. Below are 15 examples of the media and the Democrats continuing to use incendiary rhetoric after Sunday’s assassination attempt: “We must stop [Trump],” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) “No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” leftist podcaster Rachel Vindman “This really seems to be the confluence of two very bad things going on in the Republican Party … the attempts to divide, to enrage the population,” Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are,” State Rep. Steven Woodrow (D-CO) “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail. Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims…” NBC News’s Lester Holt “Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to [tone it down]?” MSNBC’s Alex Witt “Another chance for Trump to frame Democrats as dangerous has emerged,” Washington Post columnist Phil Bump “Vance … incite[s] potential violence with lies,” the Bulwark’s Bill Kristol “Was the golf course guy with the gun a migrant?” Democrat commentator Ron Filipkowski “Trump and his running mate have spent the past week successfully inciting violence … today they want to present themselves as near-victims of violence,” Atlantic’s David Frum “Trump is a threat to democracy, and saying so is not incitement,” New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait “The former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself,” Cincinnati Enquirer “Hope in America,” USA Today “Golf course incident,” NBC News Trump “seizing on assassination attempt,” Bloomberg. These people are despicable.>> <<@livefastdieyoung8703 says : Why he is not wearing underpants ??>> <<@prgamer241 says : Whatever happens DO NOT HAND HIM OVER TO THE FEDS, or leave him unprotected, if something happens to him or the feds get to him then we will never know anything again.>> <<@rinachaniago-hw2zo says : Please For The American People's Citizen Don't Shooting Or Killing To Your Own President Candidates Because They're A Truly Democracy Representation On The US Soil Fondation __ If You Want To Killing or Shooting Person Something ! So Then To Hunting This A Dangerous Public Figure In The World Like : Yahya Sinwar ( Hamas Leader ) , Kim Jo Un / North Korea Dictator Ruler , Vladimir Putin \ Russian Tyrant Government , Ali Khameini { Iranian Brutality Mullah Priest } & China Corruptor Chief [ XinJinPeng | CCP President ] 👉👥👺😈 The US Defense Department / DOD & A Israel Military Riset To Must've Creating The Anti Surface Missiles ( Cruise Missile , ICBM + Drone Arsenal ) Like *"IRON BEAM LASSER~CANON"* or A Hyper-Sonic Missile With The Highest Maximum Speed About 4.5 Mach Until To 5 Mach On A New *'MAVERICK & TOMMAHAWK'* Design Via By The Smartest Guided System { GPS-INS-LBS HardWare + Software Inside } 📡🚀🛰 You Must Know If The Global Islamist Radical Movements To Will Try Invading The Entire World Into A Full Chaliphate Empire State With The Total Syariah-Law Systems By A Militant Moeslim Activist's As The Illegal Immigration Person! 👺👤😈 Don't Forget About The October 7 - 2023 In KIZBUT-VILLAGE / Southern Israel Soil To Attacked By A Islamist Palestinian Terrorist With 1500 Death Casualties Who Having Similar Like *"9-11-2001 WTC NewYork Tragedy"* When A Global Jihadist Hijackers From The International Militant Organization ( AL-QAEDAH ) To Striking A Western Democracy Country By The Intensive Imigrant Infiltration of A Middle-East Area + North Africa Region ! ✈️🌇💥🌎🔥 If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike From The NATO Members ! 🤖🌍🔫 ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions ✍️📓📐🧾 Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! 🕊 Itulah Barang Siapa Yg Akan Memberkati Anak-Cucu Turunan Abraham/Ibrahim Maka Ia Akan Mendpt Berkah Tapi Siapapun Yg Coba Mengutuki-Menzhaliminya Maka Diapun Akan Balik Di Kutuk Kena Karmanya Sendiri Itu Telah Tersirat Dlm Taurat-Torah Perjanjian-Lama & Al-Kitab Injil Perjanjian-Baru , Silahkan Bagi Yg Tdk Percaya Maka Yakinlah Ini Akan Menimpa Kalian Nantinya Kelak Tanpa Diduga2 Perlahan Tapi Pasti! 👥👀💣 Jangan Mudah Percaya Dgn Media Propaganda Negeri Konoha Isinya Selalu Ttg Perang Dunia Ke-3 Lah Krn Para Pendukung Hamas Di Sini Pengen Dunia Ini Cepat Kiamat Total Agar Muslim Seluruh Dunia Langsung Keterima Di Alam Surga Menurut Versi Iman-Aqidah Mereka Kaum Kadrunista Ini Terutama Provokasi Dari Para Imigran Habib2Yamanesia & Indopalestino Via Tribune DLL ✍️👁 Kata Murtadin Saifuddin-Ibrahim Mantan Guru-Ngaji Bilang : Jika Dunia-Islam Mau Maju Maka Hapuslah 200-300 Ayat Al-Qur'an Yg Mengajarkan Kebencian & Kekejaman Thd Kaum Lain Yg Berbeda Aqidah-Iman Jika Tdk Maka Mustahil Ajaran Si Muhamad Menjadi *'Rahmatan Lil Allamin'* Damai-$elamat Utk Semua Manusia & Mahluk Hidup Lain Di Dlmnya ! ✍️📗🕊 Seblm Gembar-Gembor Bela Palestina Mati2an Hrsnya Indonesia Ini Mikir Kenapa Nggak Tanah Adat Papua Yg Sekarang Jadi Tambang Emas & Perkebunan Sawit Di Kembalikan Kpd Warga Asli Sana Sbg Pewaris Syah Dgn *"Hak Tanah Adat Nenek-Moyangnya"* Mereka Dulu Bukan Malah Banyak Di Kuasai Oleh Pemilik Modal Yg Notabenenya Semuanya Di Kuasai Dari Wilayah Pulau Jawa Saja Utk Kelompok Ormas Tertentu🤔🌏 NB ; Jika ISMAEL-HANIYEH Tewas Di Tangan Israel Harus Tunjukkan Bukti Nyata Spt Serpihan Pecahan Rudal Atau Bom Udara Tsb Apakah Ada Gambar Logo Bendera-Israel Termasuk Tanda Huruf Tulisan Ibrani Di Body Amunisi Itu Juga Komponen Spare-Part Didlmnya Apakah Ada Logo-Symbol Ibrani Di Dlmnya Spt Micro-Chipset! 🚀☝🧨 Jika Pecah Konflik Besar Spt PERANG-TELUK 1991 Lalu Ketika Irak Menduduki Kuwait ( Negara Kaya Minyak ) Maka Rezim Teheran-Syiah Iran Ali-Khameini Ini Akan Bernasib Sama Dgn Lengsernya Diktator Saddam Hussein Hingga Ibu-Kota Bagdad Sekitarnya Hancur~£ebur Mirip Jerman Dlm Perang-Dunia Ke-2 1937-45 Lalu , Lihat Jika Si Jahiliyah Syiah Iran Beserta Proxnya Berani Mengobarkan PERANG-DUNIA KE-3 Taruhannya Adl Bhw Seluru Wilayah Pengaruhnya Di Iraq-$elatan , Suriah Barat-Timur , Libanon Selatan & Yaman Selatan-Utara Bakal Tinggal Puing2Total Apalagi Mau Seret2Sekutu-Komunis { Tiongkok , Korea Utara + Russia } Bakal Rusak Selama nya Negeri Mereka Kembali Ke Zaman Batu 🗿 Faktanya Indonesia Yg Konon Sbg Negara Muslim Terbesar Di Dunia Dari Thn 1945 Merdeka Total Thn 1949 Hingga Kini Tdk Pernah Berhasil Jadi Negara Maju Super-Power Dgn Simbol Kemusliman Fanatiknya Krn Terlalu Ideologi Mabok-Agama Tdk Peduli Dgn Nilai2Demokrasi , Hak Asasi Manusia / HAM & Kemajuan Teknologi Hanya Bergantung Pd Dalil2Ayat Kitab-Sucinya Semata Demi Meraih Kehidupan Surga Belaka Yg Blm Jelas Betul Keberadaannya Jika Di Tinjau Dari Segi Logika-Keilmuan Tanpa Bukti Fakta Kajian Ilmiah Yg Betul2Sahih Dpt Di Pertanggung-Jawaban! 😶‍🌫🪐💫 Alfian Tanjung 1 Kampung-Halaman Dgn Si Anwar- Abbas Ketua MUI Sama2 Dari Tanah Minang Padang Sumatera-Barat Nggak Suka Ada Bentuk2Kepercayaan/Keyakinan-Agama Lainnya Di Luar Islam Padahal Agama Si Nabi Muhammed SAW Paling Belakangan Nongol Di Muka Bumi Dlm Sejarah Peradaban Budaya Manusia Tapi Paling Sok Arogan-Sombong Merasa Agama Paling Sempurna Di Dunia & Akherat Padahal Jika Itu Benar Hrsnya Isi Dunia Hanya Etnis Arab Doang Yg Konon Dlm Kitab Suci Mereka ( AL-QUR'AN + HADIST ) Bhw Kaum Muslim Ini Adl Mahluk Kesayangan Allah-$WT Sbg Alat Propaganda Utk Menyaingi Umat Yahudi Bani-Israel Sbg *"Bangsa Pilihan Tuhan"* Itu Tertera Dlm Kitab Taurat/Torah Perjanjian Lama & Al-Kitab Injil Perjanjian Baru __ Jika Umat Muslim Merasa Paling Hebat-Sempurna Kenapa Rata2 Hampir Semua Negeri Mayoritas Islam Adl Negara Miskin-Terbelakang Baik Ekonomi-Industri-Teknologi Malah Kalah Sama Negara2Kafirin Yg Mayoritas Kristen-Yahudi-Hindu-Budha-Konghucu-Shinto DST Termasuk Negara Komunis RRC-Tiongkok + Vietnam , Percuma Koar2 Kofar~Kafir Jika Dunia-Islam Paling Terbelakang Dlm Segala Aspek Kehidupan Yg Ada Pada Saat Sekarang Ini 👳‍♀️👎🕋🗿✍️ NB ; Lihat Ada Konten Kreator Muslimah Tanpa Jilbab Bercadar Nama Akun Youtube Jennin Bilang Bhw : *"Peristiwa Tragedi 11 September 2001 Di Gedung WTC NewYork-USA Adl Ulah Konspirasi Agen2 Intelligence Yahudi Maksudnya MOSSAD Israel"* Kan Dodol Bin Dobol Inilah Kalau Udah Saking Membela Keyakinan Agamanya Walaupun Dia Terlihat Berpendidikan-Tinggi Tetap Aja Tolol Bin Goblok Bahkan Uclim2Barbar Di Berbagai Akun MedSos Juga Bilang *"Bhw Tragedi Bom Bali 1-2 Di Indonesia"* Juga Adl Hasil Konspirasi Yahudi-Kristen Internasional Dgn Dalangnya MOSSAD-CIA : Maaf Saja Ini Tuduhan Serius Jika Tdk Pembuktiannya Indonesia Terancam Akan Di Kucilkan Dari Pergaulan Dunia Krn Ngomong Nggak Pake Otak Cuma Asumsi Nebak Asal Nuduh Sana-Sini 🙈🙉🙊🐒 Zion Atau Zionist Itu Artinya Kembali Ke Asal Yaitu Kepulangan Bangsa Bani-Israel Ke Tanah Leluhur Yg Telah Di Janjikan Tuhannya Melalui Perintah Kpd Nabi Mussa / Mosses Di Gunung Sinai-Mesir Menuju Tanah-Perjanjian { Israel } Beda Dgn Pemahaman Muslim Kebanyakan Gagal Paham / Tdk Paham Arti Kata Istilah Zionisme Di Salah-Kaprahkan Sbg Upaya Yahudisasi Di Tanah Arab { Palestina } Versi Terminologi Kelompok Ekstrimist Islam Padahal Elite2Politikus Arab Juga Melakukan Ekspansi Wilayah Ke Tempat Lain Utk Melakukan Islamisasi Ke Seluruh Ujung Penjuru Muka Bumi Ini Spt Invasi Turki-Ottoman Ke Eropa Menaklukkan Kerajaan Byzantium Dgn Merebut Kota Konstantinopel Menjadi Istanbul Hingga Kini Termasuk Merubah Sejarah Peradaban Kristen Orthodox Total Menjadi Area Muslim Hingga Kini Termasuk Islamisasi Nusantara Setelah Runtuhnya Kerajaan Budha Sriwijaya Di Sumatra & Hindu Majapahit Di Jawa ⛪🕋🕌>> <<@MarcDickerius says : Feminine female hips>> <<@MarcDickerius says : Hahaha chips tuttar... Potatochips titties...>> <<@Comewithmeifuwant2live says : Would-be assassin with no attempted murder charge? How does that make sense?>> <<@tdmprofit3708 says : Give it a couple of weeks. They'll get him clean and shaven. Hair done nice. Then he'll be walking like John Wayne with a carrot up his rectum.>> <<@pprotectas8423 says : Joe Biden :"Thank god the president is okay...!!!" 😂👌I start to like this old fart.>> <<@RP-le1fp says : Ah he will probably be out of prison and back in Hawaii in about 300 years.>> <<@akbananachucker2441 says : Crazy left wing people. Coments say someone paid him because he was living in a shack and broke. Whats going on?>> <<@dasi2383 says : did this guy just hit puberty? Driverr...voice crack...DRIVer>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : Democrats are the biggest threat to the world since the Cold War!!>> <<@TheRoark85 says : The inmates are going to love his little white butt cheeks...>> <<@sachmo0196 says : Duck hunter? Amok hunter? Wait, what??? Joe...you R the Prez! S hots f ired? Gobsmacked? Are there fish near by?...Smells? Repub? Smelly! Really?!?!.>> <<@imelusb1528 says : WHO feed him info where and when Trump will be. Who?>> <<@bighoss8793 says : Typical Democrat.>> <<@rajathispore2792 says : Good Acting. All should be nominated for Oscar Awards. Way to go USA=Hollywood!>> <<@FLT111 says : He was helped by the democrats for sure. The democrats are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS for the USA.>> <<@stephengough8546 says : It's all been one sided so far, what happens when, and if, it turns in the other direction? How then would they react? What measures would they call for? Who would they blame?>> <<@g.e.fourie5672 says : Is that all he is being charged with??????>> <<@RobertLewis-el9ub says : will likely get pardon when Harris elected>> <<@Hanibul_Lecktor says : Both would be Trump assassins, appear in Blackrock propaganda videos. I'm not a betting man, I'd be scouring all known Blackrock videos with AI facial recognition. This isn't random, Trump wasn't supposed to be there, how did he know to stake out the golf course for 12hrs ? CIA pysop, they're losing their minds.>> <<@CaptainSeato says : A convicted felon with a firearm? But I thought the Leftist' numerous gun laws were supposed to prevent that???>> <<@marcusfenix15140 says : Looks like a leftie dipshit. Hope hes not suicidal>> <<@danmiller-t4p says : The face of the 'democratic' party. You know them as the, self proclaimed, "tolerant" left.>> <<@dhinsch933 says : They’re getting desperate. This is too obvious.>> <<@kevinlucas9905 says : These soy femboys are getting rather bold aren’t they.>> <<@_kratos_888 says : There are 7500 Secret Service agents...Think about it.>> <<@davothefirst9371 says : Lunatic !>> <<@brianmarkl6671 says : Charge to with 2 felony gun crimes but not attempted murder unbelievable.>> <<@mak7eye says : I want to tell everyone that this guy got arrested for a weapon of mass destruction and got probation. Let that sink in>> <<@ccvarcar5175 says : Is Trump, John Wick 😂>> <<@BG-ei5rj says : This happened not too far from me. Ide be surprised if he doesn’t end up dead before any questioning.>> <<@bruceinsley3247 says : Bad assassin, total coward>> <<@jerryfaulkner6518 says : I hope I never get stopped on I-95. I don't want the world to see my man boobs.>> <<@drjohnsonhungwell5115 says : He might be a vegan right now but he's going to get a lot of meat in prison>> <<@JohnSavage-sc6cy says : Solitary confinement, hopefully.>> <<@FranksHairSalon says : More p0litical vi0lence. Well done Donald. It's just unfortunate for you that it's your own people trying to take y0u 0ut. You started this on the 6th of January 2021 when you sent your cult followers to b@sh the c0ps, hun1 down your p0litical 0pp0nents, and try and 0verthrow an elec1ion that you lost. Do you "tone down the rhetoric" when you post - "I H8TE TAYLOR SWIFT", 2 days ago? You are giving your demen1ed cult f0ll0wers permission to c0mmit vi0lence on your behalf. You are getting everyth1ng you deserve, you convicted fraud, rapist, thief, serial adulterer and traitor to the constitution.>> <<@Richard-pt4ym says : 🇺🇸 The democrat left in this Country are Communist/Marxist. It's plain to see in there policies and there rhetoric. They are hell bent on pushing this Nation into another civil war. They should be very carefully for what they wish for, it won't go very well for them. Our side is far more prepared for such a scenario, we've been preparing for decades.>> <<@landsea7332 says : God Please Keep Trump Safe - because the Secret Service isn't . .>> <<@stevenporter1952 says : What a dirt bag>> <<@VHKDK says : "Am I in trouble for wanting to assassinate Trump?" "No you are in trouble because you are the second employee who failed." "When will I be able to have a visitor?" "You will get the new female guard called Hillary visit tonight but only once the cameras and lights have gone off.">> <<@user-ok8yi6nt5u says : I think the dog wanted his chance>> <<@NickyBobby-wx6ig says : Why does this skinny little punk think he has what it takes to inflict violence on ANYONE?>> <<@36814 says : WHY , WHY , WHY does this POS get far more protection than Mr Trump ??>> <<@Richiesrant says : Word has it Elizabeth Warren wrote the cheque.>>