<<@Nobody-df4is says : 6:03 Bless her heart. She just acknowledged these people with these political believes are mentally ill.>> <<@CharlesD867 says : Banning assault weapons is dumb to bring up. Look how good strict gun laws does for Mexico. They should allow their citizens to carry legally. Maybe then they would be able to defend themselves from cartels and corrupt police officers and city officials. Then there are dumb asses here that want to make everywhere gun free zones so the honest good citizens are sitting ducks.>> <<@paulacoyle5685 says : Can we just agree that both sides have done it, you guys tell us that we hate women because we want to save babies, you tell us that we hate lgbtq ppl, and we want to enact old testament punishments on them just because we disagree with the reasons for their sexuality. And granted there are some people who may fit that bill, but not everyone. Some of us can disagree without hating. On the other hand, the right is doing the same thing suggesting that Christians will be jailed and whatever …and both sides point at each other side, as if the other side is the only one doing it. This is why some of us can’t support either side.>> <<@jenniferhorne7506 says : You should be ashamed of yourselves>> <<@ABA-o1w says : The more Trump shows unlawful and bullying behaviors, the more people feel threatened about their Democracy. That's why I am a Democrat supporting 2nd Amendment.>> <<@TimesFM4532 says : Trump celebrated when Paul pelosi got attacked with hammer>> <<@kennethnakamura3936 says : Trump “Bless his little heart”. “That boi is soft as elevator music”>> <<@LeechyKun says : You only have to watch the Ronny Chen daily show episode this week to show how Trump calls Kamala Communist, Fascist, Marxist, basically the stuff that triggers the fervor right that if Trump doesn't win, there is nothing left but to destroy. MAGA violence is when he loses, that you'll definitely see. These lonewolfs so far are nothing in comparison.>> <<@sharonwilder5975 says : In... My Entire life HAVE 8VE EVER SEEN SUCH "HATRED" as in Zf3pib>> <<@I.____.....__...__ says : Scott Jennings isn't even a useful-idiot, he's just a regular idiot. 😒 He's blathering on as if Trump should be able to cause harm with impunity. Would he argue that people were wrong for trying to assassinate Hitler? 🤨 He whines about people "lying" by warning of Trump getting another term when Trump has set everything up to make the next one permanent and even outright admitted he would, while ignoring the fact that Trump has repeatedly called Kamala a fascist to rile up and fearmonger his magatard simp-army to try to attack her. Scott is CNN's token douche, and he plays the part so well, it's an Oscar-level performance. 😒 3:44 Scott thinks people trying to take one out makes one a "good messenger"? 🤨 Or does it make one a pile of fetid feces? 🙄 4:15 I think Scott really WOULD defend Hitler against the people who kept trying to assassinate him. 🤦 He really _would_ say they shouldn't have resorted to violence and should have just voted against Hitler. 🙄 5:12 😂 Elie Mystal is a GENIUS!!! Yes, let's all vote for the "Protect Trump Act at All Costs Assault Weapons Ban" and vote to eliminate guns to make sure the crazy citrus-fruit is safe. 😂👍 5:47 Elie just did an epic mic-drop, but Scott In-the-pockets-of-Big-Gun Jennings just could resist opening his mastiff doggy-door of a yap to try to defend guns. 🤦 6:08 Maybe that's because he DOES need to be "eliminated". 😒 6:13 "Thank got for the secret-service"? 🤨 You were screeching at the secret-service like a little girl just a month ago. 🙄 6:17 How many more attempts are we gonna have? As many as it takes. 🤷 We only need one proper one. 🤷 Seriously, does it not occur to him that he's pissed off so many people and caused so much harm, that they're just going to KEEP TRYING until they succeed? Does he really want to spend the rest of his life hiding and cowering like the craven baby he is? Maybe he should think seriously about gtfo and lay low until people stop hating him enough to want him annulled and just go live whatever's left of his early-stage Alzheimer's life. 😒 6:20 Lydia Moynihan is trying desperately to manufacture a conspiracy-theory about the secret-service. 🙄 She's right that mentally-ill people have always existed, despite the right's attempts to pretend otherwise, but everything else she said is false. There ARE a lot more guns in the country than last year. They're waiving off the hitmen as "mentally unstable" as if they don't have perfectly good reasons for trying to do what they tried to do. And the thing that's changed since last year is EVERYTHING, particularly with Annoying Orange who has done _sooo many_ horrible things and made sooo many horrible promises if he gets back into the White House. Duh. 😒>> <<@raheemvegas0073 says : 🙄😐🫤>> <<@DailyModernNews says : #hatespeech>> <<@DailyModernNews says : Its finally escalated to a point of no return...>> <<@janjr165 says : Trump being shot at IS HIS OWN FAULT, Scott! Trump is the one who espouses hateful rhetoric EVERY SINGLE DAY and he KNOWS what the consequences are - yet he continues to do it. Trump IS NOT a victim, and absolutely NO ONE is falling for his fake, well orchestrated "assassination attempts" except for the MAGA cult because the two guys who supposedly tried to kill Trump are BOTH REPUBLICANS!!!>> <<@markbishopiii1577 says : Scott is such a scumbag. Why does CNN continue to platform this fool?>> <<@gunterification says : Look in the mirror journos>> <<@cobalt6487 says : They really want to take him down so badly. Damnnnnn>> <<@thepraised2911 says : "There is no place in this country for violence"? USA?? 😂😂😂😂>> <<@vhedgfhew says : A channel with lost credibility. Still running?>> <<@mhuffman6282 says : TDS is real a disease propagated by State run mainstream media and promoting false narratives and false information….repeating it over and over….Now you created an agenda full of hate….Democrats have been the driving force behind the verbiage used and feeds it to their base and mainstream news outlets……Taking Trumps words out of context as well and describing his base as evil…>> <<@graceghazaii4434 says : Despite being shot once, and then a second shooting attempt with AK style rifle, notice how Trump is not making stupid noises about "more gun control" like Democrats would do.>> <<@darrylds says : "The Constitution won't exist,. There will be a bloodbath,. He will be a dictator. ... When I see what Democratic politicians say about Donald Trump, when I see what democratic commentators say about Donald Trump and platform are built on a bunch of lies, frankly. Designed to radicalize a political base" Scott Jennings really said this, everyone of those things Trump said, just facts, and democrats pointing that out is in the wrong. This is standard Gaslighting.>> <<@chadleach6009 says : When you call your cheif political opposition the greatest threat to democracy dont be surprised when some believe it. Any whi continue using such la gue should be legally liable.>> <<@j.thomas7128 says : Hate based media is 100% of the problem.>> <<@davidprietogomez7254 says : Liberals are the ones that engage in hate speech. Remmeber when they called Trump Hitler? Or authoritsrian? Or dictator? Or racisit?>> <<@Laundry_Bloc16 says : The ones that took action are democrats!>> <<@DessieODonovan says : The Left is behind violence>> <<@lagri2703 says : At this point a Donald Trump Supporter cannot be credited with having any Tether to reason, love, empathy, honesty, or patriotism.. But what we all must recognize is they have applied the only real marketing gift that Trump has excelled at.. The art of the SPIN.. None of it is EVER entirely TRUE.. They will spin and spin until unwitting victims are too dizzy to rationalize what they're saying.. THEY KNOW THEY ARE DISINGENIOUS.. Stop arguing with them and simple fact check.. For every misleading nonsensical statement that they platform.. Just fact check them.. Fact checking is their kryptonite.. THEY CAN"T HANDLE the TRUTH!!>> <<@johnnylatham9738 says : The Dems ..and the CIA .....Zelensky maybe for starters>> <<@ca215 says : For goodness sake, stop giving Trump free airtime....>> <<@carson4288 says : Ar14>> <<@jasonwhite6463 says : Scott cant remove the smirk from his face while he feigns outrage.>> <<@AnnaThompson-r9t says : DJT IS SUCH A CLOWN😅 AND A JOKE>> <<@scray00 says : Why can’t you all just STFU and let the election happen ffs!! Quit calling him hitler and Mussolini and MOVE THE F ON to some ACTUAL FN NEWS!! Never seen such a joke of a station. Man I remember when cnn was the top news source on tv. Now it’s just opinions and commentary and ZERO news and just threat to democracy and tune in tomorrow for more threat to democracy and don’t forget Wednesday we’ll be discussing threat to democracy. BORING AF!! Sad to see this once high ranking channel descend into this.>> <<@KeystoneInvestigations says : You can't believe anything the disgusting CNN news scumbags report!>> <<@lisaedwards6533 says : Trump. Trump is behind all the political violence.>> <<@djfusionkotb says : The amount of republicans repeated the word Vermin in a speech : 1 time The amount of democrats repeated the word Threat in a speech : 3,458 times>> <<@yaboikahi says : How did they miss such a big target???>> <<@joegrrputo says : On July 8, 2024 Joe Biden said "Put Trump in a Bullseye".President Joe Biden told NBC News in an interview Monday that it was a “mistake” to say he wanted to put a “bull’s-eye” on Republican nominee Donald Trump,>> <<@QuantumOfSolace1 says : These hypocrites - name calling and insulting Trump daily and then pretending they are the innocent ones - disgusting Liars>> <<@lurveltarrel8513 says : The comment section is interesting. Clearly people believe Trump is a bad person so these attempts on him a Rev not a thing to be concerned about. I wonder how people would feel if the roles were reversed and maga was saying they deserve this because they are bad. Maybe if trump is bad people need to be the opposite of that, n not sink to his level>> <<@KevinJohnston-h6q says : It’s ALL the Republicans FAULT !>> <<@miavos3610 says : CNN harps on the pet story. So there's not much to say, is there.>> <<@Mr10usdad says : CNN the assassination attempts are your fault! When you compare Trump to Hitler you get crazy people wanting to take him out.>> <<@TerriBynum says : Why do you continue to treat Scott Jennings as a serious person??? He's a complete shill for Trump & the right.>> <<@ThisIsSparta300 says : Maybe ur guys dumb fucking rhetoric? Lmaooo>> <<@gobrad says : 😂😂 They take the cats and dogs stories more serious than the former president attempted assassination … Surely someone evil is writing these scripts !! I doubt if these hosts are that bad!! CNN MSNBC ABC should be deleted from all TVs round the world! It’s because if thses channels people are actually losing their lives!!>> <<@Profoundkarma2000 says : “That’s what happens when you make people mad”>> <<@queerjamie2608 says : Maybe you should look beyond the US we have never had this problem in the UK with prime ministers. The US has more crazies with no help, no NHS, no support + guns = assassination. So ban the guns for fuck sake. (side note I hope the Republicans might use their self-preservation instinct to ban guns for their own sake before someone dies.) I am just saying in the UK and lots of EU countries this is not NORMAL watch news from other countries to compare or travel. Democrats need to demand the ban once your in no matter what the social consequences.>> <<@Image-X says : Way too many deranged people on the left that are worried Trump is going to win. Channels like MeidasTouch inciting people and feeding them unhinged garbage.>>