<<@iociccio936 says : BUT, YOU PROTESTANTS ARE TAKING THE OPPORTUNITY TO MOCK THE CATHOLIC CHURCH ! FACT IS THAT IT'S THE ONLY CHURCH THAT JESUS CHRIST ESTABLISHED 2,000 YEARS AGO, THE HOLY CATHOLIC, UNIVERSAL & APOSTOLIC CHURCH 💒☦ JESUS GAVE THE KEYS 🔑 🗝 OF HIS KINGDOM TO SIMON BAR-JONA & THEN CHANGED HIS NAME TO《 KEPHA 》 (Aramaic) FOR《 ROCK 》& SAID TO HIM《 AND NOW YOU ARE KEPHA, AND ON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HADES (Hell) SHALL NEVER PREVAIL AGAINST IT ! 》THAT MEANS THAT ANY BAD INFLUENCES WILL NEVER ABOLISH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, BECAUSE IT BELONGS TO JESUS CHRIST ! PROTESTANTISM WITH THOUSANDS OF DENOMINATIONS BELONGS TO MARTIN LUTHER ! THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE ONLY PATH TO GOD !>> <<@alfredmathew9170 says : These anchors got more guts than any preacher for proclaiming the gospel on a mainstream news network. God bless them both.>> <<@bettyrouch1833 says : Pray for the pope to become a Christian. Hard to believe, but that's not a joke. PRAY for the pope to become a Christian.>> <<@emmanuelskopellos3481 says : He is a Satanists always was just showing who he really worships>> <<@jamesw1698 says : Lol when will the hypocrisy end?>> <<@joeskill4663 says : I will stick with Eastern Orthodoxy thanks..💥❤️‍🩹>> <<@margaretvanson3601 says : The pope is infallible ONLY when he pronounces a dogma from the throne of people. The last pope to proclaim a dogma was in 1950.>> <<@sebastiansonata495 says : HE SHOULD STEP DOWN AS a pope.>> <<@awesometastic-yq9ws says : So much’ s said about pope’s infallibility..>> <<@alyu1129 says : This position has been condemned by prior popes and throughout the history of the Church. Example: In the declaration document titled, "DOMINUS IESUS" ON THE UNICITY AND SALVIFIC UNIVERSALITY OF JESUS CHRIST AND THE CHURCH", released during the papacy of John Paul ll, it states: “…The Church's constant missionary proclamation is endangered today by relativistic theories which seek to justify religious pluralism, not only de facto but also de iure (or in principle). As a consequence, it is held that certain truths have been superseded; for example, the definitive and complete character of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the nature of Christian faith as compared with that of belief in other religions, ..... the unicity and salvific universality of the mystery of Jesus Christ,…” “…On the basis of such presuppositions....certain theological proposals are developed ….. in which Christian revelation and the mystery of Jesus Christ and the Church lose their character of absolute truth and salvific universality, or at least shadows of doubt and uncertainty are cast upon them….” “…As a remedy for this relativistic mentality, which is becoming ever more common, it is necessary above all to reassert the definitive and complete character of the revelation of Jesus Christ. In fact, it must be firmly believed that, in the mystery of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God, who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6), the full revelation of divine truth is given: “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him” (Mt 11:27); “No one has ever seen God; God the only Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has revealed him” (Jn 1:18); “For in Christ the whole fullness of divinity dwells in bodily form” (Col 2:9-10)….” “- it is clear that IT WOULD BE CONTRARY TO THE FAITH to consider the Church as one way of salvation alongside those constituted by the other religions, seen as complementary to the Church or substantially equivalent to her.. …Furthermore, it cannot be overlooked that other rituals, insofar as they depend on superstitions or other errors (cf. 1 Cor 10:20-21), constitute an obstacle to salvation.” "DOMINUS IESUS" means "The Lord Jesus" in English. It is a document authored by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict. while he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.>> <<@stephenkaake7016 says : I was trained by God, I should be the Leader of the World>> <<@gerreappleton9585 says : Infallibility has only been invoked twice. You just are uneducated about Catholic religion.>> <<@gerreappleton9585 says : She is so clueless>> <<@gerreappleton9585 says : We would if we could.>> <<@Pitttdog says : You dont leave Christ's original and true church bcs the man chosen as Pope is a donkey. It doesnt make the Church doctrine or establishment any less true. Its the Church establised by Christ Himself. PS - Papal infallibility is not saying the Pope is infallible. Its to state any Christian doctrine or dogma which the Pope declares formal dogma where he is inspired by The Holy Spirit is infallible. Basically whats to be written in Christian law. This wasnt the case here. The Pope is literally a heretic. Should be removed years ago. Im Catholic and tired of this donkeys antics. We need another Pope John Paul II. He was kind and wise but still made some mistakes.>> <<@Luum81 says : What does the Catholic do in the now fully open knowledge that the Pope, the head of their church, is shown to be beyond all doubt, a blasphemous heretic?>> <<@R4tX0r says : Apostasy. Repent Pope.>> <<@Audleyweir11111 says : So glad I left and joined the Orthodox Church 🙏🏻☦️>> <<@teweti says : Not true to say that everything that comes out from the mouth of the pope is ex-cathedra. This is a misrepresentation.>> <<@peterremkes9376 says : And he is absolutely right. Or we going to a situation, in fact we are already in that situation,where Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and any other religion claim to be the one and only right one. It is just the interpretation we give it.>> <<@nickp3672 says : You know it is bad when even an unbeliever knows that what the Pope said is heretical…>> <<@misnawati1936 says : THE RUBBISH PROGRAM AND THE YUCK OF WOMEN.>> <<@szpinaktof says : Tutti frutti bullshit>> <<@normmcinnis4102 says : Rome has spoken...>> <<@bigjohnconnect says : Fear not my fellow Catholics, remember what our Lord Jesus said to the first Pope in Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬ ‭NKJV “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” ‬‬>> <<@CadyAnBlack says : You don't understand papal infallibility. He can't declare up to be down just because he's wearing the funny hat.>> <<@rickeemeee3252 says : Hello God bless you but the Pope is not teaching infallible. He is expressing his heartfelt opinion. Now we know that Jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you shall not have life in you at which point he lost half of his followers, then at the last supper after consuming the prescribed lamb meal , he gave instructions to his disciples this is my body blessing and distributing to his apostles the bread, and blessing and distributing the wine proclaiming this is my blood, do this in remeberance of me, this is what he meant. He does not bless the union of the same sex couples but rather the individuals to help them realize their transgressions . As for love john states that in the beginning was the word , the word was with God, the word was God.. what is the word ...the Word is Love....God's love for us ..for God so loved the world that he gave us his only son so that we may know how much he loves us. Now you say that Jesus said he was the way the truth and the light, that we couldn't get to God but through him is he not saying in essence that we can't get to God, but only through Love, love of neighbor enemies, family and our selves, did he not say if someone slaps your cheek offer them also the other cheek.... God bless you ❤>> <<@JaylenPotts-o7t says : Pope Francis is very special>> <<@texas2step266 says : ​ @anabegins7349 I am also a Catholic, and I believe that God can, and often does, apply the graces gained by Christ's life, death, and resurrection to individuals of various faiths. But that is not the same things as all religions being equal paths to God. Many religions believe in a god that is very different, even opposed to, the Christian understanding of the Divine, and many teach hatred of any who do not accept their teachings. Religions that are opposed to each other cannot both be equal paths to God. "Woke" may not be the best word to describe Francis's beliefs and words, but neither is "Catholic.">> <<@outofthebox7 says : Child of a priest, nephew of the devil, they say in my country... Is she married? Does her husband say she is a holy woman or that she is heading for hell? She doesn't seen holy to me and in no position to comment on issues of faith, even showing us her sternum like that. Yeah the pope has the spirit of antichrist, but the whole religion does thousands of years now. Nothing new.>> <<@robertthompson3447 says : Perhaps the unitarians will allow me to practice polyamory and still be a good person when other churches won't. 🤔 1:50 this is what I agree with. And it is why I go to the church that I go to. Because I believe it is the most correct of any church on Earth.>> <<@FollowTheTrend-be6qj says : Freemason you mean>> <<@ghm8724 says : The actual Anti Christ>> <<@trust.no_1 says : Jorge bergoglio is mocking the Catholic Church because Catholicism is really all BS 😅>> <<@thomashock2422 says : Why be any part of religious organization or even listen and consider anything that religious group talks about when they can’t even take responsibility for their own actions and stop the act of molesting children from happening in their own group When that’s been going on for the past three popes and still that act continues and instead of fixing it, they just put focus on something else and hope everyone else then forget about those acts. Don’t be apart of them period.>> <<@anabegins7349 says : If he was woke, he would have bent the knee to all the German bishops that demanded gay marriage, devorce, married priests and women priests. He is not woke. He is communist or socialist but what he said there is entirely Catholic since the Grace of the Lords resides in every one, even in those who never had the chance to meet Jesus. And because of that grace, everyone, including atheists feel the need to be with the Lord. The only true path is Jesus, but the rest of the religions look for God too and sometimes the Grace of the Lord can sparkle in them. That is why all human beings can do good even if they are not catholics. That is why we Catholic are so lucky but, at the same time, share more responsability for our actions than those who do not know Jesus. None of us should be throwing stones at others so easily. Pope Francis has to be a deplomat in times when Christianism is in danger and in constant attack in the West and the Eeast, when Christian lives are at risk, for example in Nicaragua, China, Nigeria and even in Venezuela. I wish people had a wider scope of thought, at least those who pretend to defend the West.>> <<@kentadamson6992 says : I agree that the Popes comments were not good and the cause of confusion. However, his comments are not catholic teaching and he was not speaking from his teaching authority. Popes have at times said and done awful things, but Christ sustains His church. So I will not fear.>> <<@שאולנקר says : ALL RELIGIONS ARE NONSENSE>> <<@anabegins7349 says : I can't stand the ignorant fools that do not understand what the Pope was talking about there and start prevently insulting him. He is only talking about the grace of God that resides in everyone's conscience and he is saying that the other religions try to find God because we are all children of the Lord and Grace is working. Of course he is not saying that all show the way to heaven. Jesus is the only road, but they try to find God and they show signs of the grace of the Lord at times, stances of truth. He is speaking with respect so that no one fears to learn more about the Catholic faith. But all the ignorants or haters of the Catholic church take the chance to lie and to start throwing stones at him. I just wish they would not call themselves defenders of the West, because they are NOT. They cause more damage than good.>> <<@chaddopay says : Throughout history, Protestantism has already done a lot of damage to the Catholic Apostolic Church. Thank you very much. The holy father was interacting with the Other - like a statesman. He didn't go into the Catholic teachings or mention Jesus. You don't have to shovel Jesus through someone's throat to show them that you care and share, to teach them that everyone deserves dignity, no matter what creed, caste class, age or gender. Everyone is number one! Only our skills rank us accordingly and make us different from each other. We don't have to agree with everything the Pope says; he is not changing the Catholic teachings. You better try to remember the last time when you gave recognition to the Catholic Church that, as the oldest Worldwide Institution in Continuity - the largest charitable organization in the world, bigger than all others, religious and secular combined - regardless of religion, status, age or gender. By the way, caring for our Common Home is part of Catholic Social Teachings. The earth and all life on it are part of God's creation. We are called to respect this gift. We are responsible for taking care of the world we live in and for sharing all the wonders and resources the earth gives us. Our changing environment prompts us to stop and think about how we live on our planet. "Why you don't convert to Catholicism?" - is totally uncatholic. The Body of Christ, CC is not a club nor a pub where one signs in without God's invitation. Once He invites you, you will not care about the discourse of a mortal pope. .>> <<@FrankNolan-sx2hz says : That pope is by far the most degenerate reprobate ever to hold the papel office, he's an absolute heretic.>> <<@richardlahan7068 says : Apostasy and heresy.>> <<@peterstoodley815 says : He did not say what you are purporting him to have said. That quote was taken out of context. So sick of this outrage journalism. Also, you can’t fire a Pope… Get back to arking up about Dan Andrews…>> <<@billyfulton4217 says : This is inaccurate. The Pope has been both misquoted and misunderstood. It is the Catholic faith that Jesus died for all, and that includes non Catholics. That means that salvation must be possible through non Christian religions. The Pope believes that Jesus is the way but he knows that for the millions of non Christians, there must be a way that Jesus touches their lives, and that means their religions are not all false or all bad.>> <<@martino2794 says : Bergoglio the heretic>> <<@mrVicknair says : All I can say now is hide the kids>> <<@userme262 says : He is NOT my pope. Not a spiritual leader. Only a leftist globalist activist.>> <<@tonygarbellotto1926 says : jorge bergoglio is a spiritual SLOB. " The Roman Emperor has NO Clothes. Get him OUT of there - He is NOT a Christian Beleiver.>> <<@chrisso35 says : You don’t know what papal infallibility is.>> <<@petermbirima7814 says : As I live and breathe 🤣 I never thought I'd live to see a day when a main stream media outlet proclaims the gospel more accurately and factually than the Pope>>