<<@combswayway1010 says : Oh hilary let it go it's been 8 years. America hates you thats why you never became president 😂😂😂>> <<@kimani34 says : Fox so desperate.>> <<@MachiavellisThePrince says : The Trump suspect is/was a Trump supporter. Blaming the Democrats for violence from the right is dishonest.>> <<@MrVonBastard says : The MSM is stoking violence in this country because they have no fear of being held accountable. I suspect one or two of them will soon lose their lives to the madness they have created. Then, when they know fear, they will learn to behave. So sad that people are going to die because the MSM is so arrogant and ignorant. A combination that will prove deadly.>> <<@ricangirl02 says : These people are disgusting>> <<@carolyncrider8217 says : Democrats all repeat the same brainwashing words>> <<@TheThomasdahl says : He blames others for rhetoric that he has been doing for years!>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : The Election will turn into a Civil War.>> <<@DeniceShelton-qt9fu says : Hilary sucks.>> <<@jjones317 says : The democrats are evil in my eyes. It’s clear the democrats supplied this man with everything he needed.>> <<@enjoytheview-d1d says : More gaslighting. Trump's Ukraine policy did more than any rhetoric from the dems. The Murdoch puppet show rides again.>> <<@amandad6104 says : That's scary>> <<@jeffbarron5500 says : markie, I guess you didn't get the memo. We have seen where the 'rhetoric' is coming from vance telling dana b he makes up stories to see if media is even listening, fits the spew you just said to a tee. Kammie for the win>> <<@philliphawkins4540 says : Trump is the crook that causing all of this, .. Let him keep doing it"...then he wont have to go prison because he wont be here to go.>> <<@tomconte2847 says : The Founding Fathers felt that citizens should be able to protect themselves against the government and any other threat to their wellbeing or personal freedom. From the NRA site, not a democrats one.>> <<@raven4090 says : The only people doing "retorick" are the Democrats, but they're saying WE need to stop. They're beyond disgusting!>> <<@deerhunt21 says : No it was because trump always spew hate and violence all trump does is spew lie's and you people want to blame someone else what a embarrassment you Republicans are brainless as trump is>> <<@user-ug1ht3dy6r says : USA 🇺🇸 isn’t a democracy!!! It’s a Republic!! Yo Hiliary practice what you preach! Also to OBiden& Cackling Harris!!>> <<@johntatum1951 says : Dems are the threat to Democracy because most are Communists.>> <<@user-hc4cc1bq4f says : Just a thought ......but If Trump had run as a Democrat with close to the same vision , minus the abortion stance and a few others. Do you think Republicans would attack him the way Democrats do ? Not so much of it. Think about it, our border would be secure, cheaper energy, less regulation, less crime , reasonable cost of goods and groceries the list can go on and we might actually get along ?  And the Democrats could lay claim to the Greatness that Trump started, honestly who wouldn't want wealth and prosperity and generational wealth... Like 8 Million, right Obama? Wow...... did I have a dream ? Nah... I believe this is why they hate him so much, because if the shoe were on the other foot they would be running to the bank. The Democrats are to power hungry and corrupt. Thank god for Trump exposing their charade and making Americans wake up and smell the dodo covered roses. The Dems have gone so far left they ran off the cliff. The smart ones have run the other way, Welcome! It is my belief the Democrats wish they had a strong candidate like Trump. Not a word salad fool. Or sleepy Joe DJT 2024, For the Win!>> <<@danielmccann4199 says : Democratic Roderick is all lies When are people going to start to realize how many times do they have to be proven wrong? Russia, Russia, Russia All BS>> <<@Tonyinthephilippines says : God must be protecting Trump>> <<@gunguy5409 says : Yup. The party of tolerance. Being oooh soooo tolerant.>> <<@rylanfiene954 says : Kind of scary to think that the federal investigators are the same people who work for the ones that want Trump dead>> <<@lisahardy9707 says : Marco is an IDIOT>> <<@daved4005 says : Only threat to democracy is the Democratic Party>> <<@DesertStacker says : Well duh>> <<@fullcircle874 says : Kamala is a joke>> <<@Blackbird58 says : What Biden, Harris and Hillary said was not rhetoric, trump really is a danger to our Nation's security, any man reduced to putty in the hands of putin does not get to have any power over my life again.>> <<@DonaldjayCole says : This segment is fiction. Trump is a threat to democracy and the world. Open your eyes and see that your emperor has no clothes.>> <<@dlasti says : Sen. Rubio is completely accurate. Every person intent on killing a person (in this case Trump) learn from other people's mistakes. The USSS needs to be pro-active and reactive (such a cliche').>> <<@MLA56 says : Who bankrolled this lunatic? Follow the money. SOMEBODY paid for all the flights, cars, weapons, gear, etc... AND gave him the intel about Trump playing golf on Sunday..... I don't know about y'all, but I DON'T believe in coincidences... and DEFINITELY not TWICE in 2 months...>> <<@bradart7289 says : The Democrat Administration needs to be held accountable for aiding and abetting the destruction of America !!>> <<@harbinger8208 says : Biden & Harris's Folly = 26AUG2021>> <<@patricelafreniere7835 says : One of the differences between rhetoric and fact is the truth. Fact is based on truth and rhetoric is not necessarly . Democrats saying Trump is a treat to democracy is a fact...so true. On january 6 , Trump incited a crowd with far- right groups (Proud boy, Oath Keepers, and others) to march on the Capitol, knowing very well what was going to happen. And he's waiting 2 hours before calming this crowd. THIS IS CALLED AN INSURECTION AND THIS IS A GREAT TREAT TO YOUR DEMOCRACY😒>> <<@KBilitsky says : Hilary the Hypocrite !!!!!>> <<@youdontknowmemom8119 says : This is a Republic not a Democracy. Read the Constitution.>> <<@jesuschristislord9150 says : Hilary = Jezebel>> <<@jesuschristislord9150 says : Democrats destroyed America 🇺🇸>> <<@PooPie-b4c says : How do you know the assassin is crazy? He voted for Trump in 2016 😂>> <<@sterlingw470 says : The radical far left wants Trump removed from this world and anybody that supports Trump. So the Democratic regime has declared war against the American people that support Trump. Our families are in danger now because of the radical Democrats our families and everything that we hold, dear, including our constitution are threatened by these radicals and they will not stop.. only the power of we the people 330,000,000 strong we are the power>> <<@PooPie-b4c says : “Comrade” Kamala and the “radical communist left are destroying America” is the vile rhetoric of Trump. Clean your own house, dimwits.>> <<@PooPie-b4c says : Trump needs to stop his vile rhetoric then maybe others will follow. You reap what you sow.>> <<@KietPhan-y4c says : Never vote blue>> <<@KietPhan-y4c says : I vote trump trump and vance>> <<@peterwatts175 says : Look I’m Australian and have NO horse in this race and like a lot of Trumps policies. But, to say Donald doesn’t attack people verbally , call names etc and it’s all the left is a joke. The man’s notorious for it>> <<@jimechols4347 says : As a Danish English Scot american I won't fight or support fighting against Russia or China. Americans have a paranoid delusion about the east that I just can't understand. They are not attacking us they are just taking care of their business. We are the ones that are demonizing them. Stupid Trump popped off about China and got them angry. We are involved with communist china because of greedy american capitalism that betrayed our workers (thank you republicans). Unfortunately we are acting more and more like the german and roman country that we are. (notice I didn't say english). I'm not necessarily saying every german or romanized person is bad, but you never know sometimes. I certainly won't tolerate turning our country into another axis of evil. I'm starting to wonder about the west sometimes. (just an opinion may or may not be true)>> <<@patricelafreniere7835 says : We'r witnessing, live, the collapse of American society. And all this widespread hatred and violence started with Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 rhetorics with all those dangerous lies he spread. Good luck americans>> <<@cantbeserious4120 says : 1. 1st dude was a registered republican. 2nd dude voted for trump in 2016 and was a Haley supporter at one point. 2. Guess Rubio has never heard Trump speak or seen anything he’s posted on social media or the insurrection he caused or the domestic t3rr0ristic attacks resulting from his rhetoric.>> <<@PeopleLoveShorts says : Its all planned. He got help from the other side. And now they wanna blane our Pres. Trump give ne a break!>>