<<@Thatsfrompowersbitch says : Can’t wait until she moves out in January.>> <<@brycethomas8864 says : Kamala is nothing but a puppet. Anyone that fails to see that is a moron.>> <<@rccola1930 says : “I checked if he is ok.”- Kamala and Biden after demonising Trump as their talking point in their campaign.>> <<@Joe-qv6jh says : She didn't answer a single question with any clarity. She has no plan.>> <<@kallel6588 says : Harris said to Trump "you're lucky we can't do anything right">> <<@Betcaligarcia says : Her laughter is sooo annoying! Yuck 🤢>> <<@miraonthewall5284 says : Atp anyone has anything negative to say about Kamala Harris is just a troll>> <<@leclercpamphile says : Weak , Harris,>> <<@PaulinaPalos-k8p says : Please give a shoutout to MR. Farmer's AP Human Geography class at Pebble Hills High School in El Paso, Texas. He has been watching the show with his classes for 8 years now and absolutely loves it.>> <<@christinathorne4956 says : Does anybody see the difference between four years years ago and now with economic issues the border wars around the world does anybody see a difference? Do you want to vote yourself into poverty vote yourself poor if you vote for Kamala, I am not a Republican or a Democrat, but someone who looks into situations such as this and tries to vote for the best person, has lied about Biden being cognitively impaired for 3 1/2 years she is lied to the American people. Are you a deni people? Are you OK with liars, I’m not 100% with Trump but I do believe economically he can take us to a better place and as far as the wars he can diffuse them, has no idea what she’s doing for 3 1/2 years. She has been at 27% approval rating.>> <<@owinygerald2741 says : The whole world needs Kamala, pliz get out n vote>> <<@FirozeBukht-r2e says : Don't harm Mosa/Hussain???>> <<@FirozeBukht-r2e says : ( Aghi ) and the Murghbis making their Rasool by donations/ or charity.>> <<@wabankik says : ...Trump Rubs Shoulders With Kim Jong Un, Idolizes Putin a former KGB Captain for the USSR, Takes a bride affiliated with the Communist League of Slovenia and Who's the Marxist?!...>> <<@MouthoftheSouth-Backup says : SHES SO FULL OF CRAP>> <<@amywilkins says : Everyone falling for the division amount the people. Stop the hate towards each other>> <<@jamesstewart8377 says : She feels safe because she is protected by the establishment. Her opponent is not. That is the reality of the situation.>> <<@NicholasGodfery-r1d says : Williams Mary Moore Sharon Martinez Kevin>> <<@tobyaiwati9114 says : Political violence leads Biden/Harris support for Ukrain and Trump wants peace but what does Ukrain supporting want?>> <<@williamMikmaq222 says : The left and their media are everything they claim the right of being!... They've demonized the former president for political purposes, along with half of the country... They've put millions of Americans in danger with their rhetoric. Communist! She's a broken record with no solutions to any of our problems...>> <<@jessicamambo5309 says : When CNN don't post the whole interview just know it was🤔>> <<@HelicopterDad-u5b says : harris is a Marxist dope>> <<@nanettefranco6617 says : You have to stop with your name calling hiller. You've been saying that for 8 years now... Trump is a threat to democracy really... She has no policies.She's running on her being a woman. I'm so called being black , but she's really indian. And you people vote for her. Ignorance is bliss>> <<@ScorpionTrail says : Why does everyone suddenly start talking about rhetoric and violence ONLY AFTER Trump gets targeted? Policemen were dragged, beaten and left for dead during J6 while Trump sat comfortably watching the entire thing unfold. Do their lives matter less than Trump's? Did Pelosi's husband not matter at all after a maga member attacked him violently? How about the governor targeted by maga maniacs for a kidnapping plot? What was Trump's reaction to all of this? It wasn't humane in any way. It became a mockery where people called the J6 aggressors "patriots" and laughed at the tragic Pelosi attack. Trump literally needed to be gagged in order to keep judges and jurors safe after a few incidents of intimidation by means of violence from the maga cult. It's not difficult to see just how ridiculous you all are now becoming. One man is not above the law, nor is universally immune to repercussions. While one side chants for violence and commits violence, the other side turns the other cheek in hopes of reasoning with those who cannot be reasoned with. No politician, judge nor juror should fear expressing themselves or carrying out their duties out of fear. Apparently it was okay as long as it came from the maga cult but now that two Republicans have turned that same violence against Trump, the outrage for the violence he himself helped ignite is being broadcasted on every channel.>> <<@LeaveMyFreedomBe says : She got rid of Biden and now she is hoping to get rid of Trump. We are witnessing a Socialist Coup>> <<@solomonbernard2525 says : Why's CNN using "apparent"?>> <<@shawnsdrumcave says : she allowed and facilitated 15 million illegals to come in this country in 3 1/2 years, terrorizing citizens and taking resources away from citizens. she doesn't care about anyone's safety but here own...>> <<@monte5553 says : Harris wants economic growth through small businesses to fund the Israeli regime and tax payers work should not be used for any war that was created by the British.>> <<@kronkbonk3 says : Trump has been targeted by assassins and Harris actually made this about Springfield- not about the migrant crisis the people there are experiencing but trying to shame Trump for bringing attention to it. Wow>> <<@dsingletonHB says : Demoncrats>> <<@SJ-li6ho says : No one really cares about that call. I care that she cannot face a bunch of journalists firing questions at her but always has 'safe' interviews>> <<@buckthrusthorn1104 says : She is just so compassionate and a wonderful person.>> <<@Nina-eo8vp says : Why does she speak so badly. You listen to her for 2 minutes and you will be scratching your head . She uses conjunctions in the most weird way and it makes her talk sound like a word salad. Kamala can only talk what she's prepped for aa in the debate and cannot take follow-up questions . Such a sad day for Anerican politics if she wins>> <<@mullhollandmace7271 says : America is now a Banana Republic where the opposition has resorted to trying to assassinate it's political opponent.>> <<@Groodledood says : Y'all should take a look who actually goes into her campaign, everyone is pointing out they're using AI for the crowd. Wild but smart of them.>> <<@pinoyaka22 says : She can’t answer basic question>> <<@alondrapipito-ge7zx says : Propaganda!!!!!!! Biden and her were the one's that ordered both hits on trump>> <<@tacodon607 says : I’m So glad the Violent MAGA extremism she talks so Much about has not tried to take her out seams like her supporters are more extreme>> <<@ZachBrown-ee7ot says : Kamala is a joke>> <<@Roust7 says : But we don’t have democracy in US why American believe they live in a democracy. We elect President the most powerful branch of Government by electoral college which is assigned based on number of states and doesn’t reflect popular vote of citizens. NOT DEMOCRACY. Senate is only assigned based on number States not number of citizens. Most power branch of legislature NOT DEMOCRACY. We then have Senate and President who are not elected democratically to assign the Judiciary branch which by definition NOT DEMOCRATIC .>> <<@hoopstrust3511 says : Ew, she makes me cringe. So fake.>> <<@maggie7660 says : Kamala, when are you going to apologize to that single black woman, you put in jail? Let me remind you her name is Cheree Peoples the year was April 2013>> <<@aurelienanakeu1405 says : I encourage everyone to listen to the full interview. The intensity of word salad, dodging questions, gaslighting is just OFF THE ROOF!!>> <<@commonsenseworld says : Lowest rated vp in history. She is saying exactly what they are doing to Trump. Isn’t he a citizen too? Say and do anything to win. Dems motto.>> <<@JacobAudrey-l1j says : Thompson Jennifer Wilson Laura Thomas Lisa>> <<@ayeshiajackson7364 says : Of course! PROJECT 2025! THIS BIHH INSANE. LADY... YOU HAVE A HUSBAND IF YOU NEED A HUG.. WE NEED A DAMN LEADER!! NOT A DAMN DAYCARE TEACHER!>> <<@kaimeraz7187 says : China and Russia is really hoping this woman will win your election. we are siding on China and Russia anyways. US is a useless ally when that old fart became a president and now this? >> <<@ayeshiajackson7364 says : NOPE! Y'ALL WOULDN'T STOP. SO NOW... DON'T GET MAD H8OES!!! SOME OF US DONE BIHH!!! DONE!!>> <<@JackHarkey says : Taylor Cynthia White Melissa Harris Donna>> <<@ziff1066 says : Who cares what she said. She is a fraud. A plant that replaced a vegetable. And they picked a fruit for VP>>