<<@benjaminfulton641 says : Taylor Jennifer Hall Donna Wilson George>> <<@bryanbaldwin151 says : Hall Robert Harris Cynthia Robinson Jessica>> <<@jacquelinecroftoon2071 says : Davis Kenneth Miller Laura Robinson Thomas>> <<@Pedrekoshiw says : Lee Karen Clark Brian Martin Brenda>> <<@TomTom-zv7ci says : If congress votes for wars they are the enemy>> <<@LanePerson-r4h says : Gonzalez Nancy Davis Brenda Thomas Charles>> <<@david-c7i7t says : T'S ALREADY ILLEGAL FOR NON CITIZENS TO VOTE PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT . IT'S FAR TOO CLOSE TO THE ELECTION L TO REQUIRE VOTERS TO RE REGISTER, ESPECIALLY AS MANY LEGAL VOTERS DO NOT HAVE PASSPORTS OR DRIVING LICENCES. THIS WHOLE THING SOUNDS VERY DUBIOUS, ESPECIALLY AS DONALD TRUMP IS BEHIND IT. SMELLS LIKE A SCAM TO SOMEHOW GIVE HUGE POWERS TO CORRUPT OFFICIALS AND POSSIBLY VIGILANTE "HELPERS" TO CHALLENGE DEMOCRATS AND FIND AN EXCUSE TO STOP THEM VOTING. THIS ITSELF WOULD NORMALLY BE A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.>> <<@bluefalcon3ID says : NO to the C.R. The speaker is a coward. Johnson left his balls in the SCIF when he cast the tiebreaking vote to allow US citizens to be spied on>> <<@mclovinfuddpucker says : SAVE ACT or close the entire federal government system! We can't afford not to have integrity in our elections anymore. Democrat terrorists are flooding the country with useless illegals who are being told to vote illegally in America.>> <<@rykkuuu says : it isn what it is republicans need to push back harder then the democrats do but no balls to do it>> <<@vegaswoman7020 says : SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN !! OUR ELECTIONS ARE AT RISK !! 🤬 And Republicans HOLD POWER OF THE PURSE . Withhold funds from The Unnecessary Spending of American Tax Dollars to Illegals>>