<<@ianm8137 says : More crap from the annals of history.......>> <<@IvanLeonard-b7y says : These authors are charlatans. Trump's net worth when his father passed away was already 2 Billion. His father left him 300 million. Trump's net worth before the Apprentice started in 2004 was 2.6 Billion. He was not on the brink of financial ruin and the Apprentice did not "save" him. Trump went from being 500 million in debt in 1990 to being a billionaire in 1996. Most of his wealth is in real estate and so the "losses" are only ever temporary. Real estate never really loses it's value. All of the above are independent estimates of his net worth. Because his own claims about his net worth are always inflated. I don't like or dislike Trump, but I absolutely hate authors who lie and deceive the public in order to sell a book.>> <<@IvanLeonard-b7y says : These authors are charlatans. Trump's net worth when his father passed away was already 2 Billion. His father left him 300 million. Trump's net worth before the Apprentice started in 2004 was 2.6 Billion. He was not on the brink of financial ruin and the Apprentice did not "save" him. Trump went from being 500 million in debt in 1990 to being a billionaire in 1996. Most of his wealth is in real estate and so the "losses" are only ever temporary. Real estate never really loses it's value. All of the above are independent estimates of his net worth. Because his own claims about his net worth are always inflated. I don't like or dislike Trump, but I absolutely hate authors who lie and deceive the public in order to sell a book.>> <<@LeechyKun says : I wonder how many people are like Trump, so many people are into the realty business. When you have someone pushing NFT's and Crypto bro stuff, you know something is up. It's like red flag bazinga. They're moving money around like magic behind the scenes. I remember watching a video of one of the sons of Trump mentioning they get most of their money from Russia or something, but that way back then.>> <<@janicemale997 says : Trump is a businessman. You people need to stop judging people that it is not your job.. God will do the judging.. Mind your own business!! Erin sound's absolutely unprofessional...>> <<@janicemale997 says : This journalist is a puece of work!!!>> <<@kevinpackard2096 says : The $15 million loss claimed on Fred’s tax return may not be fraud. But, if he took the loss, then Donald Trump would have been required to pick up $15 million relief of indebtedness income. My bet is that it was Donny that committed fraud.>> <<@danielsmedicineband says : Flush the orange turd forever in 50 days.>> <<@jdh9676 says : These clowns talking about a TV show!😅>> <<@jdh9676 says : "Investigative Reporters?" Trump is a businessman. BIG NEWS!😅"At a moment of failure" Trump succeeds! How awful!😅>> <<@jdh9676 says : lmao ClownNewsNetwork>> <<@glenysmcarthur4659 says : If he was Australian we would have seen that he was a con man years ago because Australians can’t stand tall poppies.>> <<@TaiPanBRC says : CNN aka Weak Men & Angry Woman 😂>> <<@DrDuMore says : First book I’ll ever read…. 😂😂>> <<@bachcarmona says : 🦇💩🤡>> <<@maxcovfefe says : Trump named his youngest son after "John Baron," a fake name Trump gave himself to promote his early businesses. To say he named his kid after this lie is almost too simple. It's a way for him to have two "Junior" kids named after himself in the family.>> <<@1247.cccccc says : If only CNN was this interested in the origin of the Russia hoax. They are unapologetic trash.>> <<@funface4 says : Trump crime family belongs in prison. How on earth is it possible they get away with these crimes??? Lying, lying and cheating 🤥🤨>> <<@Profous222 says : We all know someone like Trampl; Pretender Looser Exaggerator The Me Guy Did That Many Many Times Guy Playboy President Guy Fired Guy Many Face Guy Many Coats Guy Don’t Know You Guy AKA TRAMPL !>> <<@potsy9973 says : @0:49 Yeah sure LOL. I guess thats why he's peddling cheaply made shoes or stupid cards and other crap. I don't see real famous billionaire's lowering down to that level. Because they don't have to.>> <<@bennettkwapong says : The dude is dead broke but keeps scamming his MAGA followers. Just cant understand why they're helping him out and meanwhile his followers are just ordinary folks>> <<@Dan-qt7kq says : Hmmmm, how much is many many billions.>> <<@tonyhopp1052 says : Yawn.>> <<@kyladavy1828 says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lckt2JoRTmU kamalas father>> <<@dianebreton6945 says : Interesting! He is not the only one in corruption …all those rich people what surprise can be found!>> <<@brooklynbabe3727 says : Everyone with an ounce of sense knows that Trump’s show should have been named “Lucky Loser”.>> <<@timothymclain says : Shithole President Trump: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KMPA7Zk58ZQ>> <<@gratisdado says : He have pyramid he moved the money around and pretending to be rich.>> <<@graceabbott9899 says : I would love to find a channel that is actually non-biased and gives the whole story....CNN please be that network>> <<@graceabbott9899 says : That wasn't the answer for the quesstion you were asked VP Kamala>> <<@PatriciaLBentley-c9r says : Vote! 💙>> <<@Forge17 says : Go figure a caricature of a billionaire isn’t all he’s made out to be. I’m embarrassed for all the people that still can’t see it.>> <<@TerryPringle says : All reality shows are garbage never watched em cept for bachelor sorry but for the women>> <<@PaulinaPalos-k8p says : Please give a shoutout to MR. Farmer's AP Human Geography class at Pebble Hills High School in El Paso, Texas. He has been watching the show with his classes for 8 years now and absolutely loves it.>> <<@danroffee4904 says : Lucky Losers are the Congressmen who begin their terms with nothing, then in. 6 years have 10-20 million or more.>> <<@StarWallowingBull says : Keep Making America Broke, That's Trump's MOJO>> <<@4nautia says : It was a tv show 🤦🏻‍♀️ it was supposed to be shocking or no one would have watched it . Y’all sound silly .>> <<@davidcomito505 says : How much better it would have been for him and us if he just kept his TV job. He would have been overlooked by the law for the things he had done and he wouldn't have got in all the trouble he is in now.>> <<@knittingbouvier says : Happy to say I have never watched one episode of The Apprentice. Trump has always made my skin crawl.>> <<@dzcav3 says : If his father lost the $15 million loan, it wasn't fraud to deduct it on his tax. But, since this is CNN, facts don't matter.>> <<@normastone1044 says : The Apprentice: the most unreal reality show ever.>> <<@Chulitatr says : Notice that Trumpf constantly repeated himself when he was younger too?>> <<@4Carz says : What was Jan 6 a result of???>> <<@C_hoops58 says : CNN=Communist News Network>> <<@Joshua-dw8wu says : Given a fraction and stole the rest from his relatives.>> <<@please-wake-up-now says : It's wild how a reality show can mess with politics so much. Makes you wonder if people just wanted drama instead of actual leadership. 😂🤷‍♂️>> <<@joannacsoutherland says : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPtXj5t2YPk&t=11s>> <<@joannacsoutherland says : It is the vote that matters. - he is an asshole and will have the nuclear codes .... and get pissed and blow all of us up.>> <<@michelez715 says : Why is this not surprising?>> <<@kjam4236 says : Trump is the Biggest Liar ever created... I know God created all of us but this Dude 😂🤣😂😎 and people quit calling this Dude a freakin' Business Man...>>