<<@Robert-dx4fq says : Lol fox News is the only News company in the United States of America to pay 785.5 million for lies they told to us all just saying remember that when they tell you something>> <<@arthur-f7o7g says : you demarats are asshold>> <<@edwardausmus6907 says : Boy a lot of trumps people what him dead ,kinda funny. He blames every one but him self. Look in side trump you will see nothing lies. And rot. Vote blue.>> <<@kimsenga4217 says : Who has accent. Kamara or you😂😂😂>> <<@DaleKoenig-vf2uk says : Why aren't we put 0:28 ting Billboards up on every major freeway that show Kamala and her true policies>> <<@Cheese-Hound says : Tell me again how the right needs to "tone down the rhetoric". Where, exactly, is this violence that Joy Reid claims is coming from MAGA?>> <<@pntdblack says : MR HANNITY PLEASE EXPOSE THIS CASE ON YOUR NEWS SHOW: Bombshell NEW Documentary ARRESTED By Kamala: A Black Mother's Story- ON YOUTUBE>> <<@razz-8031 says : During the Trump administration and anytime in modern day history, anyone that made threats like these would have been jailed immediately. Then the Democrats came in.>> <<@klif59 says : is youtube filtering anti trump on this stream>> <<@EiceyConditions says : And this is why I call us a third world country>> <<@razz-8031 says : The majority of the entire low intellect left are deranged.>> <<@eugenepruitt4369 says : A threat to democracy, nothing but rip in the people off.>> <<@TheBlackdiamond88 says : HILLARY CLINTONS BELONGS IN TH3 NEW YORK STATE PEN>> <<@TheBlackdiamond88 says : I find it very disturbing that we can’t make any comments bad against the leftest witou5 be threatened by YouTube that we will be kicked off bu5 th3 leftest are allowed to say really bad threatening against us and trump>> <<@TheBlackdiamond88 says : PLEASE PRESIDENT TRUMP I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A SIGN FOR MY YARD THAT SAYS TRUMP VANCE IAM IN LIMINGTON MAINE I WANT TO ALSO LET YOU KNOW IAM TAKING A PHOTO OF MY VOTE FOR TRUMP AND VANCE I SUGGEST EVERYONE TAKE A PHOTO OF YOUR VOTE WE CANT HAV3 IT STOLEN AGAIN>> <<@garyhicks2771 says : Facebook will not post this news. Communist..................>> <<@americanmutt9089 says : Imagine the dictatorship we would be under with Billary... Trump/Vance 2024!!!>> <<@lisaedwards6533 says : You idiot. When you say other people have trump derangement syndrome you are in fact calling Trump deranged. Syndromes are named after the people who had them first. And that would be trump. After November Trump’s gonna be your problem Fox. You’re gonna see first hand what deranged looks like.>> <<@bushwells3195 says : His mouth is what creates the negative thoughts in the minds. Quit trying to put the blame on Democrats. If more than a thousand say that he is a threat to democracy. The words that anybody use to describe this devil, is far from false. He is the utmost threat to democracy and the world. Sean Insanity Hannity, get off Trump's ntz sack.>> <<@jeremyl4460 says : can anybody explain to me how Sean Hannity is not in a prison Cell serving hard time right now??? upside down, backlash bizarro world🤦‍♂️>> <<@bernadettekennedy-ql7ti says : Clinton's are criminals.>> <<@tonyturbo19 says : They're unbelievable. War- is that what you idiots want? Because that's what you're pushing for if you keep going after our guy. He not a threat Democrats are the threat to America>> <<@Robert-d9m2l says : It isthe Democrats that cause everything>> <<@Robert-d9m2l says : It is the Democrats that are a threat to democracy and America>> <<@Robert-d9m2l says : It is the Democrats that are a threat to democracy and America>> <<@dianaprince9944 says : If he was going to become a dictator...dont they think he would have paved the way to do so in his first presidency?...Trump 2024>> <<@bigbrotherisasob says : Yep, TDS is very real. And their EVIL leader is HILFRAUD CLINTON.>> <<@TPHanky says : Vanity is trumptard derangement syndrome patient zero…. Intentionally dumbs things down to keep his Dipshites engaged>> <<@SarahCarey-d1m says : This is cruel, it's not who Donald Trump is he a kind gentleman humble Godbless him we see the real person they have destroyed him to get their own way,twist his words what he say to mean something. else, may God protect him>> <<@HomerPrice-q2r says : Who is the man that said they’re going to have to put a bullet in him>> <<@Snake.br549 says : I wish they would indict her face it should be against the law>> <<@Snake.br549 says : She comes from the heartland of white supremacy>> <<@Snake.br549 says : It's not his demagoguery it's Hillary's demonology she's evil>> <<@Snake.br549 says : What is Hillary even doing on TV? She needs to be arrested for spewing hatred she has no business in the American public spotlight>> <<@Snake.br549 says : She needs to go to the dog groomer that hairdo is just absolutely scary if I wanted to see a talking poodle I'd ask !>> <<@MatthewYoung-bq6rn says : CNN and NBC and abc are the biggest threats to this so called democracy>> <<@Snake.br549 says : Some guy gave me hail for saying something about Kamala and how bad things are I told him you realize you're paying for over 20 million illegal immigrants to have a better life than you do because of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden not hard to figure out who you need to vote for Trump had everything under control Biden and Harris has done nothing but let this country go to hell and you're going to vote for that again😊 you're out of your freaking mind>> <<@MatthewYoung-bq6rn says : These sickos ARE literally everything they accuse Trump id being>> <<@MatthewYoung-bq6rn says : Every single person who has said this crap should be indicted>> <<@user-sp1pl4zk6j says : The Clinton cartel might want to look into that , Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@user-sp1pl4zk6j says : The Clinton cartel might want to look into that , Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@UrinalChills says : who remembers hillary's coughing fits - hannity was funny covering those back in 2016. I dare any of these so-called NEWS outlets, fox included, to interview me or any other real american vs these dumbass celebrities they bring on for ratings.>> <<@frankackerman8408 says : If Hillary had a say, our 1st Amendment would be rescinded.>> <<@Jantango says : I voted democratic for 50 years. Robert F. Kennedy Jr has helped me see the light and recognize truth. Fox News has kept me informed for two years. Now that Bobby and Trump are working together, I will vote Republican on November 5.>> <<@jimmahoney7803 says : Biden and Harris are demons in flesh form. They are being used for the destruction of the United States internally. How do you defend insane when good is hidden In the shadows.>> <<@spencersaucier4137 says : Sound's like you have just been threatened. Peter Doocy. You may now be in danger.>> <<@mquin2112 says : It’s ironic how they say he’s a threat, but never say how or what he’s ever done to be an actual threat.>> <<@enzopico1314 says : Sean just so you know they won’t let you share on Facebook>> <<@FrankLynn-g5m says : Now this is prophecy...“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright MORON.” ― H.L. Mencken, circa 1920>> <<@jasonbew7098 says : And people still vote for these robots!!🙄>>