<<@winstonsmith7801 says : We should censor lambie and her Bogan mind.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : What has this parasite done for Australia oh yes vote for the Digital ID, Misinformation and Surveillance of Australians, why is she getting airtime ay Sky whose paid her off.>> <<@CroisMoi says : All governments need to make censorship illegal. Freedom is now online platforms.>> <<@m66clientvideos32 says : Fascist little egotistical dictator. People like this should never be near power.>> <<@EZZMONEY says : Try as you might you can't slap the ghoul out of a Dem infested company>> <<@Hyperboler says : She makes that double dissolution sound like a better idea every time she opens her mouth.>> <<@TSpackman says : Lambi desperately trying to stay relevant 😂>> <<@smiley7123-mp5bz says : How bout government and Lambie pull their heads in....nobody forcing anybody to watch or use social media....its called personal responsibility people....gruesome acts and attrocities happen everyday and hav always happened...no point trying to shield kids from it they will find out soon enough how the world works>> <<@ChickityChicken says : Single mum 🙄. Probably reads at a 5th grade level.>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : How about parents start doing their jobs. It ain't Government or Social Media's job to raise kids>> <<@Design_no says : Go away Jacko Lambo. we don't want to hear from you.>> <<@Design_no says : Lambo, another useless government rep.>> <<@Design_no says : Maybe the government should issue everyone with a pager and be done with it.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : "paranoia strikes deep, into yo' mind it will creep..." *Lord of War (Opening Title Sequence)*>> <<@tamimrktz6966 says : More government control?? No, thanks!!>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : And exploding pagers 😆 🤣>>