<<@tlb2970 says : In other words, they are not ready>> <<@magmabuildup says : 2019/2020 Australia east coast fires = decade old speedrail map>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Labor BS again and again and again>> <<@jimmycook872 says : They have had since 2019 to get their act together. What they're not mentioning is the 2016 biodiversity act stopping a lot of people from being able to prepare property by owners for fire. Looks like they couldn't organise a chook raffle.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Just another spend fest with no real outcome.>> <<@M77982 says : Just confirming the Greenies have stopped the backburning.>> <<@donotcomply665 says : How much is this gonna cost the taxpayer? And if they were serious, why did they vote down an enquiry into their handling of the 'pandemic' ?>> <<@mk1479 says : Ah I see, basically prepare to do nothing as the fire season approaches.. Preparing had to be done before hand, like prescribed burning, maintaining fire breaks, containment lines, etc.. Now it's too late to prepare. Wasting money is what you people do best, without any concrete resolution. Sad but true.>>