<<@bencordell1965 says : Met a guy today living with his wife in a tent in a park in Belmont geelong today...been there for 12 months.>> <<@zaniwhite says : If he was back in High School he would take you behind the Gym. I would not go behind anything with him shirt lifter cry baby>> <<@littletony1764 says : Divisive, incompetent lying Labor promised all this at the last election and the useful idiots rushed out and voted for them, and now they worse off, and nothing changed, actually things got worse under Labor's watch. The only thing Labor did, was divide the country with the Voice to parliament that the majority had no interest in, the people actually voted for more nurses in aged care facilities, as promised by Labor; the people are still waiting for more houses, which is worse now under Labor; they are still waiting for cheaper electricity, which Labor promised, and now Labor is playing the same old record again, duping the people with fake promises, and as usual, the same old useful idiots will fall for their lies again and again and again.>> <<@cherylkillion9535 says : Magoo>> <<@cherylkillion9535 says : Macoo>> <<@cherylkillion9535 says : I know the damage is already done, please get rid of him. This is the worst pm we have ever had.>> <<@LordlyStatistic says : Joe is a socialist. Get him off Sky News>> <<@thetechman143 says : And ruin families, all while not paying a dollar for anything. ALL PARTIES ARE CORRUPT AND UPTO NO-GOOD.>> <<@Grockrobin says : I cannot believe they want tax payers to buy 40% of new homeowners mortgage! This will only push house prices higher! Let the ponzi scheme crash!!>> <<@vincentcacciola7161 says : Its called panic>> <<@ianenglish123 says : Dont take the smiling fat mans word for this. Labor is determined to get low income earners into there first home. Its pathetic that the coalition sided with the greens.>> <<@haruchai says : Lets hope he takes his bat and goes home and stays there, never to be seen again.>> <<@donotcomply665 says : Criminals, not children. All of them>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Paul talking about Labor behaving like children **COMEDY GOLD** Where's Giggling Rita...>> <<@user-qw7nr4zp3y says : Jesus Murray is such a pathetic excuse for a journalist. He doesnt even know what the bill is called and he is trying to level critisims at it. Pathetic.>>