<<@KT-bb1tb says : F. Big Business.....They only Employ People !>> <<@jasonseng5463 says : Business of any size couldn't care less about workers>> <<@ianjones7740 says : Is albos’ hair going grey ?>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Australia is one of those places where if you succeed you get punished.>> <<@wilbur1884 says : IT'S A LUTTA MANIFESTOE eats "bean" NUTTIN but A (bowla bean's) have you "bean" SUPRISED YALL BRITT'STA'S & MUMZAYE'S SPELL-OAT-CHA BOWLA 🥣 BEAN'S QWITE ALFTON.👋🤪>> <<@jameswatt7249 says : Big business is doing fine.>>